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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Looks like West Ham’s Umbro kit is made from the same fabric from the match today.
  2. No idea. I was always The Right Side and presumed Tarzan was on The Left Side at the back. All I ever knew about him was the Tarzanning. Not sure I remember the werewolfing.
  3. From what I saw on CNN this morning, he said "Unless something changes or he's told otherwise....mugshots etc". Just giving himself a little bit of wriggle room.
  4. Are you suggesting that our glorious Government only do things that are legal, Bicks?
  5. You pay for every day you drive within the zone. From what you've said that's day 1, day 2 and day 10.
  6. You are liable on the days you cross the threshold rather than the days it is within the zone. Presuming of course that whoever you’ve paid to leave it with, doesn’t drive it while you’re away.
  7. Utter nonsense. The game is ruined. Cleaned him out, nailed on penalty.
  8. I watched the final episode in Vancouver airport, awaiting my delayed flight home! Fully agree with your assessment. Relatively entertaining until the last episode where the required suspension of disbelief was just a bit too much. Left with too many unanswered questions too.
  9. Jet lag. What a bugger. Two weeks in the US last month and it wasn’t too bad but I’m just back from a week in Vancouver and I feel like I’m having an out of body experience. I suspect a week there was just long enough to mess up my body clock so now I’m all over the place. The sooner someone invents a transmogrifyer, the happier we will all be.
  10. choffer

    Poland holiday

    Ah gotcha. They weren’t quite as cheap as I’d been led to believe but they were appreciably cheaper than what I’m used to but then I do live in that there London.
  11. choffer

    Poland holiday

    Found a few in Krakow earlier in the year and they were great. 90 yr old babushkas refusing to acknowledge you speaking English while trying to mime what you wanted and then serving you whatever they wanted to serve you and it was awesome and cheap. Couldn’t beat it.
  12. I get that. It was more general comment that a conviction from DC would land very different to one from a Trumpist heartland. If he’s going down, I’m delighted (kw.gif) but I fear this happening in DC will further entrench the view that he’s been victimised by those goshdarned liberal work leftist anteefa mob.
  13. Think I’d prefer it not to be from such an anti-Trump location. A DC jury just reinforces the divide. A Florida jury convicting (presuming they assess the case on evidence rather than partisan lines, which I know is a big ask) would surely mean they couldn’t just claim lefty bias and continue the polarising culture wars.
  14. That’s been my go-to useless fact for years. That and the one about Gary Oldman and Gary Numan.
  15. choffer

    Poland holiday

    From my limited experience, Milk Bars are always the best place to get good, hearty, cheap food. Then again even the posher restaurants are cheaper than here.
  16. I guess I should quit trying with Nolan films as Oppenheimer was (yet) another one of his that I didn’t like. I find him so self-indulgent and I can’t work out why he seems to have free rein. There’s a lot to admire (some good performances and I’m sure the audio will win some gongs) but it didn’t feel like a coherent film to me.
  17. Exactly this. Having been in London for 20+ years now, I can’t believe how much busier the roads are now than when I first arrived. If I want to see my OH, I’ll have to pay congestion charge so I often take the train. It takes longer but costs about the same as a petrol/ccharge combo so I’m happy to do it. ULEZ has the same aim. It’s impossible to get anywhere quick on the roads even at midnight. Something needs to be done.
  18. One of the poorest parts of West London. Hounslow to be exact. The ULEZ has just been extended out here and I’ve seen very little pushback against it.
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