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Everything posted by djdabush

  1. What would Dave Kitson know about the ongoings at Villa though?
  2. Funny that, I thought that people blamed Lambert for not getting the best out of a team that is much better than it is showing. Now Sherwood is in, it's a poor squad which he needs time to rebuild. I wouldn't mind but he doesn't have a transfer window to build a squad to keep us in the league, the owner wouldn't stump up the cash even if he did and he has no proven record in the transfer market. My main hope with Sherwood was that he could come in and provide a quick lift to the club and players and in the short term at least we could potentially retain our premier league status. Perhaps we'll see the improvement in the next couple of weeks but if not we are in big trouble. The words of warning from Spurs fans were that he was tactically naive and stuck rigidly to 4-4-2. I think we can already see this in practice.
  3. Allardyce? I don't know if there were any enquiries made but to be honest he would have been a pretty solid appointment.
  4. How about comparing him to a player who he is competing for a place with? When he was 18 Kieran Richardson had played 9 times for united and scored for them. I think it's well worth bearing in mind that there are many young English players who show an enormous amount of promise but never really live up to their potential. From what I've seen of Jack, he definitely has the opportunity to be a very exciting player for us but at the moment it's way too early to say how his career will progress and I've not seen enough from him so far to suggest he deserves a first team spot anytime soon.
  5. Regardless of the contract situation he is our best defender and we don't have the luxury of bedding in players for the future. If he is fit he needs to start.
  6. Somebody on Twitter suggested it might be Paddy Reilly? Yep that's what the guardian are reporting too: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/feb/15/aston-villa-leicester-fa-cup-match-report
  7. Given mentioned his relationship with Sherwood at Blackburn, wouldn't be shocked to see him have a run in the team.
  8. I don't think he's the long term answer but in the short term I think he'll come in and bring in the passion and urgency to our play which hopefully should steer us clear of relegation.
  9. I've generally been behind him but I think this is the last straw for me. Given his funding, he has performed minor miracles to assemble a squad which is actually fairly decent but he is just incapable of getting the best out of them or organising them in a way which means we are able to win football matches consistently. For me, ultimately the blame still lies with Lerner and years of underinvestment but Lambert clearly isn't right man for the job.
  10. I only heard a bit of the interview on 5 Live but I thought he was saying that it depended on finances, but that could well have been in general rather than Sinclair. Had a look on the BBC site though and it mentions that Lambert said he thinks he's a good player but he wouldn't say anything else while he's at another club.
  11. Telegraph reporting Swansea are interested in Lowton. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/swansea-city/11333799/Swansea-prepare-2m-swoop-for-unsettled-Aston-Villa-defender-Matthew-Lowton.html
  12. This seems more solid than Sinclair in my opinion Didn't Lambert confirm that he is interested in Sinclair in his press conference today?
  13. Shockingly he was found not guilty. Weirdly, 6 of his mates pleaded guilty to charges though.
  14. You'd think that would be nigh on impossible wouldn't you? The good doctors of the Queen Elizabeth hospital, however, managed to misdiagnose my broken hip as a pulled muscle after x-rays so it doesn't particularly shock me.
  15. You can buy them, I think they're just not allowed to be made anymore. I found this one in an old box of lightbulbs in amongst a load of 40w and 60w. I believe they are allowed to be made but have to advertised as 'not for household use'. Bit of a farce really.
  16. Bloody hell mate, I know things sound tough but there's no need to take out the sexual frustration on that poor tin.
  17. He had more than Guzan did, sadly Guzan fluffed his lines and Fabianski didn't.
  18. Think it was Paper Sculpture from memory.
  19. Stayed there as well! Don't think you could get it that cheap at the moment though.
  20. No wonder she was little off, you didn't tell her you wanted to DHUTWU right there in the bar. How shameful.
  21. Yeah, definitely seems like that to me.
  22. Can't get it to embed but here it is https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/4FC9834D2B1154214822100316160_3f0226fe1ac.1.1.11354078020074543145.mp4?versionId=_jSlj0YiGR_DK7qMuTq2Ps8pvPTE8asa
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