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General Election 2017


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39 minutes ago, Xann said:

Entirely predictably, the Orange order are looking to the DUP to push for permission to march.

Good. Bring it on, hasten the collapse. 

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12 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Good. Bring it on, hasten the collapse. 

House of cards for real,  one wrong move and it will all tumble down. 

There will be a request about the Flag in N.I as well.  It should be flown 24/7 as it is British ground ffs but it is going to be reduced,  mediate that then Mrs May or don't get the votes.

The little things in N.I as we know are the items that cause some of the biggest problems.  Marches / Flag's are just what they want to talk about at the moment.  It is hysterically funny in a way.  She is the Mr. Bean of politics.


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It's inevitable that the DUP will lean on the Tories to swing Northern Ireland their way. It'll keep coming.

Then the Tories have a choice. Completely break Northern Ireland again or risk the government falling over entirely.

Anyone want to bet which?

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20 minutes ago, Chindie said:

It's inevitable that the DUP will lean on the Tories to swing Northern Ireland their way. It'll keep coming.

Then the Tories have a choice. Completely break Northern Ireland again or risk the government falling over entirely.

Anyone want to bet which?

It will be the Government,  if you get N.I. wrong people die.  Simple as that I suppose and even a Tory would not cause the deaths of innocents.  

The Tories are funny though,  go East, can't get a grip of the whole Europe thing,  so go West to N.I and this seems problematic also for them.  It's like nobody likes them or something.  

As an aside,  would it not be better for everyone if the Conservatives split the party into 2 ? 


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6 minutes ago, limpid said:

Apart from foxes. Or elephants. Or the poor.

It was a sarcastic comment from myself to be honest.

They are not innocents in their eyes I suspect,  probably the opposite.  

We can add the ill and disabled to that list as well for completeness.


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She doesn't care. She's clinging to power. It'll be portrayed as her having no choice. But she does.

As for the blame when Belfast is on fire again? No, it won't be Theresa's fault. It'll be all those people who stubbornly refused to vote Tory's fault, of course. Theresa just did her best with the hand given her, she had to try to govern fit the country's own good, because the silly people didn't do as they were told.

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@Awol Sorry to go back to this out of the blue but a few days back you wrote a post saying in order to complete their nationalisation agenda Labour needed a hard Brexit as such things weren't allowed in the single market. From what I've read that doesn't seem to be true. Admittedly it was only two articles but both were suggesting this started with a Farage comment which turned out to be untrue there are several mechanisms by which Labour could nationalise and remain within single market.

You maybe right they want a hard Brexit anyway but just wondering whether you had the article/reference which supported your original claim as I'd be keen to see it. 

Edited by villaglint
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2 minutes ago, villaglint said:

@Awol Sorry to go back to this out of the blue but a few days back you wrote a post saying in order to complete their nationalisation agenda Labour needed a hard Brexit as such things weren't allowed in the single market. From what I've read that doesn't seem to be true. Admittedly it was only two articles but both were suggesting this started with a Farage comment which turned out to be untrue there are several mechanisms by which Labour could nationalise and remain within single market.

You maybe right they want a hard Brexit anyway but just wondering whether you had the article/reference which supported your original claim as I'd be keen to see it. 


It's obviously untrue as most European countries have nationalised railways, indeed most of the world does. Even power, in France at least is mainly nationalised

Whether this is some bizarre re-nationalisation law, who knows but as you say, the only person I've seen claim it is Herr Farago

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