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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. I thought the atmosphere tonight was as good as I've heard in a LOOOOONG time, particularly in the Lower Holte.
  2. I don't think he's our best player, but I do think he's been our most important because he's the only one that really does what he does. When he's on the pitch, SJM and Dougie have less to think about, the CBs have more cover, we have a bit more steel in the middle of the park.
  3. Since Kamara got injured IMO, which would make sense really.
  4. T-Dog

    Jhon Durán

    It's just round the corner from the Mailbox and the Postbox, both of which used to have a few footballers living in back in the day, not sure if they still do but I think they're probably quite exclusive still.
  5. I will so, very wary about people that have as many sausage (ooer) as bacon, and anyone that has more saus than bacon - No. Red Flag. I think eggs, toms, beans needs to be measured against the carbs. Two eggs, fine, but you gotta have enough Hashy B there. Extra beans? Extra bread. That's gotta be the rules.
  6. You could sell that back to the mushroom eaters mate, would taste the same
  7. I did not know that. So is it moisture that makes meat go off? Very interesting this.
  8. I can't remember what I saw him on but he was talking about the Lescott Mercedes tweet - I could tolerate him before that, I wasn't a fan, but that explanation about how he 'pocket dialled' a photo of a new car onto twitter without realising what he'd done and then deleted it, no Micah, you took the piss, he took the piss, you're gonna spend your life on 'sports comedy' shows with James Corden and he's gonna eat your sandwiches when you're not looking. **** you pal. You could've been a good player, you were a pay cheque farmer with us. word removed.
  9. Cured meat - I ain't a bad home chef, but I've never got my head round how cured meat works. Sometimes I wake up in the night and think about Prosciutto, how did it get there, why does it last so long? Is it okay to eat? Does it even go off?
  10. What is the correct proportion of items on a good Full English? How many sausage/bacon/egg/hash browns and that? I'd always rather have more bacon than sausage (ooer), but I do like an extra hash brown. And, it has to be the correct balance of wet and dry together. Not too much beans, egg, sloppy toms, but not too dry. I don't think people consider this enough. 3 rashers, 2 sausages, 2 hashy b's, 1 egg, ramekin of beans, ramekin of tomatoes, maybe a touch more, and then two portions of some kind of bread (toast, fried, or just bread). That's me. So 3:2:2:1:1:1:2 for the bacon/sausage/hb/egg/beans/toms/bread (don't do mushrooms, so add a zero to the end for the mouldy devil lumps)
  11. A mate of mine was asking about getting tickets for a game before the end of the season for a couple of his mates. I mentioned a few options to him and then I thought about Lower Grounds and didn't really know how to describe it. Ended up calling it a 'medium priced hospitality experience' - I'm not if that's true as I've never been, but when I read the term back I thought 'oh that sounds good'. But also, **** the Lower Grounds.
  12. Are there many decent games for it at the minute for a quite casual player? The only games I've really invested time in before are the GTA, boxing/wrestling games with decent career modes, FIFA (altho, any football game would do, I'm not that arsed about playing online any more) and occasionally a COD type game. Maybe the odd Assassins Creed type game too. I've been putting off buying the PS5 because I couldn't see many games that fit that category before (albeit a couple of years aho) - Ta
  13. Maddison is showing himself to be a bit of tit this season. He's a decent player, not as good as he think he is, but all the stuff about Cashy, this shit, wind it in you rat
  14. And penalties where the taker does that stuttered run thing. Nah.
  15. The way Vincent Kompany dresses. Just catching up with MOTD. My guy has a baseball cap that looks like it's come from Bescot Market, and Top Man blazer and a plain t-shirt. Man looks like he's on Broad Street in 2001.
  16. I'm not gonna start talking about your man sausage fella Honestly tho bud, if you're ever down the Lower look for the big fella with the gray beard and we'll have a pint or two. Top man, top top man.
  17. Hey mate - I've been looking for you down the Lower Holte for some time, after chatting for almost 15 years online it was nice to finally meet you in person last season A lovely chat about that blue and white china plate. Have followed your journey through all this and found your attitude to it all inspirational. I don't think there's many blokes out there that can make jokes about what you've gone through. BTW, you promised me you'd be coming to Tenerife, not sure if you remember Take care sir, if you ever see me down the lower, do come and say hello again, be great to have a pint with you
  18. If Arsenal (as rumoured) came in for him in the summer, what would be the minimum price you'd accept?
  19. Sorry mate, you're the wrong un here. Each to their own but crisps are pap. And I don't really like biscuits. But I'd rather have a custard cream than a Quaver. Not something I thought I'd be saying today.
  20. Honestly chief, DM me and I'll ping you my number if you ever wanna talk it thru. Again, not an expert at all, and still getting my head around it, but I hear what you're saying through personal experience. If I can help at all, I will. Take care sir, everything gonna be okay and we all gonna smash this thing called 'life'
  21. T-Dog

    General Chat

    I just wanted Wembley stripes in my lawn, it's their fault for being a mile away from the nearest watering hole. Little green shite blobs.
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