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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. Not strictly a picture but thought it was worth sharing. From a Villa FB group post
  2. Transfer deals fall through on multiple occasions with all clubs. Some we hear about and some we don't The truth of the matter is NONE of us know what has actually happened. It's all speculation and a lot of it in here is, as ever, an over reaction and just guess work. We all agree the midfield still needs addressing and it should have been done by now but buying/selling players is never simple thing. There are so many complexities. I am still hopeful we will buy a midfielder we all crave for before the transfer deadline.
  3. The over reactions in this thread are weird
  4. How are we a laughing stock? In whose eyes? Just yours? the press/media? Other clubs fans? Please explain as i don't understand how we are a laughing stock. All of our recent transfer business has been lauded.
  5. What's going on here? A sensible post on Villatalk !!!!!!
  6. Whoever the next manager is, if NSWE are as serious about taking us to the 'next level' as they say they are, it will have to be someone with a proven track record. Sell the plan/ambitions to Poch. We cannot afford another roll of the dice and gamble.
  7. In But he's standing on the trap door There needs to be tangible signs of improvement in style of play and/or results otherwise that trap door will open.
  8. Yeah but it doesn't help with hygiene. There's already too many blokes who are walkers and don't even bother washing their hands. Now there's another one
  9. Push button taps in pubs and restaurants that when you press them the water flow lasts less than five seconds. How the heck are you supposed to wash your hands properly when you've got to keep one pressed on the bloody tap? And it's the same with some hand dryers that go off as soon as you put your hand under them. Why?
  10. It's the same as Talkshite I gave up on both of them ages ago
  11. any football shirt with anything other than a players name is ruined. Football shirts are big business these days and highly collectable and some go for decent money. I kind of get putting your own name on there but as soon as you put Rice Rice Baby or personalise it it's lost any worth.
  12. I follow ruined football shirts on twitter and i thought it would be good to have our own thread on this. I'm conscious that not everyone is on twitter or any social media platform and there are some gems out there that are worth sharing. So, when you are out and about, on hols or at a game and see something on a shirt, take a pic and post it in here for all to see. I'll start off with a couple i sent to @ruinedfootballshirts that were posted. The Dad & Son one is a tweet from RFS but i've copied the picture due to language used in the original tweet. Over to you fellow VTers
  13. cant imagine there’s any neutrals still watching this….it’s a dire game, really dull stuff
  14. This is on another level, so different and so refreshing We need to sign there social media team
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