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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. You can't say villa lost because gabby didn't turn up. Likewise you can't say Southampton didn't hammer Cardiff because of Rodriguez didn't play. There's too many variables. At the end of the day, you were just wrong. You over analyse everything to the point that it makes you look mental.
  2. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    U guys are terrible at organising. Lolololol
  3. I've only just gotten over Louis theroux's documentary about cancer last week.. what a horribly devastating disease cancer is. I hope you and your family are ok and dealing with the situation. When I get paid this month, I'm donating some money.
  4. Pm me the pm that stevo gotted. Fanx x
  5. No important person gives a **** about cars.
  6. He's certainly no DJ Campbell
  7. I paid 30 quid for the privilege today, fml lol.
  8. lapal_fan


    I did 6 miles for sports relief :-) I must admit, I walked for a mile though. I hadn't trained and I think my time was about 1 hour 15 or so
  9. Just been casa italia to celebrate my new job. Then tomorrow I'm helping my old man and his bud relay his drive, should be hard labour. Then on Sunday, sports relief 6 mile run (I aim to run half) provided I'm not completely disabled from the last week and Saturday :-)
  10. So I'm interviewing for a job at the moment and I've been invited for a third (3rd!!) Interview! It was only meant to be 2 interviews but apparently it's now down to me and one other person. I asked the agent if there's anything else I should have said during the interview, but the guy leading the interview told her I did great, communicated well and would fit into the organisation. Then hw said there's nothing more I can do, and to do the same in the next interview... It's great news, but now im wondering what the next one is going to be about. I was in the laat interview for 1 hour 20 minutes!
  11. Not seen this thread before, which is weird because I was round my mom's last night for tea, with my grandad too. So mom passes me this little plastic folder and explains that my grandads uncle was killed on November 5th 1916 at roughly 11am. It had his death certificate, along with a really detailed version of events, including all of his companies officers field diary notes. He was in the Worcestershire 2nd and the document starts from the company's beginnings to the end of them all. It was incredibly interesting and I even shed a few tears towards the end. The conditions described in the officers notes were just unimaginable to me, 21 year old blokes crawling over thigh high mud to a small ridge, knowing as soon as they went over the top, they'd be sprayed with machine gun fire... just to get to a ridge. It was in the somme region and he was attacking a trench called bontazki or something similar. They were on the west side of this long line of german trenches, who were dug in deeply, whilst the french soilders were along the east side and much further pushed up. So the commanding officer was forced to literally run into no mans land to keep up with the french. It wascbasically suicide and the Worcestershire 2nd lost over 300 men, including my great grand uncle. I'm very proud to say that eventually, they did take the trench.
  12. After an awesome weekend doing an orienteering course in the lake district and climbing a wainwright yesterday, I'm now watching bargain hunt.. what a come down...
  13. Those **** ronaldo stats... jesus christ...
  14. We need a vic and bob style 'handbags oooooooh' pic.. lol
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