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Serious incident in Woolwich


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Yes, they're doing well with the collateral damage bit. 

What it really is...is that the world now has these nobodys (store-bought worthless shells of men who never were) who have now found a way to make something of themselves. 


I envision them thinking, "... I'm part of an obscure and "misunderstood" religion/class/people who have been "persecuted" and here's my way to help fight back...to prove I am somebody...to do what is right (militantly speaking, mind). "

And here we are.

The actual thought that this is ok, takes the cake.

Militancy of every religion and belief is a shame, or it used to be.  Now?  It's terrifying.  What sucks for all of us now (Boston/London all in one month) is pathetic souls who haven't a clue what else to do in the world are taking the easy way out and killing people who are clueless and defenseless (not to mention NOT the ones committing the "collateral damage" abroad, but that's just details).

Le sigh.

Good to see you back Sir

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What a horrific incident, and quite bizarre too. People actually filmed him? What the actual ****? But it's interesting (and quite sad actually) that people are using this as an opportunity to demonize a group of people.


Like wtf is this:





I wonder what that guy would consider racist?

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Got a guy on my facebook.


He's black himself and he's outraged at the amount of people who can't see past the fact that this murderer being pictured is black and making it racist. And I'd agree with him on that.


But then in the same breath he's making gross generalisations about Muslims.


The hypocrisy is astounding.


"...exactly, doesn't matter what colour you are, you can still be muslim. And if you are, you're brainwashed and **** up"

Edited by Stevo985
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What a horrific incident, and quite bizarre too. People actually filmed him? What the actual ****? But it's interesting (and quite sad actually) that people are using this as an opportunity to demonize a group of people.


Like wtf is this:





I wonder what that guy would consider racist?



This person is angry at the murderous individuals (as am I), but is confusing that also with wild hatred for 'Pakis', Muslims and immigrants. They are welcome to their opinion, but it's a shame that another 23 people at least are equally as ignorant.


That leads me question whether this level of ignorance is through a lack of intelligence or just blind hatred of the 'other'. Whenever something bad happens it's the fault of all of 'them', and it's a strange and illogical agenda to me. 

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The guy getting killed was an obscene act that can never be justified or condoned.


The worrying thing though is that so many other disturbing elements have ooozed out so quickly from this terrible crime


  • The media: ITV especially not thinking before showing "that" video to the public
  • Social Media racism / Xenaphobia. The number of comments re "send them back home", "all Muslims are cnuts", "If you don't like this country **** off", "Like this FB page or you are as bad as them" etc etc
  • The platform that has been now created and is populated by groups like EDL etc
  • Crimes acted out in the so called name of religion

and many more. The publicity that perpetrators and those that back them (and often those that oppose them) desire for acts like this has been achieved and exceeded probably far beyond what they could have hoped for.



EDIT: Shakes head moment - EDF Energy Twitter feed is having to "correct" many people having a go at them or supporting them for their actions in Woolwich last night!

Edited by drat01
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The guy getting killed was an obscene act that can never be justified or condoned.

The worrying thing though is that so many other disturbing elements have ooozed out so quickly from this terrible crime

  • The media: ITV especially not thinking before showing "that" video to the public
  • Social Media racism / Xenaphobia. The number of comments re "send them back home", "all Muslims are cnuts", "If you don't like this country **** off", "Like this FB page or you are as bad as them" etc etc
  • The platform that has been now created and is populated by groups like EDL etc
  • Crimes acted out in the so called name of religion
and many more. The publicity that perpetrators and those that back them (and often those that oppose them) desire for acts like this has been achieved and exceeded probably far beyond what they could have hoped for.

EDIT: Shakes head moment - EDF Energy Twitter feed is having to "correct" many people having a go at them or supporting them for their actions in Woolwich last night!

Have I missed something???

The guy getting killed was an obscene act that can never be justified or condoned.

The worrying thing though is that so many other disturbing elements have ooozed out so quickly from this terrible crime

  • The media: ITV especially not thinking before showing "that" video to the public
  • Social Media racism / Xenaphobia. The number of comments re "send them back home", "all Muslims are cnuts", "If you don't like this country **** off", "Like this FB page or you are as bad as them" etc etc
  • The platform that has been now created and is populated by groups like EDL etc
  • Crimes acted out in the so called name of religion
and many more. The publicity that perpetrators and those that back them (and often those that oppose them) desire for acts like this has been achieved and exceeded probably far beyond what they could have hoped for.

