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Happy Christmas or Something (2020)


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Yeah, I can live without rhubard, too. Horrible sour stuff, but at least it can be made almost palatable by drowning it in colossal quantities of sugar and custard. But the nasty bitterness of celery is beyond help. 

Edited by mjmooney
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We’ve had the same rhubarb plant through 3 house moves and it currently resides up the allotment.

Brilliant vibrant tasty stuff. As long as you don’t kill it with 1950’s levels of boiling the buggery out of it and then turning it in to pink sugar.

Celery has great taste and texture. Love it. I chop up the leaf as a herb in to a fair few different things.

Celery is an absolute must in salads. 

I think both rhubarb and celery require a sophisticated intelligent grown up palate.

And quite frankly, I will not take any food critique from someone that would put bisto on a fish.




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Case closed. Die Hard Is A Christmas Movie Debate Ended By The Movie’s Director


Other people started to catch on that this was a movie where the hero was a real human being and the people of authority, all of the important folks, were all portrayed as kind of foolish. Everybody, as they came to work on the movie, began to get that, as I said, this movie is an escapee [from the Hollywood machine], and there was a joy in it. We hadn’t intended it to be a Christmas movie but the joy that came from it is what turned it into a Christmas movie.


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Just succumbed to a Disney Plus subscription so we can watch all of the Christmas films they've taken off other platforms. 

So that's in addition to my MASSIVE Virgin TV bill, Sky Movies, Sky Sports, Amazon Prime, Netflix and TV licence payments. 

Deregulation of TV has really worked out well for us consumers hasn't it.

If I hadn't have moved house the cost of watching TV would have been almost as much as my mortgage. 

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41 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Just succumbed to a Disney Plus subscription so we can watch all of the Christmas films they've taken off other platforms. 

So that's in addition to my MASSIVE Virgin TV bill, Sky Movies, Sky Sports, Amazon Prime, Netflix and TV licence payments. 

Deregulation of TV has really worked out well for us consumers hasn't it.

If I hadn't have moved house the cost of watching TV would have been almost as much as my mortgage. 

I was going to subscribe to Disney Plus but my tablet is too old for it to work on! So scrapped that idea. 

Had a bit of a cull of the others... cancelled Amazon Prime, Now TV Movies and Now TV Entertainment (basically Sky). Just have Netflix and BritBox now. 

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4 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Celery can get in the **** sea

Horrible stuff, only beetroot is worse 

Is the wrong answer.

Pickled beetroot is awesome, I drink the juice from the jar.

Most disgusting is cucumber. Foul tasting shit, only good for porn films.

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7 minutes ago, Xela said:

I was going to subscribe to Disney Plus but my tablet is too old for it to work on! So scrapped that idea. 

Had a bit of a cull of the others... cancelled Amazon Prime, Now TV Movies and Now TV Entertainment (basically Sky). Just have Netflix and BritBox now. 

You can use your Now TV box to watch Disney if that's how you were accessing it. 

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5 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

Celery has great taste and texture

Sick puppy. It's vile in both taste and texture - raw it's like fibrous, stringy yuck, and cooked, it's just a soggy, foul tasting gloop.

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IMO, celery is only useful for Waldorf salad and pizza sauce. That's it. As a youngster (about 55 years ago), I enjoyed munching on young rhubarb stalks dipped in sugar, and a favourite childhood grandma-made dessert was rhubarb compote with cream. Almost caramelized rhubarb jam is nice, too. But rhubarb stalks contains so much oxalic acid that you can clean old, stained aluminium pots by simply boiling a bunch of them, so something to be enjoyed (that's if you actually enjoy it) in moderation.

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3 hours ago, blandy said:

Sick puppy. It's vile in both taste and texture - raw it's like fibrous, stringy yuck, and cooked, it's just a soggy, foul tasting gloop.

Ah. Learned something new there. Google returned 53 300 000 results for "cooked celery", 5 790 000 results for "braised celery". So actually cooking or braising celery as a single side-dish is a thing? I have never considered it. An ingredient in a dish, nothing more.

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