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The Best Villa Finisher Ever?


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I've been lucky enough to see some great goals & some great goal scorers in all my years supporting our heroes. Players like Andy Lochhead, Bruce Rioch, Brian Little, John Deehan, Andy Gray, Gary Shaw, Peter Withe,Alan McInally, renegade Dwight Yorke,Dean Saunders, Dalian Atkinson, Dion Dublin, Juan Pablo Angel, The Gabster, The Big Guy from the Rocket Club ;), plus Darren Bent & ofcourse the Monster Man Christian Benteke.


Ofcourse there is no mention of poor old Emile Heskey in that highly revered list quoted above (Yorke excepted) because he notoriously couldn't hit a barn door.


Some of the players on that list above were obviously great players & some were just plain old out & out goal scorers. Some of them however we're percentage strikers & not necessarily great finishers. You'll have your own views on that. Take JPA for example. When he was hot he was hot & when he was not, he was not. (Remember those 2 bloody penalty misses at Craven Cottage?) He was damned good inside the six yard box though, as was Dwight Yorke, no question.


So, picture the scene, it's been a hard fought contest with nothing created all game & we're going into the final minute of injury time in a vital match & the score remains 0-0.


Villa have one last desperate attack & the ball lands invitingly inside the penalty area at a Villa players feet & then `Bang`who would you put your life & money on to plant that ball firmly into the back of the net to send the Holte End into delirium?


Who in your opinion is Villa's most clinical finisher in the time you have been supporting the Club?


I have deliberately omitted one player from the list compiled above, as he is the player of my own personal choice. A player who from my own life time of observation had finishing skills & timing that were on a par with England's legendary World Cup hero Martin Peters.


Yes. Quite right people. Step forward & take a bow son, after banging that ball in the back of the net for me, the one & only David Platt.


So yes. That's my call guys,


So, over to you. What do other VT posters reckon?


ps - Only your VT life depends on it along with your obvious credibility ;)

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My favourites are Yorke, JPA and Saunders, I think. But my vote goes to Dublin, He was simply the kind of striker that saw the goal, not the goalkeeper. He wouldn't think about it twice before just hitting it where the keeper isn't.

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Close call but Deano gets my vote. I had my first season ticket in the early 70's so I don't remember too much of Lockhead and Rioch. 


Benteke during the second half of last season was as cool and clinical as the best of them though.

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Horrible to have to choose from all those brilliant names but it has to be Dwight. He remains the classiest player we've ever had. He was with us for a long time and, in the seasons when he was fully fit, he banged in loads of excellent goals. Never been a Villa player who made me feel as good just watching him play. Platt would be second on the list, I guess.

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Dwight Yorke was the best striker we've had in a long time, but if you're talking about lethal finishing, then the OP is right, Platt was in a class of his own.  To consistently do it from midfield for both club and country showed what a great player he was. 


Shame he's such a fat-faced dick now though.


Although if you're going for a great goals to chances ratio, then step forward Zat Knight! :)

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Only had 1 striker in my time supporting villa that was a consistent goal scorer, Dwight yorke, on the other side

Worst finisher - Darius vassell, watching him in goal scoring situations you just knew he was rolling it wide or to the keeper

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For about a 6 week period after he joined, Dublin seemed to score every chance he got. Didn't he get something ridiculous like 8 goals in his first four games or something? I actually think Dublin was the best finisher in the air, put so many crosses away no problem.

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Dwight Yorke for me.  Platt was a Villa player when I first started supporting the club but I didn't attend a game until 1992, a year after we had sold him to Bari. 

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