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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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A woman who I sit next to at work just said to me, 'I can tell I've put a bit of weight on, my bra's tighter'. Without really thinking and getting on with my work I replied, 'You can take it off if you want.'

She didn't like it, pissed me off. It was clearly a joke and she was talking about her bra in the first place, what was I supposed to reply with?

Typing this I can see why she was annoyed actually...

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A woman who I sit next to at work just said to me, 'I can tell I've put a bit of weight on, my bra's tighter'. Without really thinking and getting on with my work I replied, 'You can take it off if you want.'

She didn't like it, pissed me off. It was clearly a joke and she was talking about her bra in the first place, what was I supposed to reply with?

Typing this I can see why she was annoyed actually...

her fault, she mentioned the tit hammock first.

You should have said "let me oil them up and put my cock between them and I'll be the judge"

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in the selfridges food court at the weekend, a guy who worked there carrying a load of stuff drops a pack of cans (£2.50 per can root beer no less) the pack slits a few can fly off, one lands about 2m away from a pushchair

the guy puts everything down, apologises like mad and starts collecting the cans, the kid in the pushchair really could not give a ****

some middle aged woman, big fat thing obviously with a fair bit of money and a stupid not really that posh accent comes over, it could have hit the kid in the face, he could have lost an eye blah blah blah then she picked up a can and shouted im so angry at you i just want to throw this can in your face and threw the can on the floor instead, this was followed by probably another 20 minutes of her moaning about the kids near death experience, i really felt like getting involved and telling her to do one

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should've told her to **** up anout her weight.

people that either bang on about their weight or casually mention it in a vain attempt to recieve a compliment deserve to be shot.

same goes for people that mention other peoples weight.

one of many things i just don't get.

(this excludes abusing refs/opposition players who are a bit on the heavy side)

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I actually yelled at a woman the other day in line at Jasons deli. She ate her entire meal with the exception of a few chips and a pickle...she told the poor girl at the counter the following "I didn't enjoy this! I don't want it!!! And now I want you to give me something else for free" The poor girl at the counter calmly explained she couldn't do that because the lady ate the entire meal. I remained silent until the lady then said "Are you calling me a liar!?!?!This is ridiculous! I don't want it I want something else. I paid for this so whatever else I get I will NOT be paying for. Get your manager because you clearly don't understand anything!!!" To which I replied with.. Who the f@#k does that?!?! You ate the entire damn thing. I then told the girl behind the counter I was sorry it was rude bitch day and I would tip her more for her troubles. The lady told me I couldn't talk to her like that. I laughed and said I don't work here, so I'll talk to her anyway I damn please. Especially if she is under the impression that she can demand ridiculous things and treat people like sh@#. Then I kindly told her to piss off and get away from me because her negativity was ruining my good day. I gotta say, it felt pretty good. But sweet lord she pissed me off.

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I actually yelled at a woman the other day in line at Jasons deli. She ate her entire meal with the exception of a few chips and a pickle...she told the poor girl at the counter the following "I didn't enjoy this! I don't want it!!! And now I want you to give me something else for free" The poor girl at the counter calmly explained she couldn't do that because the lady ate the entire meal. I remained silent until the lady then said "Are you calling me a liar!?!?!This is ridiculous! I don't want it I want something else. I paid for this so whatever else I get I will NOT be paying for. Get your manager because you clearly don't understand anything!!!" To which I replied with.. Who the f@#k does that?!?! You ate the entire damn thing. I then told the girl behind the counter I was sorry it was rude bitch day and I would tip her more for her troubles. The lady told me I couldn't talk to her like that. I laughed and said I don't work here, so I'll talk to her anyway I damn please. Especially if she is under the impression that she can demand ridiculous things and treat people like sh@#. Then I kindly told her to piss off and get away from me because her negativity was ruining my good day. I gotta say, it felt pretty good. But sweet lord she pissed me off.

Spitfire Jaime!

:clap: :notworthy: :clap: :notworthy:

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I actually yelled at a woman the other day in line at Jasons deli. She ate her entire meal with the exception of a few chips and a pickle...she told the poor girl at the counter the following "I didn't enjoy this! I don't want it!!! And now I want you to give me something else for free" The poor girl at the counter calmly explained she couldn't do that because the lady ate the entire meal. I remained silent until the lady then said "Are you calling me a liar!?!?!This is ridiculous! I don't want it I want something else. I paid for this so whatever else I get I will NOT be paying for. Get your manager because you clearly don't understand anything!!!" To which I replied with.. Who the f@#k does that?!?! You ate the entire damn thing. I then told the girl behind the counter I was sorry it was rude bitch day and I would tip her more for her troubles. The lady told me I couldn't talk to her like that. I laughed and said I don't work here, so I'll talk to her anyway I damn please. Especially if she is under the impression that she can demand ridiculous things and treat people like sh@#. Then I kindly told her to piss off and get away from me because her negativity was ruining my good day. I gotta say, it felt pretty good. But sweet lord she pissed me off.


