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The 12 Days of Crapness


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37 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Not sure if he was just delusional about his ability, ridiculously self confident or borderline retarded.

For a second, I thought I was in the '21st Century Managers' thread when I read this. It fits one of the previous incumbents to a 'T'.

Edited by TB
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3 hours ago, Tommo_b said:

i was always sure eventually Tonev would score one of those "atomic" strikes, but he never did.... did he?

he got one in the international qualifiers recently for Bulgaria

wasnt as atomic as I expected though

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The 9th Day of Crapness, and never has a fall from grace been so obvious.

A player for the opposite flank to Tonev, and one who 10 years earlier was everything Tonev wasn't. Sadly, by the time he got to Villa Park on his inflated contract, chauffeur driven helicopter, Michelin starred personal chef, and chateau within the grounds of Bodymoor Heath, the only thing that remained was his trademark flowing locks. And even they were looking a bit threadbare.

Like a corked bottle of vintage wine, an overcooked filet steak, or a classic car left to rot in a back garden, it can only be Robert Pires...


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On 02/01/2017 at 08:59, NurembergVillan said:


A player for the opposite flank to Tonev, and one who 10 years earlier was everything Tonev wasn't. Sadly, by the time he got to Villa Park on his inflated contract.

I always presumed that as he was scratching around for a club for a few months, he was desperate to play football and would have been on a modest salary.

Now I feel even worse about this deal..!

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6 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

We all have those players who we jokingly say is the "worst villa player I've ever seen!"

Well I think Tonev really is the worst villa player I've ever seen.

Undoubtedly in the top 5, probably in the top 3. Absolutely dreadful.

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Carlton Cole in the striking role for me. Bag of shit in a Villa shirt (not the he was much cop in any other shirt). Nice one DO'L.  

Edited by dAVe80
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14 hours ago, Zatman said:

Bowery is still the most bizarre signing the club has made, at least Salifou had played in a World Cup

no idea what Lambert was thinking

I can only assume that some other signings had fallen through and someone suggested Bowery as a bit of a punt.

It does seem incredibly bizarre

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