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So looks like it's going to be Garde, unless it falls through at the last minute, which I don't think it will. There's a good chance this will have been planned for a while now, just hope it goes through before Tottenham.

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Stan's point was that because of Lerner short changing us for so many years he is essentially the man creating the squad. 

If he said that Lerner chooses the first 11 then obviously he phrased it wrong but the point was clear nonetheless.

Yes-Pretty obvious what he was getting at

I'm glad Stan was booted from his column.

Regardless of the job you do, you can't publicly slag your employer off. 

He did it for free iirc.

Yes-Stated earlier on the show tonight that he wasn't paid for it.

I think he's been a breath of fresh air tonight & would love to be a fly on the boardrooms wall when they discuss this show.

Why would they discuss the rantings of a twisted and bitter man. If he was paid for his column and did Talk Shite for free do you think he'd have the same opinion. Talk Shite is where shock jock's go to die.

Actually, they weren't rantings, they were very well put and very harsh criticisms and questioning of exactly who these people are, what they do exactly and what right do they have to decide who plays for the club. He slaughtered them and rightly so - They are as much to blame, if not more so than the likes of Lambert & Sherwood. They will be discussing it alright-Don't worry about that.

None of them care twopence about Villa, from Lerner to Fox to Reilley.

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Since when did 'Villa are looking elsewhere' translate into it's going to be Garde? People burying their head in the sand. Looks like a dead horse to me and the Birmingham Mail reporters.

remind me, was it you who said the same about almost every one of our summer signings?

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That they were rubbish.

Henceforth, we are cut adrift at the bottom of the league.

Hope this helps. 

No no no, it doesn't help because you completely misread my post. You said that those deals for the summer signings were dead in the water. 2 days later they were holding up the shirt.

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Well it doesn't stop Baticle from resigning and joining us 5 minutes later, then Lyon will get very angry and send Aston Villa a letter saying how angry they are and then Villa will agree a settlement with them. Easy.

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