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Lots of people are like that. It's a big part of the reason I never want to work in a shop again. A noticable percentage of the customers are vile people who think they can treat you like shit and get whatever they want, and will play up (it's the best description to use, just like a toddler) if you try to do things correctly, which inevitably will be contrary to what they want.

In my time at Gamestation we had people throw over displays, I had a guy chuck stuff at me, a bloke caught red handed stealing insta-played the racism card and then threatened the guy who confronted him with gang retribution after work, had a guy try to manipulate a staff member into giving him a PS3 in exchange/return for something when there was no reason to and subsequently claimed the store was trying to 'rob him' and threw a full blown tantrum, had a guy passive aggressively use a (very wrong) interpretation of consumer rights to brow beat the manager into refunding him for no reason, and amongst all that numerous threats, insults, aggressive conduct, shouting and screaming... And those are just off the top of my head. Only ever lost my temper once though, and I've no patience at all.

**** ever serving the public, seriously. The public contains an awful lot of words removed.

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I have had to promise ex girlfriends to keep my mouth shut in shops as I have a habbit of butting in when I hear another customer being rude and not using their manners, group of lads and girls in mcdonalds calling the girl white trash and other shit for no reason. I interupted with have you got no **** manners and lost my rag, my gf at the time shit her pants and as I had done it before she lost it with me after.

With my current girlfriend I kept quiet, trying to deal with things a bit more civilised, she was a little shocked that I did not react to an woman ripping into me for no reason, so I smiled and I calmly sliced up the nasty bitch with some subtle cutting words and loved how my gf just dropped in a few extra words to compliment it. "I see you have a lot of cat food in your trolly, loads of cats and no man? thought so" pissed myself laughing.

Watched on as a group of teenagers in Burntwood pool last week kept on waiting for her to go past and splach by her and dive and touch her, the life guard did jack shit till I held the one little fat bastards head under the water while explaining manners to his mates who for some reason nodded in agrreement with me. :lol:

I could never work in a shop as I would be sacked!

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I have worked in restaurants and bars since I was 16. I have a fair amount of patience and honestly if people are rude to me I rarely care about it. But when I see them treating other people that way it just infuriates me. That day was a difficult day because I experienced several rude people on my break. That was actually the second of 3 lines I was in that day where the person in front of me was rude. No idea what was going on * a lot of people said it was the full moon scenario* but that lady was just ridiculous and I wanted....NEEDED to let her know it.

@b6, the cat lady reference was great! @ Chindie, I have had almost every scenario you mentioned and then some. No one understands why I still like people, but I do. I just don't like them when I work my restaurant job. @CED, words to live by :)

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I'm trying to get some bar and waiting part time work on the go, that story ME has actually energised my search :lol:

I used to hate it, I still do but in the one off jobs I've had recently ( stadium work etc ) I've realised I can deal with it much better at 26 than at 19. Well I know that makes sense, but still. Perhaps it's an element of not caring if I get fired, so that sense of joy of pissing someone off is closer to potential reality than before, but also a bit of just standing up for not being bullied / letting others be total shits to them. Honestly, also in the food industry you'd think customers would be more wary how they treated those who are responsible for the contents of their dinner... :lol:

edit: realised I suppose part of it came from 2 years or so working in the council receiving phone calls from mental tenants. Excluding the reasonable complaints, just listening to minute after minute of deranged / drunk / wildly incomprehensible gibberish probably helped with the desensitisation to idiocy.

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Lots of people are like that. It's a big part of the reason I never want to work in a shop again. A noticable percentage of the customers are vile people who think they can treat you like shit and get whatever they want, and will play up (it's the best description to use, just like a toddler) if you try to do things correctly, which inevitably will be contrary to what they want.

In my time at Gamestation we had people throw over displays, I had a guy chuck stuff at me, a bloke caught red handed stealing insta-played the racism card and then threatened the guy who confronted him with gang retribution after work, had a guy try to manipulate a staff member into giving him a PS3 in exchange/return for something when there was no reason to and subsequently claimed the store was trying to 'rob him' and threw a full blown tantrum, had a guy passive aggressively use a (very wrong) interpretation of consumer rights to brow beat the manager into refunding him for no reason, and amongst all that numerous threats, insults, aggressive conduct, shouting and screaming... And those are just off the top of my head. Only ever lost my temper once though, and I've no patience at all.

