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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Because our new shield shape is unique.. that ad is unmistakably Villa without any direct reference other than the silhouette of our new badge Chuck the Adidas logo in our circle badge outline and it could be absolutely anything I don't like the badge, but from that perspective it works
  2. Yeah I've seen three, the famous Old Trafford waterfall, the away changing rooms, but the most serious for me is this one An absolute **** waterfall running down the steps that the public have to walk down without even a handrail, I'm amazed they're allowed to keep playing matches here, it's not safe at all NSFW audio
  3. I was hoping we'd get the band instead, but we got this bloke as well. Got a couple of laughs early on, but it was a half an hour set that had less than 5 minutes of material in it, I'd rather have been punched in the dick.
  4. It's annoying from that perspective, but I bet it makes for a much better atmosphere, VP comes alive under the lights
  5. Somehow the new murals and "PREPARED" manage to make that shit tip look even more derelict.
  6. Torn on this one, I don't like Leeds, but I'm bored to tears by Norwich yo-yoing
  7. There's a lot less litter, dogshit and used needles where you lot live
  8. Because they did the opposite to some of the answers We voted for a claret and blue badge and ended up with blue and **** yellow again. The consultation process also just generally leaves a bad taste in the mouth when we were asked leading questions about a new badge they'd already decided on, with no way at all to express "actually mate, we'll keep the one we voted for this time last year". I suspect you're right that they've done enough to not fall foul of the requirements though, which I think were more designed to prevent a Hull Tigers/Cardiff colour change than to prevent a club going wild in MS Paint for their branding. I do however remain indignant at a "consultation" process that was clearly a box-ticking exercise to arrive at the conclusion they'd already decided - up to and including "consulting" the FCG, pretending there was an opportunity for feedback when the trademark was either already submitted or done so within hours.
  9. That's absolutely stonking value, is it a used one?
  10. Fwiw, that Jaguar warranty needs the battery to have dropped below 70% before they'll do anything about it, so you'll want to ensure the range is about 50% more than you regularly need to drive without charging breaks
  11. Never heard of Watson, was he a word removed as well?
  12. I am appalled she's in the party, but this is still the tories' scandal, they covered it up, and leaking this information reflects more badly on them than anything else. You had nothing to say when it happened, did you Rob, but now act like the tories have principles? **** scum.
  13. Quick skim back through his stats and he hasn't scored an away goals this calendar year which is probably what they said/meant
  14. They may have said it, but it isn't true
  15. It might also be one of the first sights of an English football stadium some fans get when they arrive for the euros, it's absolutely **** embarrassing we're leaving that heap of shit up.
  16. My EV is the first (and hopefully the last) time I've taken out a car on a lease. Up until I got it I was happily driving a 10 year old ICE, and I'd still happily buy a ten year old ICE car. But I wouldn't dream of it with EVs, it's not just the long term health of the batteries, it's how much the technology is predicted to change over the next few years. It might turn out to nothing, but we could also see game-changing tech that causes the arse to fall out of the market for our current style of batteries. I'm enjoying the car (kind of), but there's a non-trivial chance that it's worth not much more than scrap in 5 years, for the first time in my car-owning life it makes sense to stomach a fixed cost and eliminate the risk. The technology and the market will mature and stabilise, but I'm not comfortable with it right now.
  17. My partner didn't see them despite being up and looking for them, as we were talking about it, she mentioned which room she was in. The room which definitely faces south
  18. Yeah I've been to Iceland twice, and northern Finland and Norway, never seen so much of a hint of them. Obviously I slept through it last night. Will be keeping an eye out tonight!
  19. Well, the biggest, most active group will simply win, as their policies are effectively selected by direct democracy, aren't they? Which is fine when you're a tiny irrelevant party being joined by people who identify with your current platform, but can very easily lead to disaffected groups joining from elsewhere, hijacking the party and parading around wearing the skin of the Greens.
  20. Hardly anyone likes them, they used to be the only thing that was left in my sixth form common room's vending machine, I was pretty much the only person to keep buying them Don't think I've had one since tbh, but I'm not really a chocolate bar person, don't have much of a sweet tooth these days
  21. Controversial choice, but I'm going for the Caramac. Haven't had one in about 15 years but I miss them
  22. Even if the chocolate was any good, and I agree it's not, nestle are evil scum, the world would be a better place if they went bankrupt.
  23. The kind of relentless hostile atmosphere they were able to create doesn't really mesh with the premier league being an expensive fun day out for all the family. For better and for worse, English football is gentrified in a way it isn't across other European countries
  24. We've got the same bank holiday policy, book them if you want them, with the style exception of Christmas day. I work pretty much every bank holiday, and end up getting through what would usually be a week's work, despite having a lovely relaxed day, just because I'm not in back to back meetings for a change.
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