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17 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

This data has just come out in the last hour. 

And those lying words removed kept telling everyone schools were safe. 

*safe for the children (mainly).

This government obviously hate teachers

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3 minutes ago, Genie said:


Everyone in Staffordshire who is over 80 and all care home residents and staff will be vaccinated by Sunday.

Big words. Every 80 plus in Staffordshire will be offered the first dose? Where has that come from?

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My Nan is 93. Hasn't left the house since March. Mom goes round once a week to drop shopping off etc. 

She has been rung about the vaccine but is refusing to go to the surgery. She wants the doctor to visit and do it. Mom has told her she's not immobile, and she'll take her but my Nan won't have it and is adamant she wants the doctor to visit. 

She'll be waiting a while. 

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29 minutes ago, Xela said:

My Nan is 93. Hasn't left the house since March. Mom goes round once a week to drop shopping off etc. 

She has been rung about the vaccine but is refusing to go to the surgery. She wants the doctor to visit and do it. Mom has told her she's not immobile, and she'll take her but my Nan won't have it and is adamant she wants the doctor to visit. 

She'll be waiting a while. 

Had a similar thing with my Mother in law for the flu vaccine.  As she was fully sheltering we tried to get the doctor to her, but it was impossible, and that was before the Covid Vaccines started. My sister in law had to take her to the Dr's in the end. 

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58 minutes ago, Xela said:

My Nan is 93. Hasn't left the house since March. Mom goes round once a week to drop shopping off etc. 

She has been rung about the vaccine but is refusing to go to the surgery. She wants the doctor to visit and do it. Mom has told her she's not immobile, and she'll take her but my Nan won't have it and is adamant she wants the doctor to visit. 

She'll be waiting a while. 

Slightly different as my Nan (smiliar age) is pretty much confined to her room, but she got her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine at home today, so home visits are happening now.

Edited by AlwaysAVFC
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2 minutes ago, bickster said:

Israel saying their preliminary findings on a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine do not show the same efficacy as the UK Govt were claiming one dose gave to justify delaying the second dose

I have a feeling this might turn out to be the Government snatching defeat from the jaws of victory having received praise for their handling of the vaccine development/roll out so far.

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Israel saying their preliminary findings on a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine do not show the same efficacy as the UK Govt were claiming one dose gave to justify delaying the second dose

The statement I read was that it is not showing the same effectiveness after 1 does as Pfizer had said it would from their trials (I believe they had found it was 52% effective from 1 dose).

It’s not clear if that is because some people’s behaviour might be changing after getting a vaccine shot i.e. it seems like some might be acting as if it’s all over once they have received a shot and mixing widely again whilst the vaccine actually takes a couple of weeks to build up antibodies.

If so this vulnerability in the first few days would be a problem whether you give the shot after 2 weeks or 12 (I think Israel are sticking with the two week regime).

Edited by LondonLax
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45 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

The statement I read was that it is not showing the same effectiveness after 1 does as Pfizer had said it would from their trials (I believe they had found it was 52% effective from 1 dose).

It’s not clear if that is because some people’s behaviour might be changing after getting a vaccine shot i.e. it seems like some might be acting as if it’s all over once they have received a shot and mixing widely again whilst the vaccine actually takes a couple of weeks to build up antibodies.

If so this vulnerability in the first few days would be a problem whether you give the shot after 2 weeks or 12 (I think Israel are sticking with the two week regime).

Yes, that's absolutely true.  Hardly anyone would have had it long enough yet for the full protection from shot 1 to have built up, so it's a bit of a mystery how they can be measuring it's efficacy yet. 

You really need to study these things for a number of months (as per the clinical trials) to work out the effectiveness. 

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Just reading the story, of course like us they are only vaccinating the old people, so yes the efficiency will be lower and the overall effectiveness will rise when they start adding younger people into the model. 

Be interesting to know out of those who did get Covid, how many of them got seriously ill. 

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I don't get why it can be reported that people are vaccinated after just one dose.  To be properly vaccinated you need the second dose.  At best it should be reported like that.  You don't call the result of a football match at half time.

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1 minute ago, Straggler said:

I don't get why it can be reported that people are vaccinated after just one dose.  To be properly vaccinated you need the second dose.  At best it should be reported like that.  You don't call the result of a football match at half time.

I agree. I believe that we should get the first dose out to as many people as possible but the language used is that people are vaccinated. Its the first of 2. 

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5 minutes ago, Straggler said:

I don't get why it can be reported that people are vaccinated after just one dose.  To be properly vaccinated you need the second dose.  At best it should be reported like that.  You don't call the result of a football match at half time.

It is being reported like that. This is from the government website



More than 4 million people in the UK have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as part of the largest vaccination programme in British history.

The NHS vaccinated a total of 4.06 million people between 8 December and 17 January, including more than half of those aged 80 and over and more than half of elderly care home residents.

Background information

A total number of 4,062,501 have received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the UK. 452,301 people have received their second jab.

There is a level of protection from the first jab so I can see why they are saying people are vaccinated. It’s not as much as having 2 but does provide protection.

Edited by Genie
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3 minutes ago, Straggler said:

I don't get why it can be reported that people are vaccinated after just one dose.  To be properly vaccinated you need the second dose.  At best it should be reported like that.  You don't call the result of a football match at half time.

Well you have been vaccinated after 1 dose. It's the same stuff in the bottle each time, it's not like it's two parts that need to be taken together before anything happens. 

The effectiveness increases if you take more of it but you have still been 'vaccinated' with 1. 

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Ok, my main problem is with a massive lack of trust in the govt.  If they can go around saying they have vaccinated x million people after one dose they can let the second one slip and slip until it is too late and some unintended consequence kicks us all in the butt.  The Tories are way happier chasing a good headline than good science and public health, they need to be kept honest and the job needs to be reported as half done at one jab.  Just imagine them making this hypothetical decision.  They have 10 million people with one jab in them for two months and have 10 million more jabs available for the next 2 months.  Policy at the moment gives those jabs to 10 million more people. 20 million vaccinated yay! then they have 10 million more jabs for the next 2 months. Do they do another 10 million people or give the second jab to the first lot who will be getting up to 6 months on one jab by the end of this period.  Do they chase the 30 million people vaccinated headline?

What happens to the spread of the virus when a critical mass of people are wondering around with some immunity?  What happens to a virus in terms of mutation if it gets to co-exist with the vaccine in 20 million hosts who are part vaccinated?

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