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Formula One - 2021


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Just now, Farlz said:

This will go to court no doubt but for now I can celebrate and be happy until then. 

I think you're going to be safe regardless of the court case to be honest - I don't think they can punish Max because Max isn't the accused. At worst they'd write off the result of this race, but I'd think that would still leave Max as champion.

Some very serious questions need to be asked of the people running the sport though - they've interfered with results, either through incompetence, corruption or simply to make a better TV show and that's ultimately really damaging to the idea of F1.

Masi should go and he shouldn't be the only one to lose their job on this.


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1 minute ago, Lichfield Dean said:

I'm still concerned about the precedent this sets for the lower places teams. Basically the race director can arbitrarily deny them a proper chance to race for position if he thinks it would make the leadership challenge more exciting. If I were McLaren or Alpine I'd be furious at this.

Happens in football ain't it. Look at the top 4 and these penalties we have been talking about.

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Whether it is the right decision to uphold it or not people, Max, Red Bull celebrating this championship is embarrassing.

I'd be embarrassed to celebrate this win.

I find it all totally classless. You won on a safety car and a technicality.

You didn't have the pace the strategy the car or the driver. You were 10 seconds off the pace. You lost. You did nothing today to win that race other than a throw of the dice pit which anyone in 2nd place would have done. 

You didn't "win" anything.

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Formula 1 car racing.

Showcasing the best High Sugar & Caffeine non-car producing Car producers in the world.

I predict Cadbury's winning an F1 Championship before 2030, you heard it here first.

I mean, just imagine irn Bru Drinks Company beating NASA to putting the first people on Mars, what a world! :P

Edited by MaVilla
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No one can prove bribery but he chose a completely non conventional re-start that was 99.99% going to hand the win to Verstappen.  He's surely got to explain why he chose to do that. 

And if his absolute overriding desire was to see the race out, head to head why didn't he red flag it and allow an at least even playing field. 

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1 minute ago, Phil Silvers said:

You were in a jolly this afternoon, it's my turn now🤪

And apparently Red Bull fans are weird...........

Keep lashing out Phil, when you wake up tomorrow Max will still be World Champion, Lewis won't be and there will be no evidence to suggest Horner paid off Masi.

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