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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. Nothing wrong with being cynical (unless it's in the lambert thread ) Have you never wanted to do anything? See a landmark? Go.and see a wonder?
  2. I may justly be accused of paranoia but I can't help but think the whole 'bucket list' thing is some PR exercise meant to liberate the silver pound from the aged one's bank account and into an act of consuming. Philosophically, I think it is weak because, to misquote Prospero slightly, at an age when every third thought is of the grave, such things become less and less meaningful. I would put it like this. In youth most of the things we achieve and those milestones which bring satisfaction, are driven by the sense that in doing them, we are participating in an act of becoming (existentially), but there comes a time when we get the unavoidable sense that we are all that we will ever be, and that ticking an item off a bucket list, does not change that fact. So I would leave all the talk of bucket lists to people young enough to have a reasonable hope that life might get better. I must say, that seems plausible – if not a little depressing to be honest. I realise that everyone gets to a point (all different) and must be happy about where they are and what they’re doing. I don’t think this exercise (this thread) is that though. I could have called it anything, but I called it the thing that most people are familiar with. I actually appreciate what’s being said, it’s really interesting to read the viewpoints of people in more advanced ages to myself, likewise it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of VT’s younger audience. I said in another post I realise that I won’t get to do most of the things in this list probably, and that day-by-day, the list would most likely change. That said, my nan died last year, and 3 weeks ago, my 85 year old granddad got on his first ever plane to Majorca, and went on a cruise around the Mediterranean (Barca, Monaco, Florance, Pisa, Rome etc). He only got his passport around Christmas time. He said it was something he always wanted to do and would have done much earlier in his life had it not been for my nan’s sheer terror of leaving Blackheath! I don’t think it’s at all unhealthy to wish (want) things in the future, if no one planned or aspired to do anything, life would be pretty boring in my opinion. Going back to what MJ said, it would definitely seem as though life is much more affluent in these days compared to say – the 1970s etc. In my school, I was one of the only people in year 8 never to have been on a plane. I went on a plane for the first time at 13, not really that old! I wonder what my kids’ bucket lists will be? It’ll be fun to find out!
  3. Neither am I to be totally honest mj. I'm similar to you in the respect that I went to uni because it was what was sold to me, not because I had something in mind afterwards. I went to the states last yeae for the first time and I was pretty awe struck to be honest. It made me realise how big the world is, how much there is to see and how little time there is to cram it all into, especially with monetary restrictions as per the normal person. I'm in a pretty good place atm, which could all change at any minute, but I think if you spend a bit of time thinking about what you want to do, you could prioritise the things which are most important.
  4. I nearly completed it, then put it down for a week and then I couldn't remember what to do/where to go It's not that scary to me anymore, more annoying in some places.
  5. The games are too expensive atm. I think come Xmas, they'll start going down to £50, then next year, 18 months into the life cycle, you'll get £40-45. That's what happened with the ps3 games anyway.
  6. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    Get Battlefield 4 and let's rub our sweaty, sloppy ball sacks over one another - via a microphone.. plz wainy, plz..
  7. The question is - Will Big John remind us we've lost a record number of games at home.. let's watch on..
  8. At least we've attempted to shoot with Lambert, with McLiesh we just defended..
  9. YOU WEAR AN EYE PATCH?! That's so cool - I hope you have the Villa badge on it! Sorry to hear about your operation. Do you have depth perception? Also, Rugeley - get to a Doctor, be as clear to them as you have been to us, accept help - if you want to. You have to be in the right place before you make any major changes, whether that means coming off drugs etc. You need to make this decision - although.. you do know drugs are bad, m'kay.
  10. Because he's satan.. duhh
  11. I've been evacuated off that ride. You have my attention...
  12. I probably won't complete the list to be honest. I'd like to set foot on every continent, that's another one. Also, that is my bucket list now, when I learn more about the amazing place we live, or new technologies allow us to experience new things, I'll update my bucket list when appropriate. I dare say some of the things on my bucket list won't interest me further down the line, that's why I think they're fun to do, it's things you think of, in that specfic moment of time. It'll always change over time. Hopefully I can have kids so I can complete my "go on the jurassic park ride in Florida" dream Not many bucket lists on here though, I thought a few people would give it a go
  13. Aww spoony looks lovely. Let's be friends :-)
  14. i didn't understand any of that. Why?
  15. How can you say that when I quite clearly gave it 9.5/10?
  16. You ever thought about writing reviews as a career? I currently write film reviews for the Daily Mail.
  17. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    You girls are so BETA speak and shout like MEN muahhahaahahahaaa You should practice wrestling promos
  18. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    If my ps3 can muster up the energy - I might make a come back. watch. this. space. (I'm hilarious on a mic - imo)
  19. Just been to watch Pompeii. Pretty good with the CHINNNG, CHINNG, CHINK, CHAAAAAAAANG-ing then there's a bit with this guy and then BIISSSEEEEKEWWWWWWWWWW, BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! and then the bit where CCCCCCCRREEESSSSSAAAAAAAAAACCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH was good. 9.5/10.
  20. for £5,000 a week, in this day in age, it's **** all. I'd rather have him come in and do as good a job as he did, than pay steve sidwell, or someone of his ilk £40,000 to get 3 good games a season.
  21. Saw This is 40 last night. Nice tits. 9.5/10. Watch anchorman 2 earlier. Not as good as the first, but still quite funny. 9.5/10
  22. New contract for him I think. Give him 2 or 3 more years. He's only been here 18 months and he's only 22. He's got a good physical presence and his skill level has already gone up since he's been here. If he shows as much improvement as he has since he's got here, by 24 he'll be a very useful player
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