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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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3 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

A second referendum would be interesting. The received wisdom says that too-frequent elections cause voter irritation and a corresponding drop in turnout. I'll bet that wouldn't be the case here. I think a lot of the previously complacent Remainers who assumed it would be a foregone conclusion would turn out this time. On the other hand, so would the hardcore leavers, outraged at this attempt to 'overthrow the will of the people'. Might be very close again. 

ah as I was posting I thought fewer would turn out , you were posting the opposite :) 

tbh I think you are right in that a lot more remainer voters ( Student sort of age etc )  would turn out but I just think a lot more people just won't bother , they just sort of got bored of it all and won't be galvanised like they were the first time around  .. we might just end up with a result bade on "the will of the Hardcore people "  !!

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7 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

tbh if there was a second one I'd imagine a lot of people wouldn't bother voting , but by Remainer logic  , unless all the racists have left the Uk , Leave would still win surely ?



I suspect there's lots of hard-core remainers who would vote and lots of ignorant working class racists who dont normally vote and probabl;y couldnt find a polling station twice in two years

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18 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

Maybe, just maybe all the people who believed the lies from last time might be a little bit more critical about the poison that the likes of Johnson and Farage are feeding them.

see my post earlier today that referenced Osborne's " poison "  .. funny that it's only the leave campaign that appears to have lied , mislead and scaremongered  !!


But that aside ,  do you think to your average voter that some one like Johnson's appeal ( to certain types ) has  vanished  ?..  was it the personality of the politicians or what they were saying ( or maybe a little of both )    .. Farage and Johnson more appealing than Osborne , Cameron and Clegg etc  ( arguably why we shouldn't have referendum in the first place )

May is so unpopular that whoever she campaigns for could be onto a loser  and presumably Corbyn , based on last time around , won't want to be seen sharing a platform with her  +  will want to sit on the first as usual and see which way the wind is blowing 

so , dunno ..  but saying that , I don't think there will be a second vote anyway

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A second referendum I suspect would see Leave win again.

You have all the same problems of last time coupled to 18 months of toxic press, with the simple answer again being glorious England held back by dirty Krauts and Frogs. The problems with it are neither here nor there, the Brexit vote doesn't care or care to understand them.

Saying all that, I doubt there will be a second referendum. And there probably shouldn't be. They're shit. What we need is a load of politicians with some bollo... Hahaha.

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Revoting on this.. 

If the remainers couldn't use the sheer amount of ammo based on Davies's pathetic performance and May's utter incompetence throughout the leave process, showing us how weak we truly are in the grand scheme of the divorce proceedings, then to be fair we deserve to leave.  

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The latest poll I saw on this (about a week or 2 weeks ago) had voting intention at 60/40 in favour of remain.

But we're leaving because of the "will of the people" :rolleyes:



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9 hours ago, Jon said:

The latest poll I saw on this (about a week or 2 weeks ago) had voting intention at 60/40 in favour of remain.

But we're leaving because of the "will of the people" :rolleyes:



 if we use VT polls as a measure of the "will of the people"  we'd have Caroline Lucas as PM :)  ... and if we act on polls as will of the people then wouldn't  Corbyn  have been removed as leader of his party and retired long before he got to come second in a two horse race


the last actual VOTE on the matter however was 52 /48  ..  not the will of the people , but the will of the majority of people that bothered to vote

Edited by tonyh29
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People would rarely tick the box that said 'I was wrong last time, the others were right'.

If there is a direct correlation between age and voting intention, wouldn't the dead be replaced by the middle aged that got a click older?

I've got leave down for a second win, 2:0 on aggregate over both legs.


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2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

People would rarely tick the box that said 'I was wrong last time, the others were right'.

If there is a direct correlation between age and voting intention, wouldn't the dead be replaced by the middle aged that got a click older?

I've got leave down for a second win, 2:0 on aggregate over both legs.


call it best of 5 ?  or go with the old jumpers for goalposts rule of keep going until my mum says I have to come in for my tea


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1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

call it best of 5 ?  or go with the old jumpers for goalposts rule of keep going until my mum says I have to come in for my tea


We've started this war so we must fight to the death, No Surrender!

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Just now, tonyh29 said:

call it best of 5 ?  or go with the old jumpers for goalposts rule of keep going until my mum says I have to come in for my tea


double or quits, the options should be a - remain, b - physically leave europe with a series of hydraulic things that will eventually see the UK somewhere just off the coast of Maryland

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1 hour ago, WhatAboutTheFinish said:

Well when she does, even if the score is 13-3 by then, surely it's 'next goal wins'?

technically yes , but you can never rule out "it's my ball and I'm taking it home "

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not sure, an inevitably lower turnout could mean more apathetic leave voters not bothering to vote after realising how painstaking, boring and maybe silly it would be than remain voters not bothering. I think there would be a higher percentage of remainers voting again as they would feel they could ‘correct’ the decision.

won’t and probably shouldn’t happen though, **** referendi.

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Once the clowns have thrashed out the deal, we are not getting, we should have a new vote , 

May hasn't got the mandate for such an important decision. At least we get a say with the facts of the separation decided, then we can try and imagine the future in or out . 

On reflection we shouldn't have had the referendum to start with, even those closest to the issue don't seem to understand the implications of it. 

Bluster and bullshit won the referendum but it won't run the country, May is finding that out now.

The same reasons that justified the first one should be used to justify the second.

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53 minutes ago, meregreen said:

I do think people should have the right to vote on the actual deal on offer and not the claims from either side before the negotiations had even begun. Or will “ the people” not be allowed to change their minds. 

A public vote on a deal would see it rejected.

Three voting groups:

1 No. This deal's crap, we should just tell johnny belgium he needs to give us exactly what we want, go back and tell 'em. Build that wall. Build that wall.

2 No. This deal's crap 'cos I wanted to remain and this is less good than remain.

3 Yes, this deal appears to set the right level of trade links whilst also protecting our cultural independence.


I'm going to stick my neck out and say the combined votes of groups 1 & 2 would be 51% or higher.

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