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FIFA Corruption


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So is this as big as it sounds or will nothing come of it?

Its impossible to say until we know who has been legally challenged, considering this has come off the German judge who cleared Qatar and Russia of any wrongdoing but pointed a finger at the English fa id guess its our guys being investigated

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If it does go to court, won't the whole report have to be made public. You cant really say for example in chapter 6 paragraph 5 we have the evidence to prosecute someone, without looking at all the other chapters. Chapter 10 might just say  nah we were only joking.

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From the BBC

Fifa has lodged a criminal complaint against individuals connected to the bids to host the next two World Cups.

However Fifa judge Hans-Joachim Eckert said there was "insufficient incriminating evidence" to question the whole bidding process.

Last week Eckert released a 42-page report that cleared Russia and Qatar to host the 2018 and 2022 tournaments.

Although the report has been widely criticised, Fifa president Sepp Blatter has resisted calls to make it public.

Blatter said: "We have examined this matter very carefully from a legal point of view.

"The result was clear: If Fifa were to publish the report, we would be violating our own association law as well as state law."

However, football's world governing body do have significant areas of concern.

In a statement, it said: "There seem to be grounds for suspicion that, in isolated cases, international transfers of assets with connections to Switzerland took place, which merit examination by the criminal prosecution authorities."

Blatter said the move shows Fifa is not opposed to transparency.

He added: "If we had anything to hide, we would hardly be taking this matter to the Office of the Attorney General."

Eckert confirmed he had advised Fifa that a criminal complaint be lodged at or about the same time he produced his report last week.

Fifa have been on the back foot since their report was released on 13 November.

Within hours, Michael Garcia, the US prosecutor who conducted a two-year inquiry into claims of wrongdoing within the bidding process, claimed Fifa's report contained "numerous materially incomplete and erroneous representations".

Garcia and Eckert are due to meet on Thursday to discuss the issue.

Eckert has rejected claims of a 'whitewash'.

He said: "I would like to point out that not once did my statement involve a so-called 'whitewashing' of the award process with regard to the various allegations and assumptions made, contrary to what has been claimed in some quarters.

"My statement was based on the Garcia report - I can only work with the material contained in it, and in my view, there was insufficient clear evidence of illegal or irregular conduct that would call into question the integrity of the award process as a whole."


From what I can get from that, FIFA are just covering there own arse by saying "we are trying to do something". Edited by Jimzk5
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"Look at us everyone, being open, transparent and seeking justice for any potential wrong doing...

However, we'd just like to confirm there was nothing wrong with the winning bids and no, we won't publish the full unedited report."

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As previously confirmed - anyone who threatens Sepp's position is bad and must be punished, preferably with prison; any accusations of misbehaviour from Sepp must be buried. Sepp will remain President until he is 104, or has acquired all of the worlds money.

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As previously confirmed - anyone who threatens Sepp's position is bad and must be punished, preferably with prison; any accusations of misbehaviour from Sepp must be buried. Sepp will remain President until he is 104, or has acquired all of the worlds money.

Is he related to Doug?

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So is this as big as it sounds or will nothing come of it?


FIFA lodged the complaint so they would hardly do that if that thought it would come back to bite them. It's a 'look we went to a kangaroo court and it said we're in the clean'. Now let's all go to Qatar and have a few pints...oh wait...

Edited by villa89
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Fifa whistleblower Phaedra Al-Majid says she will "look over my shoulder for the rest of my life" after making allegations of corruption against Qatar's successful 2022 World Cup bid.

In a two-year inquiry which cleared Qatar, Al-Majid repeated allegations she made and later retracted in 2011.

She told the BBC her accusations introduced her to "a whole new culture of paranoia, fear and threats".

In response, Qatar said they "stand by the integrity of their bid".

Full article on the beeb



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The problem here is she made these claims 4 years ago and quickly retracted them, then waited until Garcias investigation was finished before talking again. Fair **** to her for speaking out though

Edited by Jimzk5
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Fifa, I'd like to play a game..


What will you do when all of your major sponsors drop you like a stone because of your greed?


Will you continue to turn a blind eye to the corruption of your corporation? Or will you do your job properly? you shits.

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they wont


qatar will be worth a fortune to coca cola for a start, its a region dominated by pepsi, they'll have a moan but little more than that, get their marketing team on it distancing themselves from the controversy, contractually they're signed up till 2022


sony who once again posted huge financial losses have decided not to renew, that article flirts with the idea that its because of russia and qatar, the reality will be that sony no longer see it as value for money, again marketing teams putting a spin on it, rather than saying its because sony cant afford it its because sony is a moral company unhappy with FIFA


as for the others,hyundai are signed up till 2022, visa are the same, emirates are the same as sony, not renewing and putting the spin on it but they'll be replaced by another gulf based airline when they do, adidas are signed up till 2030 and if they went then nike would be all over it


the world cup also then has separate partners who just sponsor the tournament such as mcdonalds, and then national sponsors, something tells me that even if all the sponsors did pull out of qatar a few local ones would soon sort that out, im guessing qatar will replace emirates for a start

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I agree with all the above regarding sponsors.


If pressure is to be applied then it needs to come from the nations and football federations. Its ok have a full order book of sponsors but if the top players / countries are not there then there will be all kinds of problems for FIFA.

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