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Steven Gerrard


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The relatively good news is that 2 games ago, I thought we might be cut adrift by Christmas. 4 points from 2 games including one against Man City that we were arguably unlucky not to win, is a total I don't think anyone expected before those 2 games.

It does feel like every good result is just kicking the can down the road by a couple more weeks though. We know how this ends.

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22 hours ago, DCJonah said:

But we sacked the last manager because he wasn't getting the most out of the squad and now the narrative seems to be that any manager would struggle to get anything from this squad. 

All whilst the club set top half minimum expectations. 

Doesn't really make sense. 

I know. My take on what the club is saying is that they just produce corporate bullshit aimed at getting us to spend money on them in the hope that we get an exciting season. So in that sense it makes some sense at least, but I get what you mean.


And to be clear, I think we could get better results with a different manager, I'm just saying there are no guarantees and we seriously need to improve the squad as well IMO.

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We went into the game with a terrible home record, no clean sheets in 11 games. Confidence was going to be an issue, no matter how good the performance against City was. The real test is now against Leeds, Gerrard needs to show some invention and allow the players the freedom they need to play, we saw it in glimpses. The players have it in them and for his sake, we need to see that on show.

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53 minutes ago, daft said:

I think he's irretrievably lost to the fanbase. I just don't see him making a popular comeback from the start he has had.

From the fans point of view there is no redeeming him now. He'll always **** some detail up, squad selection, performance, interview etc. 

He's pretty much done unless he brings silverware, and not just any silverware. Something important.

I think people on here can be mistaken thinking this forum is totally reflective of the fan base as a whole.

I see posts on here that he’s lost the fans, won’t get them back, people are totally disillusioned etc etc. Then I go to VP and large sections of the Holte End are singing his name and people are celebrating the win.

Im not saying he is the right man for the job at all but I don’t think he’s as close to the exit as people think or that he’s hated as much as some people would like him to be.


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2 minutes ago, WallisFrizz said:

I think people on here can be mistaken thinking this forum is totally reflective of the fan base as a whole.

I see posts on here that he’s lost the fans, won’t get them back, people are totally disillusioned etc etc. Then I go to VP and large sections of the Holte End are singing his name and people are celebrating the win.

Im not saying he is the right man for the job at all but I don’t think he’s as close to the exit as people think or that he’s hated as much as some people would like him to be.


Good point. 

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11 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

The potential of Coutinho, Buendia, Bailey, Watkins and Ings as options in a forward line is frightening. Typically we are in a position where the manager doesn’t know how to use them properly.

We are wasting our best squad in a decade.

An we ain't got the players is Gerrards defence, That front line should get us top 10 all day long with a bit of decent coaching.

Not only can I see the football not improving under this manager, there is no way he is improving players either.

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41 minutes ago, daft said:

Well said. Building a successful team is a multi-part problem, and I think too many are so fixated on the manager problem (which is real) that they ignore the squad problem (which IMO is also real).

And with Kamara now out long term (most likely) our squad is essentially the same as last years. That is scary to me. 

Yes, maybe we can get more out of them with a better manager, but there are no guarantees.

Agreed - I would add that for all the quality we have, we should be getting more out of them - that's certainly down to tactics. But it's also mentality - if every player was like Dibu, we'd be in a much better position, the weak mentality of some of the players is embarassing and they haven't stepped up enough. We have a god awful record of dropping points from winning positions. I'm not sure how you address that without removing some of the players entirely. The drop in form of certain players has been staggering. I hope the win and clean sheet gives them something to build on.

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7 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I've only just listened to his post-match comments, about how a new coach came in during the summer and wanted us to move forward quicker.

The buck doesn't stop here, does it.

He has said when he came in he would make no excuses 😂

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26 minutes ago, Zatman said:

He has said when he came in he would make no excuses 😂

He's said the phrase no excuse culture so much. 

But it just shows that it's all talk. You don't build a culture if you don't truly believe in it and live it. 


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Was talking with my mate about this. We have both worked for sales managers exactly like Gerrard. The gritty working class sales manager who was a brilliant salesman back in the day. 

Who can be eloquent but eventually you can see straight through them. They have a way of wanting you to work. Of making cold calls every week despite no one ever picking the phone up to you anymore.  

Sales has moved on. Just because you were brilliant 10 years ago doesnt mean jack shit now. 




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We deserved a point from the Man City game. They had loads of possession and some chances but actually we were disciplined in our shape, defended well, good on the counter and missed some chances ourselves. The game plan was spot on and the players executed it well. 

Last night was the usual dross we’ve been watching in attack but defensively pretty good although they offered little. I thought the comments Gerrard made about Critchley were unnecessary and I didn’t like it. He needs to stop having digs at our own in public. If things like that need to be said, it’s for Bodymoor Heath only.

I also think Neville and Carragher were very soft letting him get away with the back to basics narrative given that we have a squad better or at least on a par with most of the others outside of the big six, yet he can’t get them going. 

I am a positive person and I want him to succeed but it’s a struggle. 

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