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Everything posted by choffer

  1. His claim is that it’s an extortion attempt and he’s cooperating fully. Time will tell.
  2. Another one that got away. Always loved this one.
  3. Guys (usually posh ones or ones that want you to think they’re posh) that saunter around with their jacket or coat on their shoulders but without putting their arms in the sleeves. Are they trying to convince us all that they are so busy and important they don’t have time to put their coat on properly?
  4. We’ve got some delightful members of the travelling community in the park over the back fence. They’ve carved up the whole park with their 4x4s and carved up my sleep with their motocross bikes at all times of the night. The whole park looks like a council tip now with the amount of stuff they’ve just dumped. I happened to be working out in the park when the council came to serve their eviction notice. They were so aggressive but you could see from the distance I was at, it was all a well practiced act. Each of them took a turn to berate the enforcement officers. I know travellers get an unnecessarily hard time but some of them don’t help their cause.
  5. WAITER: You're married with a kid when you could be having fun with me. So, what'll it be, sir? CUSTOMER: Can I hear the specials again?
  6. choffer

    New York, New York

    Turns out to be a good year from my perspective. Looked at secondary market tickets at the start of the season and even the nosebleeds were expensive. I’ve just bagged two tickets 6 rows from the field (behind the posts) for $120 each! It’s only Washington but it should be a fun spot to be next Sunday.
  7. I think I’d kinda presumed it would be that from the get-go. It’s just settlement on a larger scale than is normally the case.
  8. Will be watching this with interest. I know I mentioned it at the time but I was in Krakow earlier this year and there were nationwide protests that weekend against the current administration. What I found fascinating was that among the protesters, the majority of what I saw were in their 40s and 50s. Later that day we met some friends of friends who were 20s and 30s and they were much more aligned with the Government. Very limited sample size, obviously but I'd be interested to hear if I've drawn a false equivalence here. Either way, Europe can well do without inching further to the right. Hoping for a positive outcome for Poland this weekend.
  9. Careful with that kind of talk:
  10. I think I’m out of step with most of the comments here. I’m fully supportive of Southgate and his selection. Maguire, Phillips, Henderson. Perfect. I do wonder though if me being Scottish has anything to do with the fact I love Southgate being England manager
  11. Interesting that all the tickets for the Lower Ground have sold out for the European games. I guess people have caught on quick. Probably no surprise that Luton and WHU tickets are still available though.
  12. Had one for three years. An uninspiring drive but sturdy and almost no hassle. Before you part with any money, make sure they’ve replaced the sealant on the sunroof or you’ll end up with a pond in the footwell.
  13. Wimbledon ballot open now until 10th October, if anyone is interested.
  14. Roma's 3rd kit this season is a beaut.
  15. I’d imagine some would think a red card warrants it. Not me. Worst reffing performance I’ve ever seen and I used to play Sunday league on Billesley common.
  16. And then not allowed on until Chelsea had finished their attack.
  17. "Something something, cold, damp, dark, lifeless place.. and then there's the moon"
  18. Gott be honest, I'm sceptical about this claim.
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