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Everything posted by KenjiOgiwara

  1. I just can't see the point of a 3 man central midfield that is this void of creativity and ability on the ball. Bjarnason is pure toilet. Not a big fan of Hourihane either, but I digress. Just get more strikers on. When we can't pass the ball around in midfield, we just end up hoofing. At least get more players in the box by changing tactics.
  2. Pretty much what I'd pick. Would love to see Doyle over Bjarnason though
  3. Can't that new bloke play yet?
  4.  I kinda agree, but your best shot is scouting for youths with a release clause.
  5. Have we ever had s good RB? From Gary Charles, Fernando Nelson, Luke Young, Cuellar, Hutton and Elmo. How can we sign so much shit in one position. I genuinly can't remember one really good RB.
  6. I know, which is why I've postponed it for years.
  7. I am considering buying a vacation apartment in Italy (for my family). Anyone got experience from such?
  8. I've gone from being 170 weighing in at 89 kg to 170 (shocker ) weighing in at 66-68 kg. Kinda fancy raining some more muscles now. I am fairly fit, been lifting for 10 years, but it's very lean build now. Currently trying to achieve 3-4 workouts a week, but it varies a lot due to work. Normally I do 20 minutes of rowing as a warmup, about 5 km. Then 1 hour of weight lifting. Currently normally at 1400 - 1800 kcal daily avg. Guess I should up it to 2200 ish, but I really don't want to get fat again.
  9. All out of Ardbeg, so I am rocking some Nikka from the Barrel. Lovely.
  10. How on earth can you take these as personal insults. Ok just to clarify. I have nothing against nobody here. Except Sam. (Joking buddy). Happy go lucky veggie hipsters is just a description of the people who vent on about veggie revolution from way back. In Oslo it was largely seen as the society's non contributing weirdos who couldn't wait to tell you about their veggie life style or their new longboard, whatever came first. Nothing to do with you haha. And vegetarians have had a tendancy to take the moral high ground on environmental issue thinking they care more than others. That's just how it is. Unfortunately a large percentage of vegetarians do it for animal welfare (which is fine), but know absolutely nothing about the big picture. Reminds me a lot of these Greenpeace morons / facebook environmentalists who think all whaling is bad. Ok tried to edit some of the text here, feels a bit poorly written, but any way don't take it personal. Was never intended that way. I actually admire those who are willing to make a change.
  11. Still don't understand what you are complaining about. Where on earth have I insulted you ?
  12. I've har some experience with them and I'd say say are quite smart, but ridiculously stubborn. I agree on the activity bit though, but that's fine by me
  13. I quite like them ( I like most animals tbf), but they aren't a patch on a dog. I am currently considering getting a boxer. Not completely sure yet, as I work a bit much and live in a 85 m2 apartment but I love them. Fantastic dogs.
  14. That's not a point of view. You can do an LCA on that. It's a fact that it's a huge environmental footprint if you ditch specific animal products for synthetic ones. It's very much a nuanced debate in general though, and I think veganism is a good thing. But this notion that replacing natural products for synthetic ones is a sensible and good choice due to animal ethics, that's just flawed thinking. In the environmental discussion you have to consider the greater good at all times, especially since we have **** up the climate to the degree we have.
  15. That's up for debate. I assume there's ethics and sustainability to be discussed here. Lots of products that are substitutes for animal products are made from petroleum. Often also treated with different chemicals later on to sustain the same properties, for instance perfluorated compounds. So come back with this statement after doing a full LCA on everything involved from the petroleum industri, to shipping (crude oil ships to be precise), to the chemical industry, how all of this affect the environment, and tell me whether this is more ethical for our planet than some high ground vegetarian POV of animal welfare.
  16. I am in the weird position where I dislike these happy go lucky veggie rocket polishers, but I eat very little meat and the older I get I tend to cut more and more meat from my diet. I've even started using some kinda soy based thing for my tacos. Honestly think I eat meat maybe twice a month, if that. I eat fish though, dunno if that's acceptable for you lot. Hypocrit I am
  17. Old people on vacation. Everything takes 10 minutes. Swear buying a premade sandwich takes 10 minutes. Which leads to me doing **** all but waiting ALL THE TIME. Would also think the older you get you would understand that you are pressed for time in general, but they simply do not give a ****.
  18. From what I have read and seen this is pretty much the story with this new lad. Safe to say even DMC's from African and Balkans tend to be better on the ball than most British players. Wouldn't mind us looking in the polish league either. Some very good players there. If the story about the Ivory Coast player is true as well, it seems DS is keen on adding size to the midfield. Both players are 185 cm tall. No idea what that is in imperial brexit units. 1/6 of a flagpole?
  19. Think it is very admirable with people trying to make it on their own from scratch. Good luck as a scout. Keep us updated
  20. Would make 2/2 signings so far from the balkans. We got a new scout or something?
  21. Guess this is the thread where you pick sides. Personally I find it hard not to support the palestinians in general, but I digress. Just wanted to say it seems to be an interesting movement going on in Israel where more locals support the idea of a two state solution than before. At least from the little I've read.
  22. No idea how to link a picture, but sitting in spain with Sam Cooke and a Desperado. Oh it worked.
  23. Yup. Easily one of the worst if you consider the division, the facilities and budgets he operated with relative to the division, and the utter utter piss poor hoofball he had us playing. I can't think of one manager I felt worse about. Total shithouse.
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