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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. give it a couple of weeks and i'll ask @maqroll to delete the non players to tidy it up as he has the admin rights.
  2. Reading the Steven Gerrard and other threads in this and other forums i'd say this would be more appropriate at the moment.
  3. It’s all a case of the 7 Stages of Grief During and After Divorce Denial, Pain&Fear,Anger, Bargaining, Guilt, Depression and Acceptance. Some people just can’t ever get to stage 7
  4. You're paying to 'hire' a seat to watch football matches at Villa Park, not buying a lucky bag or a mystery box !!! Fair play the them. At least the club are doing something.
  5. pmsl….That deserves a wider audience… you should post that In the funny pictures thread
  6. I’ve just listened to the whole tune and it’s 5.29 long and the bit they play when the teams come out is at 4.22 in. I think it’s a decent tune in its own right but not for two football teams to walk out to and to pump the crowd up. It’s a bit like the Champions League music, too dramatic. I didn’t even know who/what it was until I saw your post and I guess that’s the same for the vast majority of fans. People remember the good catchy ones. I’m in the get rid of it camp. I’m not sure what to replace it with but at least Queen’s We will Rock You has a catchy beat that everyone can join in with. Especially when the teams are in the tunnel and they show the lion with its eyes pulsing to the beat and then they can ramp it up to we will rock you. It’s an easy one for the crowd to get involved with.
  7. It can only be good news. If he was loaned out again at the age of 20, imo it would have sent the message out we are open to offers for him. This way he gets a chance to prove himself even more. I’m sure he’ll play in cup games and come off the bench in prem matches. I’m quite excited at the thought of seeing him in the prem.
  8. Jurgen Klinsmens has let himself go....
  9. I ballooned to 17st 4lb and i went on holiday in Jan and looked like a beached whale in my bathers, was a 2XL !!!! That did it for me and since then i've changed my lifestyle and eating habits.Do some walking and the gym. I still have a few beers on the w/e and the odd treat, meal out but eat healthy in the week. A takeaway is now a treat rather than the norm. I'm realistic with what i want to lose as i know i'm never going to get to a medium and sustain it. I'll be happy to be a size L and my target is 13st 12lb. I'm currently 14st 6lb and feel a whole lot better for it. I've done myself a google spreadsheet and weigh myself every Friday morning. If i've had a busy w/e friends round, beers, eating out and put a couple of pounds on i'm not too bothered as i'll lose it the next week. It can't be all diet, i have to have some treats but as many have already said it's about being sensible. PS: It's cost me a fortune in new clobber, but it's well worth it.
  10. I get and understand everything you have said in this post, but while the LIV is there do you think they'll be that bothered about not playing in any majors? I don't think it will bother them myself, they are just motivated by money. By joining LIV they have all demonstrated that all they are bothered about is money and given that most of them are already multi millionaires it's just sheer greed.
  11. Saw this in a FB group and thought i'd share it here. Lots of our younger fans would probably not realise this. Back in the 60's and 70's the bus company used to run 'football specials' from various parts of the the City Centre to VP and wait their to take you back after the match. They became known simply as 'the special' and all three clubs had them. I remember getting them from Corporation Street opposite where Harry Parkes had his sports shop (where the Tesco Express is now) and then outside The Cabin, now the Grey Lantern next to Big Johns. A few drinks in the Crown and then it was 'c'mon lads, lets get the special'
  12. Silly amounts of cash LIV Tour
  13. Must be plenty on here who can dig out some old pics to help out.
  14. Yes, it’s as pathetic as it gets. Out of touch with reality
  15. as it happens i got it from another twitter feed that pointed it out. I appreciate your concerns though.
  16. It's UK Only https://www.avfc.co.uk/news/2022/july/27/watch-villa-stade-rennais-live-on-villatv/ Villa fans can watch all the action direct from Roazhon Park in Rennes via our live online stream for just £4.99. Can't watch the 5pm kick-off live? A full match re-run will be available on VillaTV for match pass holders to watch again on-demand at a time to suit you. Please note, due to a broadcast rights agreement, the fixture is only available to fans in the UK.
  17. He's a nose and as such he's fair game. If it's class your after and don't like piss taking your'e probably in the wrong thread
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