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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. I'll never understand why our record against these freaks is so bad - other than the 4-1 a few years back we've been very poor against them, even when they've been shite. I wanna see us absolutely rip them to shreds when we play next.
  2. Personally, I think you get one or two very good chippies on the coast but a load of very shit chippies just cashing in too because of the location. I would guess (prove me wrong, please) that City Centres where there's a less seasonal demand are probably more consistent - But then again, maybe they're offering more, I imagine coastal chippies are very focussed on just fish and chips, whereas City Centre chippies probably more expansive with their menu. Profound.
  3. Not long back from Southport Weekender, my first ever one, what a belter of an event that is. I'm not gonna lie, I partied too hard and I'm gonna regret it the rest of the week, but **** it, when am I gonna see Louie Vega and Kerri Chandler again?
  4. A lot of Ajax fans in Lower Holte tonight, including one right by us, moody boy too.
  5. Another nod to the L8 side of the Lower Holte - they were fantastic all game, didn't stop singing
  6. Because the country is being run by old men that think cannabis will turn the whole nation into smackheads, unfortunately.
  7. T-Dog

    Jhon Durán

    He's got the first touch of a pinball machine sometimes, and his brain seems to be set to 'score goal' mode, but thought that was one of his better, maybe his best, performance tonight. There's a player in there, the rough edges just need sanding down, and if anyone can do that, Unai can
  8. DIIII-AAAAAAA-BEEEEEEEEEEE MOOOOOOOUSSA! Thought he did well tonight, some lovely touches, and nice a finish too. Kick on brother, if Bailey, Watkins and Diaby are all firing then every defender in the Premier League will be shitting themselves
  9. I didn't realise that about Brigada, shame that.
  10. Thanks both, appreciate it a lot
  11. I know you're not asking for a 'real answer' but it's worth posting in case others don't know - Because they have horrendous human rights issues that nobody likes, but now, loads of sports that everyone cares about. Someone was beheaded for being homosexual? Yes, but they've got this new golf tournament so I'm gonna forget about that and enjoy the next few days. Not for me, at all - and (not tennis related, granted) - I'm worried about where our club is going too
  12. Good review and am a big fan of Bill RJ but never seen him live - Hope it's a good one for you, please report back
  13. Very late to find Early Doors but yep, ranks very very highly - Definitely in the top ten, the last episode with the Coppers was amazing.
  14. Completely theoretical question, and if it's not allowed, I apologise. If there's a video streaming on a website that isn't one of the main streaming sites or social medias or, let's be honest, 'adult entertainment' sites, if there an app or a website that could download it? For instance, if I had family using a server in, I dunno, China, Russia, and they had a nice family video (a wedding for instance) hosted on it, is there an easy way to download it? Thank you in advance
  15. But also, I've known people by us that have printed it, and never had an issue. I'm not sure why the QR code changes at all to be honest.
  16. The QR code on the app seems to change every so often, I don't know if it's rotating or changing entirely, I don't understand it as I've never seen it before anywhere else. Also, we've both had had problems using the app in the past to get into the ground, immediate red light at the turnstiles, then had to go to the ticket office by the Holte, queue up, paper ticket, (asked to) queue again (look for head steward in that situation) and then scan in again.
  17. Appreciate it, I've no problem with the B6 or the Brigada projects, it's a shame the club don't support them.
  18. Sorry mate, I don't use twitter, thanks for sharing that. Why would the club not be behind it? Is it fear of an 'ultras' culture?
  19. If I'm reading that right, that's 12 expected goals and assists in 38 games? For context, same website, Diaby (who, let's be honest, hasn't been great) has 9.9 in 28 games. So he has 10 more games, to get 2 more expected G&A to have a season better than Buendia. And he's been pap this season. https://fbref.com/en/squads/8602292d/Aston-Villa-Stats To clarify once again, I like Buendia, and I do think he'd offer us something we don't have at the minute, but the train of thought that our season would have been much better with him in seems a bit odd to me. (Also, fully appreciate last season wasn't as good as this season, didn't win as many, didn't score as many, but that's still not enough to convince me)
  20. 38 games in the Prem last season, 5 goals, 2 assists https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/emiliano-buendia/detaillierteleistungsdaten/spieler/321247 https://www.premierleague.com/players/26408/Emiliano-Buendía/stats?co=1&se=489 I want him back, he's definitely gives us something that we don't currently have, but I think a few of us need to give our head a wobble about how much of a difference he would have made this season.
  21. What happened to Brigada and B6 out of interest?
  22. I totally agree, I've no idea where this 'Buendia could've been the answer' has come from, I thought he was average at best before the injury, and very inconsistent.
  23. Oh yeah, definitely a lot of cocaine use, it tends to go hand in hand with steroids - After all, lager makes you fat, cocaine doesn't (until cokebloat phase but that takes a loooong time). Everyone I know who's used 'roids or test is a frequent cocaine user.
  24. Jesus there's some mad numbers in there - how tragic
  25. Yeah vague memory of two wrestlers trying to pick Yokozuna up and throw him out the ring too (although that's a very blurry memory). Would be interested to see your findings if you do dig out the data sir.
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