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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. Rds1983


    Judging by the sprints stats his game isn't actually that far off Harry's.
  2. So they'll apply to us in the season after next then?
  3. Don't forget the QIA+ too.
  4. Having had to clean the filthy places at the end of my bar shifts when I was at Uni. I wouldn't have minded being able to ban a few women from using them.
  5. Rainy days during school holidays. The lad was going crazy stuck inside all day so we've gone to a soft play centre. They aren’t great on a normal day but absolutely heaving today. At least I can sit and drink a (overpriced, bad tasting and scolding hot) coffee now that he's bigger and doesn't need constant attention.
  6. Certainly testing my limits of the Bundesliga and Ligue 1.
  7. I think excluding at elite level but not amateur causes issues itself. Would a non-transgender amateur be disadvantaged in trying to become a professional/elite if competing against transgendered athletes (if they do have an advantage) in terms of getting noticed/spotted or having to win competitions to become professional (would the amateur transgendered athletes competition wins have to be marked by an asterisk - not keen on that either)? What happens to transgendered athletes who are at the elite level but are only allowed to compete at amateur (that's not fair on anyone including the transgendered athlete)? Agreed on what's going on in Texas (not just on transgenderism but also the erosion of other rights), that seems like a very messed up and uncaring place. I think the sports query/issue gets attention not only as a distraction tactic but because it's more easily relatable to the general public as everyone has had some level of interaction with sports (either playing or watching) but most people have had limited direct experience with openly transgender individuals. As I said in my original post. If people aren't hurting themselves let them do what they want. In the case of Texas it's the minorities who are being harmed as the only harm transgenderism would potentially do is to someone else's ego or sense of identity and in that balance of rights transgenderism is the one that needs greater protection.
  8. Will take a look. Don't know much about running though, I find it boring. I try to do different forms of cardio and don't watch competitions. Distance running often involves smaller body types from what I've seen so would muscle/bone density be as important? It's the sports needing more explosive power output that I was thinking about but I guess that would include sprinting. I completely agree with maximising inclusion but trying to imagine (from my very limited viewpoint which I'm trying to expand) how I'd feel if I trained for 12 months to compete at a powerlifting event and was told "we don't have enough competitors for the 110kg+ class so this guy is going to compete in the 80-90kg class with you." Not a great analogy but hopefully explains what I'm curious about in whether there is an advantage or not. If there's not then no issue with them competing.
  9. If you're not hurting anyone you should be free to do whatever you want, not only be able to do it but be free from judgement. How this is achieved though is for someone a lot more knowledgeable than me to figure out. Until they do all I can do is try to offer support and not judgement to anyone that needs it. The sporting debate is one I'm curious to learn more about as I have an interest in weightlifting/strongman etc. From that I can see the benefits higher levels of testosterone during puberty offers to these sports in terms of bone density/height/muscle-mass creating long term benefits in greater capacity for strength and power output and can see how this might transition into other sports such as swimming. I'd appreciate if anyone has links to studies on how transitioning effects these things. As I'm keen to educate myself on what is obviously a complex subject. If there is an advantage I can see the argument for not allowing entry into that division. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with it as it's a very complex subject with a lot of nuance but I can understand why people would query it. However I see this in the same way as an athlete using PEDs or non-regulation equipment and why certain sports have weight classes (i.e. there should be a fair playing field without uncompetitive advantage). If there isn't an advantage then there's absolutely no reason these athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete.
  10. Welcome to the forum and well done for venturing outside of On Topic so soon. Thought I should say hello seeing as I started the thread. It's a good game. Very enjoyable. Good luck with it all going forwards.
  11. I think they're trying to copy the American version of this where people video their engagements with police. Usually it's people who have been stopped and the officer has overstepped their powers. That I can agree with. Purposefully going somewhere to provoke a reaction and then posting that reaction is absolutely pathetic.
  12. Rds1983

    Energy Bills

    Can you convert it to Pound Sterling for us?
  13. You spend ages wondering what Pacific means and then 3 people tell you all at once.
  14. What is the origins of the names Atlantic and Pacific? I'm guessing something to do with Atlantis but have no idea for the Pacific.
  15. Curious how many of those would do well in the Premier League and be worth holding onto after promotion? The top two have both struggled in the top flight (admittedly Solanke was relatively young).
  16. I thought everyone just got their news from Metro and the Birmingham Mail?
  17. Evil Dead 2 is technically a requel and not a sequel but I'd agree that it's fantastic. However, it isn't the greatest sequel ever made and neither are the other common picks of T2, Godfather 2, Toy Story 2, Aliens, Wrath of Khan, Dark Knight or Empire Strikes Back etc. The best sequel ever made is clearly Paddington 2.
  18. There shouldn't be anything in them. You get signing on bonuses when you move bank accounts, open credit cards or make bank transfers. I've literally just done it to get about £100 for free. Credit checks help make sure they're actually closed down. There's zero benefit in just having one bank account.
  19. It is handy to have a rough view of what your credit score is as it does effect credit, lending and eligibility decisions. It's also useful as a fraud prevention tool to check there's not been anything taken out in your name or if there are random old accounts you've forgotten about.
  20. Rds1983

    Energy Bills

    My ex flat mate for one. Went mental at the electric bill but refused to turn his heater off whilst he'd sit their in a t-shirt and shorts.
  21. Worst burn I ever saw working in a chip shop was some absolute moron picking out a battered sausage with just the tongs and stupidly dipping their hand in the oil. I'll be honest it hurt like a b*tch. This is a somewhat weird game to play but I'm curious what are the worst burns other people saw whilst working in chip shops.
  22. Rds1983

    Energy Bills

    Electric fan heaters cost a lot more than people think and are often left running for ages.
  23. Why microwave beans and not do them on the hob?
  24. Sorry to hear that bud. At least you can start moving on now though and who knows what the future holds. Having seen the resentment and bitterness between my folks before they split y Dad stuck around for 10 odd years when he didn't want to and just for the kids) it sounds like it's for the best from what you've said. Good luck with the little one. Try to remember to put him first when you can and not to put him in the middle of anything negative. We're here for you in anyway we can.
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