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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. Didn't they pull a similar stunt last season? From memory they simply told you what the price hike was then threw the group under the bus in the announcement again.
  2. In 2024, why are we still paying people to do really shit drawings of witnesses in court proceedings instead of just having a court photographer.
  3. I think you're misunderstanding this, they're not losing their season tickets. They're just going to have to move, and they're going to be contacted and given an opportunity to renew in a different location before STs are available to anyone else.
  4. Sex offenders are allowed out on bail all the time. Do you think it's appropriate to return to the workplace if that is the same workplace as the accuser? I bloody don't. The only reason this is a story is because MPs aren't employees and don't have a normal HR department, for businesses there are already laws on the books letting them do this and pretty much any large organisation has a policy similar to this one
  5. In theory I agree, but look at some of our conference league performances, especially away We'll be better prepared, hopefully have a fitter, deeper squad, have some experience of these kind of nights, but it'll be another level of pressure, those big european nights seemed to intimidate us a little bit.
  6. I think you'll find it's called the league phase
  7. Another sign that this lot are in no way serious about their tough stance on immigration. It's all theatre. They need someone for us to hate, a group they can point to and blame for all of their own failings. They don't want the Rwanda plan to work, they don't want to reduce the numbers, that's not helpful to them. They need an enemy. The asylum backlog is a joke, I know, let's cut headcount to make it even worse. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/14/home-office-department-processing-rwanda-deportations-told-to-cut-jobs?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. Really good post, agree with every bit I find him a very frustrating player, but yeah, 2 games to go, he probably won't be here, he's got the Euros to look forward to, and he put his body on the line to help us get over the line. I've gained a whole new appreciation for him
  9. To each their own but I'd rather have a deep run into the competition and enjoy winning some european nights than have some big nights out at the bernabeu and san siro and get spanked, but enjoy the occasion like we're some non-league team rocking up at Old Trafford I'd love the easiest group we can get, we'll say hi to Madrid and Bayern at the business end
  10. This is their plan? The protocol is: Arrest made Panel selected by the Speaker is given details of the allegation, some unspecified information from the police, and not told the name of the individual accused to try to prevent it being a party political vote Panel then makes a risk assessment and decides what steps are taken to safeguard people within parliament. A ban is the extreme option. While suspended from attending parliament, the MP in question can still do constituency work and vote in parliament via proxy, the main impact is that they won't be able to ask questions or speak in the chamber When a police investigation is concluded, if a ban was given, it is immediately revoked. I think there are a few problems with it, we'll see how it shakes out in practice. I do worry that although the ban is the extreme option, it might end up being the default option by a panel trying to cover their arse, I also think that while their intention is to keep the MP anonymous, this is only going to work for very short-lived police investigations, because people will soon notice MPs that are voting exclusively via proxy for a few months. I'm on the fence about the threshold of arrest/charge, I don't think we're going to see an outbreak of people being arrested based on anonymous accusations, or vexatious complaints that are in no way plausible, but perhaps I'll look like a complete idiot in a year's time when PMQ's is just the speaker sat in their chair in front of an empty house.
  11. Yup, we can beat anyone in a one off game, but we don't have the consistency. Funnier things have happened, us winning it wouldn't be as surprising as Porto doing it, but as well as the usual group of 5 or 6 clubs that expect to find themselves getting to the semi finals, there's probably another half a dozen teams that could plausibly say "you know what, if it all goes our way..." I'd be chuffed to just get out of the group
  12. I think this is true for the 99%, but there's just something about a naturally aspirated petrol engine and a manual gearbox EVs are great for the commute, but they're just not as fun or engaging if cars and driving is something you do for fun - even if they're faster. My EV beats the shit out of my old MX5 off the line, could run absolute rings around the thing on a track, on top of that it's more practical, more comfortable, safer, quieter, has far more kit in it, but it's just nowhere near as fun. I appreciate most people couldn't give a toss about that though
  13. That'd make way more sense, of course
  14. It's been years since I sat at the front of the North, but there's a reason they used to be the cheap seats, isn't there? I seem to remember them not being under the roof, and with **** all leg room. I'd not be happy paying hospitality prices for those seats
  15. That's an interesting line, I thought the meeting on this didn't happen Is this a fair representation of the facts, @OutByEaster??
  16. Haha, I'd only seen it reported, hadn't watched the video I really can't see him being there by Christmas, I completely understand his frustration, but you've got to keep it bottled in, he's lost the plot this week
  17. I'd been thinking about booking 5 nights in a eurovilla over the summer.
  18. I'm really not sure which side of it I'd be on if we were in their position, and I'm just glad SHA are so shite we'll never find out. Missing out on CL would sting for a year, winning the game that all but seals the title for your most bitter local rivals is something you'd be hearing about for the rest of your life.
  19. "Watch it, I know who you are" is what he said to one of their fans during the game, apparently
  20. Thrived playing behind closed doors so he's probably trying to get a transfer to blues.
  21. Davkaus

    Unai Emery

    You know Howe didn't win it either, right? It almost always just goes to the manager of the team who wins the league I think Emery might be in with a shot assuming Man City win the title, if Arsenal do I reckon Arteta gets it
  22. I pretty much had tbh, not in a throwing my toys out the pram kind of way, and not just because we'd lost 5-1, but because we'd in a matter of days lost Mings and Buendia for the season. At the time I think I'd have been chuffed with a decent run in the conference league, and 7th so we could have another go next year. What we've achieved is absolutely remarkable and I didn't think we had it in us. I bet the the Newcastle post match thread makes for some interesting reading 36 games on though, we had people calling the team a cowardly bunch of words removed, wanting subs, wanting half of them sold, before half time in our first match
  23. You know what, if we can beat Man City and Arsenal in a week, if we can beat Arsenal twice this season, if we can come back from 2 down against Liverpool. we can surprise a few teams next season. On our day, there's not a team in world football we can't get a result from. We ain't winning it, but we're not in it to be whipping boys.
  24. I hope somewhere Deano is raising a glass to his lads, and Stevie Me is stepping on an upturned plug.
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