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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. What could you possible do with Villa Park? Casino, Shopping Centre, Entertainment complex all done over at Genting Resorts World is it really going to compete. Unless he plans to level all of Aston to turn it into a business hub. Lots of space to go things but is there any point, Im not the billionaire owner of Villa so do what you wish Doc.
  2. Bought by the Recon Group, dont think its these guys though........http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Recon
  3. Let the asset stripping and chemical testing on the Birmingham population begin.
  4. Disagree on Carroll when fit he has been fantastic for West Ham in my opinion, I think his hold up play and the way he brings the rest in to play is very good. Hes faster than he looks and his passing and shooting is good and the way he attacks a header is fantastic. He is able "mix it" but I dont see that being put as a negative to Lewandowski, Zlatan or Suarez not that Im saying hes anywhere near them. However Vardy and Kane are sure fire in the squad. I think its more the point of why bring in Rashford when your not going to pick him (or shouldnt) over some one who you might in Carroll or Defoe.
  5. How can you refuse to pick players like Nobel, Cresswell, Carroll and Defoe because they havnt featured for England for a while/or ever and then put Rashford in or Henderson and Wilshere who have just got back from injury or Delph who hasnt played and Sterling who has been shit. I know its only preliminary but the England team is a joke, take players who are in form and playing for their clubs. Build a squad and team that work together and if that means dropping high profile names or regulars then so be it. Id prefer to see a team that give a shit and dont take a call up for granted. Picking an England squad is a lose lose unfortunately.
  6. Watched True Story with Jonah Hill and James Franco last night. While both of them were good in it the story just fizzled and the film ended badly. It started to set itself up for something and the twist or fireworks just never happened. 6/10 but could have been so much better.
  7. What if 3rd and 4th finish miles ahead of 5th. In all fairness if 3 go straight down then 3 should straight go up. I enjoy the playoffs and actually wish the Premier Ship had playoffs to go down even if that means we would have been down a few seasons ago. Bottom 6 teams, 1 day 3 games and the losers go down. It would stop teams trying to draw their way through a season and no matter how unfair it might be on a team that finishes 15th if they went down it would mean teams would always have to attack. In fact you could have this across all divisions and have a "Relegation day"
  8. Nicho


    I actually think they have been ruined by Arsenal and the Wenger way. Walcott and the Ox are very British players and the way Arsenal keep the ball and over play it just does not suit them. Welbeck has played well for Arsenal when not injured. The team of Viera, Henry, Bergkamp, Ljungberg, Pires played the way Wenger wanted but were able to counter and take players on and didnt over play it for the perfect goal (although they made and scored plenty of beauties). Sell Walcott and the Ox and watch them flourish at another team in my opinion. Wilshere however has the talent but is a crocked coked up bell end.
  9. Watching Monday Night football im annoyed there is no coverage slating Spurs for how they acted in the final 20 minutes of that game. Im pleased for Ranieri and a team that have worked their arses off to win the league. Hopefully the start of something in the Premier League but no doubt a return to the status quo next year.
  10. Don't be such a pedant. Pilot flies a plane for 18 hours with no rest and no space in between the next 18 hour stint leads to an increased likely hood he will crash the plane. asking doctors to do the same leads to a much increased liklihood they will make a mistake or miss something, injuring or killing some or being sued for malpractice. Hunts approach and aim is obvious and simply summed up by the quoted picture and post some posts above. For anyone who cares about their job understaffing becomes a matter of duty and you fill in where you can do what's necessary but there comes a point where you burn out.
  11. Fair enough, The way I put it to them is if you have the money to pay for healthcare, education and housing outright then by all means vote conservative. I'm not an outright Labour voter, if my circumstances change or if a parties manifesto was right for the country at the time I would vote for them.
  12. I genuinely cant understand why anyone in my age range and pay (27 sub 30k) would vote Tory. And yet most of the people I work with support them because of their stance on "immigrants and welfare" but are unable to give me an example of an immigrant they know who is not a hard working intelligent individual (as they know them from work surprisingly) and don't know someone who genuinely deserves the welfare they receive. Of course there are exceptions but their opinion has come from over exaggerated and publicised news articles and channel 4. listening to them talk about street lights turning off at night, pot holes in the roads, under staffing in police, NHS or the local fire station closing down, businesses being sold off like Tata or Bhs going under and not associating it with wider conservative thinking really frustrates me. The privatisation of the NHS is the next step and if people don't think 6 years of government is enough time to make moves to "fix" welfare and immigration issues that they blame labour for they are having a laugh. They are bad for the country and why can't people see it!
  13. I'd take two appointments of Nigel Pearson if both reigns are the same as Taylor's
  14. I think that is part of the problem here, If the only way to see the show as good is to have read the comics then as a show it is failing on its part IMO. I watched the Negan episode because of how the spectacle was hyped and I wanted to see if there was going to be an entrance that would truly be tense and the character vicious and scary, he was not! He was just the Governor and I expect a similar story line to play out as the last 4 seasons. Find a base, get involved, over throw, become in charge, do something stupid to mess it up. Next bad guy comes along and repeat. I think the show is absolutely terrible now and gave up during season 3 after sticking through season 2 because of a fantastic season 1.
  15. Leon Osman should have more caps for England
  16. Well a character from a terrible show that has no real story line and repeats the same mistakes season after season will fit right in
  17. Attach a pie on a stick just out of reach and watch him chase it off into the sunset
  18. I'll actually be disappointed if we don't appoint Pearson
  19. Then we would still be paying the useless clearing in the woods for 4 weeks of the year. Get out of the club!
  20. Nicho

    Gym Routine

    I just dont have the time to go to the gym at the moment so I have bought a pull up bar to keep my self going
  21. I cant wait to see Melisandres bweebies
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