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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. McGinn is incredible. Nobody else in our team scores that goal.
  2. Suicidal passes at the back again. **** hell.
  3. The silver lining is that it's a few minutes without listening to Woodwank.
  4. "Apologies for those who missed the first..." He says, as the stream dies again. GG.
  5. Which Representative for Wellingborough decided to bring Jack Woodward back? Time had made me forget how **** annoying his Partridge tribute act is.
  6. Green is absurdly poor, even against opponents at this level .Just not good enough.
  7. That is what I've seen on all of the signs across countries that use metric, yes
  8. Just a reminder that everyone's vote is counted the same (well, unless you live in a safe seat, but let's not go there). **** horrifying isn't it?
  9. I feel like I've got my comeuppance for laughing at Americans for 3 years.
  10. I've been **** freezing all day, because I sensibly wore shorts today, but the air con is set to arctic for the benefit of all of the moaning Representatives for Wellingborough who turned up wearing jeans and shirts. Good job, dickheads.
  11. I was about to rage quit a third supermarket that had closed all of their fridges and freezers, when all I wanted was some ice cream. When suddenly, off to a tiny ignored section of the shop, I saw a free from freezer full of vegan ice cream. For anyone about to post "not real ice cream though, is it?", save us both a post by just telling yourself to go **** yourself on my behalf, and we'll both move on.
  12. This **** cretin is our home secretary? She's about as switched on as a lobotomy patient, both about justice and in general.
  13. Guys, you do, like, know wrestling games aren't real?
  14. It's almost worth it for the look on a proud new mother's face when they ask if you want to say hello to/hold their pride and joy, to receive a curt "No, thank you".
  15. I could tolerate it if they just let people know they were there and went to the break room with anyone who gives a shit. But what they invariably do is patrol the entire office, introducing their kid to everybody. Thanks, it's just what I want when i'm on a conference call, the audio from a **** nursery in the background.
  16. Cold day, roof down, heating on and heated seats, it's perfection. It's like being in a hot tub on my commute.
  17. Convertible cars are incredible. Nothing more enjoyable than driving around with the wind in your face on a sunny day. I'll never go back to a fixed roof. Then again, as a recent convert, unless it's pissing it down, I'm driving around with the roof down, my music blaring, and my shades on. Haters gonna hate.
  18. Why do you think councils across the country are having to do this? It's almost entirely due to central government funding cuts, that citizens are having to make up in increased council tax. Government cuts made by the party now lead by the clown you're such a fervent supporter of.
  19. The queen's primary motivation is to preserve the monarchy. She has power for as long as she continues not to use it.
  20. He's certainly athletic, but it's very silly to even consider him in the conversation for the greatest athlete ever when he's never competed for anything meaningful. He works out a lot and is a great advertisement for vitamin S, but is he the best at anything he does? Nah. He's not the best at any lift, he's not set any records.
  21. He clearly wasn't up to the necessary standard in the championship. Are we to believe he'll suddenly come in to his own and not be a complete liability now we're playing against much tougher opponents?
  22. Are we allowing steroid users that don't compete in any sports?
  23. Davkaus


    Still remember the glory days every time I pull on my commemorative Peace Cup champions shirt.
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