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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. To be fair, he played way more games for Spurs/Liverpool, and Burnley are his current club. He got around and they can't list everyone he played for. Stoke fans should be a bit annoyed though, he played 200+ times for them
  2. That is genuinely horrific, you've nailed it @sne Looks like an artex ceiling in a smoking room.
  3. Seems to be happening more and more these days. I can't wait for clubs to start to go legal. Not going to go to training? Cool, enjoy being on garden leave for the rest of your contract and a court case to recover losses.
  4. It's a bloody long trip when we get played off the park. End sup being a 4-5 hour trip to endure 2 hours of misery. I'd have bought without a second thought in the Championship, not so sure the PL is going to be the prize we hoped for.
  5. I got my email...And I'm paralysed by indecision again
  6. Davkaus

    Ezri Konsa

    It's decent depth, I'm just not sure who the second starting CB is. Has Hause really shown enough for him to be a starting player? That concerns me.
  7. It was the right thing for the ambassador to do. He's done nothing wrong, but he couldn't do his job anymore, resigning was the honourable action in that circumstance. That someone has leaked confidential diplomatic documents that have resulted in our ambassador being forced to resign is an absolute disgrace though, and it ought to be a priority to identify, fire, and prosecute the people responsible.
  8. This is reassuringly sensible. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48903289
  9. Probably the second easiest trade deal in history.
  10. Not exactly. We just got very drunk in Brussels on some fine Belgian beer and had a very open conversation about how we thought things were going. This morning we nursed our hangovers and went ring shopping.
  11. I got engaged last night. It was as much a surprise to me as it was to anyone else.
  12. You'll find me in the poppy and pint having one drink too many most Friday lunchtimes. In definitely not normal work clothes. Then heading back to my office job.
  13. Not everyone works 9-5 Monday to Friday. Used to always be amused by the looks I'd get having a beer in the garden at 8am after a night shift.
  14. He's been a journeyman of a manager for decades, look at his job history. Perhaps he works wonders as an assistant, but he's a shit manager,so I suspect he had very little to do with the champions league win.
  15. I wish we'd done more (any) research before rocking up at Brussels, it's the most dull place we've ever visited. It has a pretty square to stand in for ten minutes, a statue of a boy pissing, and that's about it. For a capital city of a European country, it's almost impressive how much of a culture vacuum it is. It's a good job the beer is good because there's **** all else to do. It's also a **** shithole, I've never seen so much litter floating around on the street.
  16. Gutted that the training kit has the Sponsor on it. Looks good in general, but I loaded up on this season's training gear as it was gambling-ad free, I'm not wearing that shite. Edit: Actually, on the OS, images of the players in last season's training gear have Unibet on, but the retail version doesn't. Can we expect the same this year?
  17. You'll not get a scratch from keys or coins on any phone, as both of them are made from very soft metals that are unable to scratch almost any kind of glass. It's sand and other miscellaneous dirt that'll scratch the hell out of your screen, Mohs scale contains all you need to know about this. I always use a screen protector as scratches are inevitable. Though I'm more fussy than most - it takes a massive scratch to be visible with the screen on, but those tiny ones you see with the screen off, looking at it against the light...They drive me crazy. There's essentially a spectrum of hardness through to toughness. Making something more hard to resist scratching will make it less tough and therefore more prone to shattering, and vice versa. Corning and other glass manufacturers are trying to find the happy middle ground giving as much resistance to each as possible, but people tend to be more pissed off by easily shattering screens than easily scratched, so unless there's a major breakthrough that redefines what we know about material sciences, it's a problem we're stuck with.
  18. Personally, and I know we'll disagree on this after our brief exchange on offside last night, I'd have no slow motion or freezeframing at all. The best VAR for me would be simple replays used solely to overturn refs making a genuine howler, not trying to achieve absolute perfection. Ruling out goals due to such almost imperceptible infractions isn't in the spirit of the game, for me. A few millimeters the other way and that goal is perfect, but it was an offence almost invisible to the naked eye that really gave no advantage (that goal was happening if she was a few millimetres onside). Again, not criticizing the officials from last night, they made the perfect call with the rules they've been given, I just disagree with the rules.
  19. The penalty is the one I found interesting. We've had people moaning about 'clear and obvious' when it comes to offside, ever since VAR has been introduced, when that's never been a criteria for offside. But it should be for any foul, right? I still don't think that was a foul, there's an absolutely miniscule amount of contact and it's initiated by the attacker. Even if you think it was a foul, however, shouldn't the 'clear and obvious error' malarky come in to it? It clearly wasn't one considering how many times it had to be played in slow motion from multiple angles to find any contact.
  20. Preordering always makes me think of this timeless routine by Carlin
  21. I hope you're right, because that looks like it's going to turn in to a generic Kappa tshirt after 3 or 4 washes.
  22. It looks to me like she's the one making the contact though. Can you really give a penalty because the attacker makes contact when swinging to kick the ball?
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