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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I'm particularly grumpy today for some reason and that's annoying me. So the fact that I'm pissed off is pissing me off. Doesn't sound like an easy vicious circle to break out of either :(


Don't let it piss you off, just acknowledge that you're pissed off, don't try to change anything and carry on with your day. Even when you're head is playing silly buggers, there's always the rational BOF lurking in the background somewhere.

Yeah good advice, however I think this is rational BOF, just without the tolerance i.e. nothing has changed other than the desire to hold stuff back :) Maybe I'll listen to popcorn and go to my happy place.
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Shillzz, on 03 Oct 2013 - 2:01 PM, said:

The fact that I used "you're" incorrectly when it happens to be one of the things that I ridicule people for on Facebook.

your one of them grammar Nazi's aren't you 

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The fact that I used "you're" incorrectly when it happens to be one of the things that I ridicule people for on Facebook.


Samuel L. Jackson is a grammar nazi.



"On Twitter someone will write, ‘Your an idiot,’ and I’ll go, ‘No, you’re an idiot,’ and all my Twitterphiles will go, ‘Hey, Sam Jackson, he’s the grammar police,’" he proudly proclaimed in an interview this week. "I’ll take that", he continued, "I mean, we have newscasters who don’t even know how to conjugate verbs, something Walter Cronkite and Edward R Murrow never had problems with."



This doesn't piss me off though. Au contraire.

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Shillzz, on 03 Oct 2013 - 2:01 PM, said:

The fact that I used "you're" incorrectly when it happens to be one of the things that I ridicule people for on Facebook.

your one of them grammar Nazi's aren't you

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in before the I see what you did there  picture




loads of abuse from people who didn't see .... B)




Edit - or not as the case may be :)

Edited by tonyh29
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my dad bought me and my brother a train set when we were little


well more importantly he bought the pieces required and built it  , it's rather impressive  , he laid the track on some hardboard and built a stand and hinges so it folds up against a wall when not in use  .. track , fake grass , signals , turntables the works  ..


but my brother and I were never allowed near it in case we broke it !!


It's still going strong even now , worse still he lets my kids play on it when we go around to visit , and they are far more destructive then me and my brother ever were

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my dad bought me and my brother a train set when we were little


well more importantly he bought the pieces required and built it  , it's rather impressive  , he laid the track on some hardboard and built a stand and hinges so it folds up against a wall when not in use  .. track , fake grass , signals , turntables the works  ..


but my brother and I were never allowed near it in case we broke it !!


It's still going strong even now , worse still he lets my kids play on it when we go around to visit , and they are far more destructive then me and my brother ever were


Did little Tony privatise the model railway?

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villaajax, on 03 Oct 2013 - 6:11 PM, said:


tonyh29, on 03 Oct 2013 - 5:37 PM, said:

my dad bought me and my brother a train set when we were little


well more importantly he bought the pieces required and built it  , it's rather impressive  , he laid the track on some hardboard and built a stand and hinges so it folds up against a wall when not in use  .. track , fake grass , signals , turntables the works  ..


but my brother and I were never allowed near it in case we broke it !!


It's still going strong even now , worse still he lets my kids play on it when we go around to visit , and they are far more destructive then me and my brother ever were


Did little Tony privatise the model railway?



my 1993 privatisation of the H29 railway network  was rather successful , however  my brother then took over managing the trainset around 1997 and sold various parts of it off to a Fat German kid called Hans  and a French kid who smelt of garlic called Pierre .. he also got involved with some self serving publicity seeking kid with a beard


and alas it ended badly

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villaajax, on 03 Oct 2013 - 6:11 PM, said:


tonyh29, on 03 Oct 2013 - 5:37 PM, said:

my dad bought me and my brother a train set when we were little


well more importantly he bought the pieces required and built it  , it's rather impressive  , he laid the track on some hardboard and built a stand and hinges so it folds up against a wall when not in use  .. track , fake grass , signals , turntables the works  ..


but my brother and I were never allowed near it in case we broke it !!


It's still going strong even now , worse still he lets my kids play on it when we go around to visit , and they are far more destructive then me and my brother ever were


Did little Tony privatise the model railway?



my 1993 privatisation of the H29 railway network  was rather successful , however  my brother then took over managing the trainset around 1997 and sold various parts of it off to a Fat German kid called Hans  and a French kid who smelt of garlic called Pierre .. he also got involved with some self serving publicity seeking kid with a beard


and alas it ended badly



Privatisation always does. I bet those hard working model people have OO scale bank balances after buying their train tickets.

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This didn't really piss me off but I thought I would drop it in here anyway


I had to go through the whole ''drinking on your own'' debate again today.


Everyone on my team is going out together on Saturday (they are going to the dogs and work is paying for it as a big THANKYOU for everyone's hard work after they shafted us by closing down another office) now that doesn't bother me I politely declined the offer to go because on Saturday's I like to either chill out or have a drink with me mates, the thought of knocking about with everyone I work with on a Saturday doesn't appeal to me at all.

Anyways I said today that I was going to get meself some Stella and have a wee drink on my own tonight, all of a sudden I got it both barrels from everyone ''so you will drink on your own but you wont drink with us?'' etc etc


well the answer to that one is pretty easy, Yeah I would prefer to have a few beers on my own on a Thursday night rather than dedicate a whole Saturday to drinking with you lot.


Then the conversation went onto how you must be some sort of animal killer or child snatcher to drink on your own and that drinking should be a social thing. I tried to explain that my problem is that when I am around people and have a big drink I cant stop (a quiet drink with just one of my mates will often turn into 10 cans and a bottle of vodka and a wasted Sunday) I haven't had a big session in knocking on for two months now and much prefer to have a few bottles one of the nights during the week and then have a sensible drink on a weekend (say 8 cans or something on one of the nights)


They didn't understand this and they all thought that lager, cider, vodka, jagermeister, red bull and whiskey on a Saturday night is better than having 3 or 4 bottles during the week.


I cant figure people out, I really cant, that's why I want to move to an island with just a fox for company

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