**** ever serving the public, seriously. The public contains an awful lot of words removed.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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There is this general perception that if you behave disgustingly enough to customer services that you will get your own way. People who do this, knowing full well that they are in the wrong are the lowest of the low. People who do this whilst misunderstanding their rights, or what they're entitled to are just utterly stupid.

In either case it's unacceptable.

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Dont even try and get me started on the general publics ideas of expectations & their behaviour as customers.

Only yesterday I took a complaint from some dickhead alleging one of our drivers assaulted his friend. (Warning sign numero uno - the friend was not complaining)

So I asked him what happened... "My friend was sick in his taxi, so when he stopped the car, she ran off but he grabbed her by the arm to stop her and it really hurt her, I think he should be sacked, that's assault"

Me: "I think that's a Police matter"

Dickhead: "The Police stopped at the scene"

Me: "And what did they do?"

Dickhead: "They made us pay the fare and a soiling charge"

Me: "And what did they say about the alleged assault?"

Dickhead: "They said the taxi driver was within his rights, using reasonable force to make a citizens arrest, but they were wrong"

Me: "So you think I should do something about this?"

Dickhead: "Yes I want him sacked"

Me: "Excuse me sir, but you were in the wrong but you want him sacked, don't you think thats just a bit bizarre?"

Dickhead:"Well the Police wouldn't do anything about him so you should"

Me: "I'm putting the phone down now before I lose the will to live.

Then only today, I had some woman phone up to complain about her cab being late on.... Christmas Day. I felt like asking her if she'd been in a coma, but I went through the motions and checked the job just in case she meant Easter Sunday.... no it was Christmas Night she was talking about.. I was almost speechless tbh

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I'm trying to get some bar and waiting part time work on the go, that story ME has actually energised my search :lol:

I used to hate it, I still do but in the one off jobs I've had recently ( stadium work etc ) I've realised I can deal with it much better at 26 than at 19. Well I know that makes sense, but still. Perhaps it's an element of not caring if I get fired, so that sense of joy of pissing someone off is closer to potential reality than before, but also a bit of just standing up for not being bullied / letting others be total shits to them. Honestly, also in the food industry you'd think customers would be more wary how they treated those who are responsible for the contents of their dinner... :lol:

edit: realised I suppose part of it came from 2 years or so working in the council receiving phone calls from mental tenants. Excluding the reasonable complaints, just listening to minute after minute of deranged / drunk / wildly incomprehensible gibberish probably helped with the desensitisation to idiocy.

I will say that I feel similar. I don't actually need the restaurant job. So I will get a little bit more pissy with rude people than my average co-worker because I have another job. Also, as I have gotten older, I recently have discovered my tolerance for peoples BS is much lower. I still always try to be nice and understanding because that's just who I am. It just doesn't always work.

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Then only today, I had some woman phone up to complain about her cab being late on.... Christmas Day. I felt like asking her if she'd been in a coma, but I went through the motions and checked the job just in case she meant Easter Sunday.... no it was Christmas Night she was talking about.. I was almost speechless tbh

Maybe her taxi had just shown up


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Lots of people are like that. It's a big part of the reason I never want to work in a shop again. A noticable percentage of the customers are vile people who think they can treat you like shit and get whatever they want, and will play up (it's the best description to use, just like a toddler) if you try to do things correctly, which inevitably will be contrary to what they want.

In my time at Gamestation we had people throw over displays, I had a guy chuck stuff at me, a bloke caught red handed stealing insta-played the racism card and then threatened the guy who confronted him with gang retribution after work, had a guy try to manipulate a staff member into giving him a PS3 in exchange/return for something when there was no reason to and subsequently claimed the store was trying to 'rob him' and threw a full blown tantrum, had a guy passive aggressively use a (very wrong) interpretation of consumer rights to brow beat the manager into refunding him for no reason, and amongst all that numerous threats, insults, aggressive conduct, shouting and screaming... And those are just off the top of my head. Only ever lost my temper once though, and I've no patience at all.

**** ever serving the public, seriously. The public contains an awful lot of words removed.

That's why I can never work in a shop like that. When I was in Sixth Form I worked at Woolworths, someone started being an arse and I wanted to beat him half to death. I asked to be moved into the stores after my first day. I don't have the patience to be around people acting like tossers just because they feel they can get away with it.

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