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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. I'm puzzled by those stats. His goals prevented compared to xG per 90 is 1.2, but his total goals prevented compared to xG is 8.2? If I were seeing those stats with no further context I'd assume that he'd played about 7 games this season, I can't make sense of it.
  2. Listened to this, thought "hang on, I know that voice" and just learned that Slaves changed their name. Soft Play though? That's **** shite
  3. Without having anything to back me up other than gut instinct, I also imagine that if I were a Palestinian, speaking out and campaigning against Hamas is probably about as good for your health outlook as being a Russian contesting an election against Putin.
  4. I listened to her interview on Marr last night, it was thoroughly depressing listening to her shrug off the history of defending a convicted sex offender
  5. I think it's worth clarifying that all the semi automated offside does is automate the drawing of the lines, it's still a human decision who is interfering with play, etc
  6. Harry Kane's going to end up dropping down to League 1 just to not retire with 0 trophies.
  7. I genuinely feel bad for them. They'll be lucky if they get all of the asbestos out of the sty.
  8. Ollie would get it for me because he's raised his game beyond what I thought possible, whereas we already knew that Emi was world class. There's nobody else in the conversation, for me.
  9. I wasn't sassing you Nasty business when it's a real allergy. My partner has a severe peanut allergy - has been hospitalised twice due to it, carries around 2 epipens, just a whiff of the dust in the air can cause anaphylaxis, and we have to deal with eye-rolls on flights because of people who claim to have an allergy because they once had a bit of a cough or sneezed when they ate a peanut.
  10. It's actually really rare, thought to be about 2% of the population, but the consequences are so serious it's worth the caution. Interestingly, it's estimated that 90% of UK patients who have a penicillin allergy on their drug record aren't actually allergic - diarrhoea and nausea are just side effects of antibiotics, so many people take penicillin, have those effects, report an allergy, and it's being reported as an allergy instead of just the side effect of the drug.
  11. I don't think the original was hugely popular here, but Hades was my game of the year in, I think, 2020, and Hades 2 is now out in early access. I love the rest of their games so much they're pretty much the only developer I'll preorder from.
  12. I've got Tenacious D tickets at the weekend, first time ever going to hospitality for a gig which will feel a bit weird, not something I'd ever have bought myself but it was a gift, I think I'll be looking enviously at the floor at times but should be good fun
  13. Davkaus


    I find uploading to Imgur and then just pasting the link in here is less faff than trying to attach to posts directly on vt
  14. Fair play to him, he was daft enough to buy the bs, but he's seen through it in a few days, held his hands up and admitted he needs to learn if he wants to get involved in politics. It's been an embarrassing week but it'd have been very easy to double down on it instead of admitting his mistake
  15. Her letter of resignation is basically regret that Bozza did nothing wrong and Rishi stabbed him in the back, when the reality is basically the entire cabinet stabbed the clown in the front. I reckon Starmer would welcome in Braverman if she asked to join
  16. It's not how his career should have gone, but he will be sorted for life just from the contract with us if he's sensible. I was surprised we were reportedly only paying him 35k a week though, that's an absolute pittance for a player we expected to be a starting striker in the premier League
  17. Davkaus

    Elon Musk

    When you surround yourself with sycophants, and regularly fire people on a whim to the extent that nobody you spend time with will contradict you, the truth is whatever you want it to be. He's got a reality distortion bubble, only costs a few tens of billions. I bet he's not been properly challenged on an opinion in years. Like this: man, my cyber truck is a cool looking ride, hey fellas.
  18. It's no coincidence, the "top 4 is lava" jokes come out pretty much every season in the final weeks, as the teams without the quality or squad depth to challenge for the title find themselves running out of steam
  19. You're probably not wrong it's likely, and I can see why people will feel pressured into going for it, but a few years ago we prioritised solely based on attendance, we've all but locked match tickets behind a membership and now even that don't be enough and big games will be exclusive to people willing to pay a premium on top of the membership as well as the tickets being more expensive. Par for the course and people will grin and bear it as long as we do well on the pitch, but it's **** depressing.
  20. Well yeah, another tinpot club who've not even won the second tier uefa tournament, I'm sure it made their day We'll probably do the same and if we do I'll not be moaning trying to ruin people's enjoyment of the day, but it's not a major honour in my eyes so I'd consider it a bit OTT
  21. Based on locking tickets behind the membership in the first place, I dread to think Perhaps the premium membership will entitle the holder to free use of the toilets and bestow the right to queue up and pay for food and drinks.
  22. I agree with this, I couldn't believe it when they had an open top bus parade for it, and I'd be embarrassed if we did the same. For the fa cup or league cup, sure, but for a third tier competition ? Nah.
  23. I wonder if Marc has ever checked out what we think of him if I were him and I'd read that as an up and coming player, I'd be damn sure to come back a decade later to post a selfie of me wearing my premier league medal, but I'm a small, petty clearing in the woods
  24. I laughed at the absolute absurdity of the headline, but what a bunch of sick ****, in before the slap on the wrist.
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