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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. Just Lauren Laverne mate - used to love her, last time I listened to her she was sounding like a low rent Jo Whiley (who I also thought was terrible). It felt like when she moved slots (ooer) she changed her whole style. Shame really.
  2. Thanks for all the replies, really appreciate it. I've been on since January - upped the dosage to 100mg couple of weeks ago. It worked fine, all the usual 'ticky' stuff dropped off after a few weeks, but since I've come back from a festival in Feb, I've dropped like a stone. I didn't really 'feel' depressed previously, I was taking it for anxiety, but now I feel absolutely flat. Not suicidal, not like that, just absolutely no energy, no drive, no go in me.
  3. I didn't end up buying one in the end, was just interested how it worked with ID and that. I'd heard a horror story from another Villa fan about losing all his booking history over someone else having his ticket.
  4. Hmmmm.... okay - Would they have needed ID to go to the game?
  5. I'm gonna put my head on the line - A current Tyson throwing a punch vs a current Paul throwing a punch - I ain't gonna survive Tyson, no way. The man wasn't just a boxer, he was a monster. Paul is a rat, a nobody, a charlatan.
  6. I remember Djemba-Djemba - I've seen nothing better so far. Clearly got technique, but not even close to being good enough for us at the minute.
  7. Praise be - He had a decent game, not the best, but he's turning out at the JC Arena, many seniors players shit themselves at Legia, give him some time.
  8. Genuinely, Tyson was a **** brute, a different era of boxing - I hope he still has that but I'm not a fan of that fight at all, not even close
  9. If you don't mind me asking, really bad how? Feel free to DM if you don't want to share publicly. And thanks for the honest reply
  10. Why? We're gonna win the league anyway, it'd have no bearing.
  11. What is the percentage of direct free kicks scored in professional football? I feel like it's dropped a lot over the last few year but I've no idea if that's true or not.
  12. They really have been pap haven't they? Wouldn't mind seeing Leipzig get a goal early in second half
  13. I've said it elsewhere, but Chelsea away probably 15/20 years ago, were pouring six pints at a time, one tap. Unless I'm being dumb, why are we not doing that? Why don't we have the bottle bar in the Lower Holte any more? I know we're not talking £000,000s here but surely to god it helps?
  14. Literally the same - used to be three of us that shared the driving. I can pretty much guarantee the two drinkers would have 4 minimum pints and a pie or a burger. There's absolutely no argument that they wouldn't have more if they could get served easier in the ground. We were always there 2/3 hours before kick off, 3 pints an hour, that's a lot of wonga between three of us.
  15. What's the situation if you've brought a ticket and you can't make it? Does it still go down in your booking history if you can't make the game?
  16. I've found the numbness thing a couple of times - it never seems to stay but sometimes it's like operating on cruise control without any knowledge of what I'm doing. Hope Mrs LD is okay bud.
  17. Posted in the 'Health and Sickness' thread but probably better suited in here. Does anyone have any experience of taking Sertraline? I recently had quite a 'big' life event that has potentially changed my life, and I started developing OCD symptoms a couple of weeks after, to the point where it was affecting my work. Doc put me on Sertraline and I've been on it since Jan, and at first it seemed to work quite well. The dosage has been upped since, and now I feel worse, more anxiety based OCD about a number of things. I'm guessing 'life' has caused the anxiety, but I don't understand why it's hit me like a train when I'm on double the dosage now? TIA.
  18. He might have just been a proud Dudley man... Although, not sure which is worse Every team needs a talker, get her signed up mate
  19. Neither of them can play in midfield so it wouldn't make too much difference...
  20. What a great thread. Thanks to everyone who's contributed.
  21. T-Dog


    The weird thing is - Poch, Tuchel and Jose are all world class managers - there are so many teams that would be lucky to have them in charge, but the Roman era has ruined every single fans opinion of football now
  22. I don't really understand the hate for him, he's not McGrath, he's not Mings, but I've seen very few performances where I've felt his underperformed.
  23. T-Dog


    We stopped in a town called Trim, lovely town, big castle that was featured in Braveheart apparently - was 30/40 mins away from Dublin but booked a mini-bus driver for the weekend, worked out a lot cheaper than stopping in Dublin itself.
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