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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. Am I the only one that saw something quite balanced between the two of them? Ferguson always used to bollock the 'big' characters, granted in the dressing room not on the pitch, because it sent a bigger message to the others. Likewise, Jose. I remember JG talking about players, saying some need a bollocking, others need an arm round em (Merse I think I from memory). I don't see it as an issue between Pep and Jack at all, as much as I dislike Pep. I see a manager trying to get the best out of someone. The classic "I'll prove you wrong" response. Some folks need that.
  2. I think we might do City this week, and if we do, I'm gonna start believing
  3. Nice, normal, non psychopathic women that don't have baggage or tend to get a bit 'stabby' and that.
  4. T-Dog

    Unai Emery

    This is the one. What a man.
  5. Looked like he was playing in wellies today. I like the bloke but he was pap today.
  6. I think both - I think they're syncing - for the task in hand I'd rather not sync to cloud if I can, I'd just rather be able to pick an app up that knows when two photos are exactly the same. Thanks limpid sir.
  7. Totally agree - a minutes silence isn't right, but, given he wore #10 for most of his Villa career, a massive 'there's only one Gordon Cowans' or similar is the best nod IMO.
  8. Just in general, I'd guess there are many footballers in the same situation, our own club included. Gambling addiction isn't to be sniffed at (that's cocaine addiction, I JOKE) - at any level of income, it can get ya
  9. I've spent 2 years thinking Bellingham was on a lucky streak, he followed a similar path to Sancho, and a few others, and I'm not gonna lie, I didn't want to rate him. He's shown up, he's done it, and he's done it very well at the highest level. I'll sit on my hands with my opinions. Obviously he has great tekkers, very athletic, good football brain, but there's something more about him, that sets him apart, I don't know what it is, but we've had a lot of very talented 'soft lads' and 'party boys', and still do, in the squad. He hasn't ever come across like that. I always get the impression he has a very 'old school' attitude to the game.
  10. Anyone know if it's possible to sort photos, or delete photos, based on them being duplicate on an Android device? For example - I have and album, lots of photos, some I know are duplicates, exactly the same photo, but different file names. Is there a way to identify and delete the dupes? Thank you legends x
  11. I remember a few years back, watching a Villa game in a boozer 10 minutes away with the lads, at half time this lovely enigmatic man come and sat with us, I had to do a double take, it was only Sid. He was there to do a Q&A on the evening. He was class, a really nice bloke, and just one of the lads if I'm being honest. I am slightly too young to remember him playing but his legacy has always been there.
  12. Watching Hunted on Channel 4 - They (the Po) 'hacked' one of the lads FB Messenger account in the first 12 or so hours of them going on the run. Is that legal and is that real? I thought hacking something like that using brute force was a BIG job, and also, don't understand the ethics behind it (granted, it is a TV show, so it might be ramped up).
  13. T-Dog

    General Chat

    Christ that geezer needs a **** smack
  14. That's not showing off nor a humble brag! That's quality news mate! Spread that joy!
  15. T-Dog

    Getting older

    I think a lot of that depends on when 'the day' was, and that's not said in a shitty way - My mom worked nights when she was a single parent to make it happen, but she also retrained for a much better job at the same time. Not disregarding anyone's struggle, but I've seen the best and the worst of both sides through both sides of the family, and frankly, they're both in very different places, they're both doing well now, they've both got good kids (adults now) and they're both in a very nice position. I think we're in a point where we don't know what the future holds, which didn't exist 30 years ago. Get into public sector, big pension, job for life, get a trade, you'll make a fortune, get a degree, you'll work in the city. As a lad born early 80s, I did none of them (did Public Sector for 6 months in fairness but left) and I'm glad I didn't. I've seen every suggestion do well, but not without it's casualties. I think you just need to chase what you're enjoying most, as crusty as that sounds. Had a beer, gone off on a tangent here. Apologies.
  16. Ok, thank you - Appreciate it. I ain't about to pretend I know about things that I've no idea of.
  17. So, again, entirely niave - is there any reason why our Government would want us to pump shit into the rivers other than profit? Again, apologies if a dumb question.
  18. T-Dog

    Getting older

    Happy to drop two pennies in here, because I always felt the same. When I was 30, I was with a woman that I thought was 'the one', we weren't big earners, but we got a lovely place, 2 bed semi, ex council but in a VERY nice area - £124k. We split up, ten years later (2 years ago for context) - I couldn't find a single thing anywhere near that, and I mean not even close. Luckily, very luckily, I was doing a lot better for myself, and I know I had a room mate if I wanted it (not taken into account for the mortgage at all) - The new place, granted an extra bedroom, but arguably less desirable than the first property, cost over £100k more. I was very lucky that my circumstances had changed, and I'm also very aware that my current yard isn't going to go up 60/70% in ten years either. I know a lot of people, earning decent money, living a decent life, who are not only looking at the market as expensive, but also panicking about the rate it's getting away from them compared to how their salaries are increasing. It's tough out there right now. Luck and inheritance seems to be a bigger influence than salary on the market.
  19. He was a very earlier adopter of both satirical/political work of his type, and the timing landed well with Social Media. There's a lot of decent artists out there (term used loosely) but he's played the game like a pro. He had his thing (he wasn't the only one to do what he did with the stencils and that, but I think you can argue he was the most original) and when he took off, he pulled many more stunts other than just painting, including his film/docu, pop up stalls, political graff on the West Bank. That kind of thing would never not get him more exposure. And, personally, (shoot me down) - some graff I think is fantastic, and he's deliberately created some art in places where it would help communities services. But, he should probably get back to Massive Attack, because their most recent music hasn't been good enough. PS - A lot of graff is shite.
  20. So, very naïve with all this - How did Brexit allow us to dump more shit in the rivers? In layman's terms? Sorry if that's a dumb question but I don't really understand the whole thing.
  21. A good mate recommended Dark Side of the Ring (ooer missus) - I was an fairweather fan as a kid, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Bret the Hitman Hart - The documentary, absolutely superb. I've no idea how much it's been tarted up but it's a great watch, even for a casual viewer like me.
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