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How do you have your steak?


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Used to be medium, then medium-rare, and now I've developed at taste for rare.


Pretty soon I'll just walk into a field and take a bite out of a cow.


I know what you mean. i'm somewhere between medium and medium rare now. But I prefer the texture of medium as it's still tender but doesn't feel raw.

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I hate these guys/gals who say medium rare or medium well 


its bleu.rare,medium & get the **** outta my restaurant if you want it wd   :D



But I like it rare 

Edited by Meath_Villan
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Cremated. I'd never choose steak if it can possibly be avoided, but if it's the only option, the blood can stay the **** off my plate. I like my meat to be indistinguishable from anything that's ever been alive. :P

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Chateaubriand , medium rare, triple cooked chips (Heston) creamed spinach and bearnaise sauce .

I also enjoy a new York strip, but I like to hand select my own cut. Sirloin can be very hit and miss.

Then there's Wagyu or Kobe, only had that once or twice though.

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Cremated. I'd never choose steak if it can possibly be avoided, but if it's the only option, the blood can stay the **** off my plate. I like my meat to be indistinguishable from anything that's ever been alive. :P

Its not actually blood apparently but an easy mistake to make!

Depends on the quality of the steak TBH, medium rare normally but rare for a nice good quality meat :)

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