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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. It'd be crash to speak ill of the recently deceased.
  2. You'd think winning a major trophy would be enough to get a manager in.
  3. I'd presume clutches aren't quite as heavy nowadays. That story also sounds like nonsense and a cover up for something else to me but I'm being cynical.
  4. I'm not even sure it matters where the players live. Surely it's their business how long they spend travelling (especially as they'll be doing it anyway for games), as long as they are on time for training that's all that matters. They won't suddenly become Prime Ronaldo by spending a little less time sat in luxury whilst driving a £200k motor.
  5. Might be a stupid question but when booking fast track at Manchester Airport do you input your flight time or the time you expect to arrive and go through check in/security? The website appears to be asking for both without making it clear.
  6. London underground viewed from the air.
  7. A sitting Tory Councillor sent this to the local residents. Hopefully more do the same.
  8. It's a little bit slow to get going but then gets excellent (towards the end of season one/beginning of season 2) and then keeps growing until it gets a bit silly towards the end (still remains great though).
  9. Has anyone flown from Manchester recently? We're flying out in about 4 weeks and have to book parking and not sure how long to give to get through security and check in.
  10. I've generally seen it split 50/50. Doesn't seem to cause resentment that way.
  11. Keita was £45m and should have been better then he has been. Add in Jota at £42m to those I mentioned earlier and you have three fantastic game changing players. They've also been very lucky/skilled in getting good fees for people like Mane and selling for a lot more then they should have (Coutinho or any of the Bournemouth ones). Sigurdsson wasn't worth what they paid for him and nobody would have predicted how that played out.
  12. The big signings (£40m+) are also the ones that do the most benefit and shoot you right up the league. The difference Van Dijk and Alison make for Liverpool is massive. I'm also curious how settled the teams were in those periods and how many signings each made? Adding one or two quality players is much better then adding 6 average ones if you can afford it.
  13. I'm involved in cyber audits (in so much as I try to tell the cyber nerds what to do) and 2FA is a relatively basic control nowadays but absolutely crucial. University's will have a large amount of sensitive data on their students as well as their banking details. They also are likely to fall victim to being exposed by students doing stupid things whilst on their network. As such they're definitely common targets. It can be a frustrating control but is less frustrating then a ransomware attack shutting down the whole campus.
  14. This thread is so weird in so many ways. It's worse than On Topic.
  15. Looking on Google ruins the mystery... Plus I think I'm going to keep thinking their actually selling heroin. Why else would they have a cash only policy!
  16. Clips of Heather Morris (from Glee) dancing. Stunningly attractive but incredibly talented and graceful.
  17. Having moved to Cheshire last year I was a bit shocked to see the local chip shop selling 'smack'. Not entirely sure what it is and kinda scared to ask.
  18. Having watched my Gran spend years deteriorating from Parkinsons to the point where she was a physical and mental wreck (mind/memory completely gone to the point she didn't remember my Grandad had died 20 years earlier), and seeing how this affected not only her but the whole family I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Having said that, Putin can do one.
  19. Can't decide whether to ditch Son now or after the Leicester game.
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