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Everything posted by delboy54

  1. Just had my season ticket arrive in its little presentation box, should I tell the postman to take it back?
  2. Bloody hell that makes me feel queasy..... just seen that small heath are top of the championship.......
  3. Just an observation ... I am wondering if men's football seems to be more "tribal" in that we generally follow one club through thick and thin and many of us are "meh" when it comes to England. Whereas is the women's game it is the opposite? great support for the England team but not a huge interest for the individual clubs.. I have to say I watched all the women's England games in the Euros and thoroughly enjoyed them, I thought the games were entertaining, lack of back chat to the ref, very little diving and no cheating was refreshing to see....it was how the game should be played, yes there were mistakes but that happens in every game of footy. I thought the women of all team in the competition played very high standard footy to be honest. I just hope that with all the talk of chucking money at the women,s game it does not cause it to then go on to create the environment of the cheating, diving and moaning that continually goes on in the mens game Well done England....(I hope "safegate" was watching) Regards Derek
  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but since joining man c$ty i think he has only won one medal, that is the title. In every final playing for the oil barons he has come away with a losing finalist medal (runners up), starting with the Euro final last year. I think the only one off final that he was on the winning side was for us in the play off final v Derby I am sure that this will change this year, looks like liverplop or c$ty to share everything this year
  5. Years ago I worked for Anglian water in the "lumpy water" side of the industry. One of the processes was to pump sewage sludge into large presses where liquid would be pressed out, leaving a "cake" that was spread on fields as fertiliser. The smell took your breath away, if you got any liquid sewage sludge on your hands it would stink for hours despite continually scrubbing hands. The only way you could eat your sandwiches at lunchtime was to put aftershave on your hands !
  6. Sorry to be pedantic and it's a minor point but Bournemouth play at the Vitality Stadium not Vicarage Road as shown in the title of this thread.....dont want to tempt fate and end up with the same result as we did against Watford first game of last year !!
  7. I wish Villa Park could have (should have) hosted one of the England games....
  8. I like the Norwich away kit Our man Dean must have had an input to the choice of colour
  9. I really enjoyed watching the game last night - in fact all of the England women's matches in this tournament, yes we played our part in "gamesmanship" for the last 20 mins or so, but that is the nature of the modern game now - England men's team and the Villa have had it done to us for years by the opposition. What I really enjoyed is that the game was exciting, very few stoppages, not much cheating and no backchat to the officials (I read somewhere that there is a rule that its an instant yellow - is that right? if so bring it into the mans game!). Compare this to the mens national team where its a slow, tedious borefest especially under the current manager. Compare and contrast the England womens manager last night and her use of subs - brave and inspiring.....you will never see those two words in the same sentence with Southgate. Regards Derek
  10. Problem is the humidity factor in this country. It amplifies the temperature. In the summer it makes it feel hotter and in the winter it makes it feel colder. A work colleague based in Moscow said in winter it goes down to -30C, yet when he goes to St Petersburg which is near the sea, the humidity is higher and although the temp there in the winter is -20C it feels colder.....!
  11. Was that the sub that came on and was booked a minute later?
  12. If the Villa were winning 6 - 0 at half time I would still worry that we would end up losing....
  13. We need to be far more original with our songs tbh
  14. I was going to count how many times he said "ok" in that short video, but lost count after 476.....
  15. To be honest it's good to see a free flowing game of footy without the diving, cheating, shirt pulling, feigning injury and histrionics that plagues the mens game. Plus the referee is doing a reasonable job of referring a game of football rather than trying to grab the limelight for all the wrong reasons....
  16. We have loads of overseas players playing in the premier league, as it appears from my admittedly unscientific evidence that overseas refs do a far better job than our own UK refs, why don't we see more overseas refs take charge of premier league games? Or have I just answered my own question ?......
  17. Went with the wife last night to see The Eagles at Hyde Park, we are both of that age.... I enjoyed the gig, Joe Walsh still a great guitar player Joe Walsh commented that he had a lot more fun when he was in his 20's in the 70's, than being in his 70's in the 20's......although I am not yet in my 70's (6 years to go), it was something that I could very much agree with Regards Derek
  18. I agree, Putin will push and push bit by bit until something happens or someone says enoughs enough. And then it's a much bigger issue for all of us. If we appease Putin he will temporarily stop then regroup then start again when he is ready....
  19. Cannot fault Forest for wanting to check his injury record, I mean Villa do this for every incoming player.......don't we..........oh wait........
  20. Seriously? Birmingham Mail says we are linked with Ben Mee .....wtf ?
  21. I would like to nominate our very own TRO....... Regards Derek
  22. I am confident that there have been plans in place to deal with any employee leaving. Most organisations have a contingency "what if". Good luck to him, people progress and change jobs and obviously he wants to step up, its natural that he wants to test himself. To be fair this is about the best time of year for him to leave anyway....
  23. I will choose the day for my to turn to be king to present the FA cup to the Villa!
  24. delboy54


    What a nerd, hasn't he got anything better to do?
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