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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. I like the look of Godzilla, not seen it yet, but it looks good. 9.5/10.
  2. Transendance was a decent flick 9.5/10
  3. Turn the babby monitor off from 10pm until 9am - Done then ay it?
  4. The next game is our 'Sunderland' game. He motivated the team for that crunch tie last year, he needs to do the same again. We win that game, we can all relax. We draw it, we're pretty much safe, we lose it, we're beginning to look at other teams' results. We don't want that to happen.
  5. LEAVE GABBY ALONE! He bought me a villa shirt
  6. Hot Rod is awesome. Ohhhh Kathy.. OHHHHHHHH
  7. Glory hunter. Edit- CED already said it above. I didn't look for glory, it found me. I just knew you'd have long fingernails
  8. I'm a pissed as a fart. First time in ages, feels great in the right company :-)
  9. Last season, everyone was loving wiemann an slating bent. Just because wiemann is now not flavour of the month, you can't forget the poor performances of bent.
  10. Thanks eames. But as Trent said, I was stupid, pac was stupid. In the aftermath of watching our common team lose, we were both a bit disappointed and I was a bit silly. I wouldn't and haven't acted in such a manner before and I've let myself down. Apologies to the people who were correct in saying it was stupid at both ends, it won't happen again. Up the villa. :-)
  11. Enough, the pair of you or you will find yourselves unable to post on the site. TV
  12. Well, I defended him over the last week, I was thinking that the karsa and culverhouse thing may have had an effect. But looking at today, you cannot lose 4 - 1 to a team around you, when you are in as much relegation danger as we are. You'd at least expect him to be motivational during this time, and evidently, he hasn't been. Whilst I dont feel sacking him now would make any difference to our season, when you lose the support as much as he did, your days are numbered.. You tried at least.
  13. Im not really a baker fan. His party trick is last ditch defending, often leading to a goal.
  14. You're not implying I got the names wrong are you? I got them from Garth Crooks
  15. Me an the wife have booked into the chill factor in manchester for a couple of days learning to snowboard. I've done skiing and want to know which one is better before I go and spend serious moolah on anything :-)
  16. Ahem... Never got the Bouma love ... to slow , always out of position .. did give his all I'll give him that much though Whaaaa?! Bouma was really good! You've officially lost it tony! meh ... you probably think Sørensen was a good keeper as well Decent to good shot stopper. Nothing else really
  17. Ahem... Never got the Bouma love ... to slow , always out of position .. did give his all I'll give him that much though Whaaaa?! Bouma was really good! You've officially lost it tony!
  18. You're just being silly. Benitt has hardly played. Yea, but when he did I gave him a 10/10. so his average over the season is 10/10 - no other player comes close - he goes in the team of the year. soz.
  20. I'm hopefully moving to Canada (eh?) in a few years.
  21. I thought it was a good point considering the last 4 games overall.
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