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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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No-one else regurgitates pool water, you dirty ****

You'd swallow pisswater ? I swim a lot less than I should, but I ain't swallowing any of the pool.

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thats because you have a huge nose which can suck in copious amounts of air.

whereas myself and paddywhack have small nose openings which do not let enough air in to maintain swim speed. If we were to breathe in just using our noses we would drown. It's not like im processing the water, hardly any water gets in. I just let it out of my mouth rather than spitting it out.

I dislike people who's wrists break ridicoulously easily!

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Nope, I just swim with my mouth closed or breath when my head is above the water!

If you're not getting any water in your mouth why do you care that it's been in other people's mouths?

Unless ofc you're a secret pool water swallower.

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Family occasions. My cousins and aunties make this fuss about wanting to see me at a wedding on Saturday, it all "Please come to the wedding", "I hope you are coming on Saturday" or say to my mum "He is going to come isn't he?", now I hate going to family stuff so I wasn't planning on going but because they kept on, I've decided to go, but I know that when I am there, no one will speak to me apart from "Hi, how's work?".

How do I know that? because it's the same at EVERY occasion, they make a fuss, I go, they don't speak to me.

Also, this wedding is for a cousin who I didn't even know existed until a few years ago and already she has been taken in as more a part of the family than I ever have or ever will have.

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You get out of something what you put into it.

Not quite, one cousin in particular I have done loads for but she'll only have anything to do with me when there is something in it for her and the rest are no different to be fair.

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You get out of something what you put into it.

Tom Lehrer"]

I am reminded at this point of a fellow I used to know whose name was Henry, only to give you an idea of what an individualist he was, he spelled it Hen3ry: the 3 was silent, you see. Hen3ry was financially independent, having inherited his father's tar-and-feather business and was therefore able to devote his time to such intellectual pursuits as writing. I particularly remember a heart-warming novel of his about a young necrophiliac who finally achieved his boyhood ambition by becoming coroner.

The rest of you can look it up when you get home.

In addition to his writing, he indulged in a good deal of philosophizing. Like so many contemporary philosophers, he particularly enjoyed giving helpful advice to people who were happier than he was. One particular bit of advice which I recall, which is the reason I bring up this whole dreary story, is something he said once, before they took him away to the Massachusetts State Home for the Bewildered. He said: "Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it."

It's always seemed to me that this is precisely the sort of dynamic, positive thinking that we so desperately need in these trying times of crisis and universal brouhaha, and so with this in mind, I have here a modern, positive, dynamic, uplifting song in the tradition of the great old revival hymns. This one may more accurately be termed a survival hymn...

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You get out of something what you put into it.

Don't let maqroll hear you say things like that.

In other news, I, who have been struggling to sleep for the past few days, was awoken tonight by 2 alarms going off and still going off. I don't know where they are, I don't know what they want, but I'm going to find them and complain to someone nearby.

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Colleagues using "Well, I've got a kid" as a reason why I should be sent to exhibit at a conference in Liverpool over a weekend instead of them (despite such things falling under their remit, not mine). **** right off, it was either a) your **** choice so you should **** live with it or B) you were too stupid to wrap your **** tool so you should most definitely **** live with it.

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