EDIT: Shakes head moment - EDF Energy Twitter feed is having to "correct" many people having a go at them or supporting them for their actions in Woolwich last night!

Have I missed something???
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This person is angry at the murderous individuals (as am I), but is confusing that also with wild hatred for 'Pakis', Muslims and immigrants. They are welcome to their opinion, but it's a shame that another 23 people at least are equally as ignorant.


That leads me question whether this level of ignorance is through a lack of intelligence or just blind hatred of the 'other'. Whenever something bad happens it's the fault of all of 'them', and it's a strange and illogical agenda to me.

There's no doubt that fear of "the other" has been deliberately stoked for quite some time now.  However, if you're trying to generate hatred of a whole group of people, that works better when aimed at people who are a bit thick.


Enter the EDL:



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This person is angry at the murderous individuals (as am I), but is confusing that also with wild hatred for 'Pakis', Muslims and immigrants. They are welcome to their opinion, but it's a shame that another 23 people at least are equally as ignorant.


That leads me question whether this level of ignorance is through a lack of intelligence or just blind hatred of the 'other'. Whenever something bad happens it's the fault of all of 'them', and it's a strange and illogical agenda to me.

There's no doubt that fear of "the other" has been deliberately stoked for quite some time now.  However, if you're trying to generate hatred of a whole group of people, that works better when aimed at people who are a bit thick.


Enter the EDL:





I hasten to call those I disagree with stupid, but in the case of many of these people, I do fear that lack of intelligence underlies their primal hatred for anything different. They seem unable to see through the hateful rhetoric and find it easy to blame the other for all of their problems, and perceived problems.  

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Sickened but not at all surprised by this, it's been coming for while. As I recall at least two plots by radical muslims to abduct and behead a British soldier have been disrupted in the last few years. Both in the Midlands too.

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What it really is...is that the world now has these nobodys (store-bought worthless shells of men who never were) who have now found a way to make something of themselves.

I think it's a mistake to look at it in terms of something completely novel.

I'd have thought there were many such people amongst the violent Anarchist campaigns of the late 19th century, for example.

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This has hit me.

Really hard.

Such a horrendous indictment on our society. Not just the young lad losing his life for a job, his family no doubt now lost in desperate grief. Nor the abhorrent scum that took that life in the name of some bullshit fantasy tale. Nor the mongs stood around waving cameras all over the joint like this is THEIR moment. Nor the masses on twitter, feigning indignation or giving in to hate.

Not just one of those reasons nor the many others I could think to type if it wasn't all just so damn consuming.

I feel sick. This isn't the world I signed up for.


The whole thing had me near to tears last night. Oddly, because before the 10.00 news I'd just watched that "24 Hours in A&E" documentary. And the contrast stuck me between all those good people working hard to help others in difficult circumstances - and the psychotic f*ckwits who expend so much emotional energy making everything worse.


I have to keep reminding myself that things were actually much worse in the past (and they were), or I'd just give in to despair.

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You're right Mike, couldn't agree more on all points.

However, I'm not sure I can take another 50 years of this. The 24 hour, wall to wall coverage of these kinds of events is blinding. I'd rather remain reasonably oblivious to the sheer volume of hatred because what we have now is debilitating.

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Story on the BBC


Shot machete man's 'soldiers are targets' view shocked callerContinue reading the main story

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Woolwich attack victim was a soldier

A caller to the BBC's radio station for London listened to one of the men shot by police in Woolwich exhorting people to go to Syria to fight, he says.

The man then told the audience outside a community centre in Plumstead it may not be necessary to go "because their soldiers are here".

Abdullah, who spoke on condition his first name only was used, told BBC London 94.9 he would speak to police.

He told the man his views were contrary to the teachings of Islam.

'Success is closer'

In the interview he said he recognised the man seen on the television with bloodied hands as the same man who addressed their meeting two weeks ago.

He had urged people at the meeting to go to Syria to fight, he said.

He then said 'We may not have to go there because their soldiers are here', said Abdullah, 37.

He had added: "Success is closer than you think."

Abdullah, who would occasionally see the man he knew as Mujahid in Lewisham, said he was so disturbed by what he said on 10 May that he spent a long time arguing with him saying that his views were opposed by Islamic teachings.

He told BBC London: "He said he would blow himself up even if my family was there. He said to me 'It's their government. They wanted them in. They are responsible.'"

Abdullah said: "These people are so deluded that even Muslims aren't safe.

"The frightening thing is that there are more of them out there."

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