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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. I'd have told them to keep it. Robbing buggers.
  2. Practice stretching your anus. I suggest when you get to the newell post stage, you've probably gone too far.. Im arse finger free thankfully.
  3. Let's just all go and support the blu....wait, hang on... what am I saying?
  4. You've probably done this, but just try and calm down and tackle what you're worrying about. Realise that whilst it may be something to have anxiety over, it most likely is something you can talk to someone about.
  5. Not even a like... Do you know how long that took to write on a mobile? You big selfish douche
  6. Just as a point, the Emirates airline were part of the huge bail out of Dubai by Abu Dhabi. So, by default, the owners of Man City sponsor Arsenal. Stick that in your FFP pipe and smoke it! And psg, Real Madrid, ac Milan, HIV, Olympiacos.... Football is just one massive advert for them, and to be fair it's worked, they'd started growing before but they've gone mental since For the same reason the notion that they'll one day pull out of city is nonsense, huge advert for them, would be interesting to see if anyone has actually tried quantifying the impact of football purchases / sponsorship on the region Financial aids? Must be greek...
  7. You think that's bad? I bent a tea spoon earlier trying to scoop out ice cream that just wasn't melted enough! **** my impatient life.
  8. Are all of your real life friends all dead because of your never ending negativity, so they all clubbed together and went to las vegas, went to a shooting range, picked the shotgun package, went through the health and safety training, took the gun licence test, passed it, then went to pick up their licenses from the NRA offices, then they went to home depot, purchased a shotgun each and two shells. Then did they go to max spielman with a memory card stolen from your mom (big joanna) print off a real life-size picture of you and then drive into the desert, towards the hoover dam where they then took turns to pin up your life-size picture, load their shotguns, each shoot 1 shell into your photo whilst yelling and crying. Then with their other shells, did they shoot each other off the top of the hoover dam with the last person being pissed off because he had no one to shoot him into the dam, so he yelled "**** you big john, you negative ninny!" Before just launching himself off the top of the dam and falling on some power cables and horribly burning half to death before falling the rest of the way and smashing his skull at the bottom of the dam? Because that's what I think. And I think it's the reason you're sad all the time because of that stuff I just said.
  9. I don't even care how long its been. It just shows you how cack everyone has made on topic This is amazing.
  10. The thing that baffles me most about Lambert is that sometimes, he gets us good results. I mean, we always play well against Swansea. We always do well at arsenal and Liverpool. Then by the same token, we've been absolutely garbage againt fulham, palace and other low placed teams. I really want him to bw successful, he's young, done well at other clubs and looks smart. I'm still not in the Lambert out camp. This season's almost over and I'd like him to be given 5 games next season with his full first 11 playing. With Okore, vlaar, benteke, delph and guzan as a very decent spine. Fair enough, there has been some absolute tripe lately, but I think this team has been on their holidays since chelsea (even though it's Lamberts job to motivate).
  11. The way I see it is this: *Insert your own opinion on Lambert and give me a like.*
  12. Round and round in circles we go. Split the site: Villa pro Villa boo
  13. Appropriate thread...I hate using that word Would you prefer her to be your fiance?
  14. She's your fiancée Now everyone knows she's called Joan. I'm telling Joan on you! Ommmmm
  15. I have want to be a wrestlin guy :,(
  16. When you know Paddywhack personally, you learn he's not a fussy guy ;-)
  17. I went to the cinema and watched some shit film today. Forgot what it was called but it began with an S. 2/10
  18. The people who ruin on topic should be given 1 month bans, it used to be great in on topic, but about 10 people ruin it. You just got to hope they break forum rules sooner rather than later.
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