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I have a confession to make.....


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Sorry to anyone around Bromsgrove and Redditch for my cycling to work and back on Wednesdays if they get held up behind me. I do everything I can to get out the way though and sometimes cars get in my way.

Driving costs you money and makes you fat. Cycling saves you money and runs on fat.

I think a lot of problems in this country would be solved if we banned cars for private use.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.

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Nobody in my running club would run in the road when there is a pavement available.

Loads round here do it, some will even stop in junctions to stretch. They look at you like dirt when you trying to turn in, and they won't move unless you are even a couple of feet or they have finished...

Cycling in road where no cycle path, I have no problem with, apart from when te cyclist won't stick to the edge of the lane allowing cars to pass... I go past one everyday and he will sit in the middle of the lane, even though it would be wide enough for cars to pass if he moved over to the left

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Sorry to anyone around Bromsgrove and Redditch for my cycling to work and back on Wednesdays if they get held up behind me. I do everything I can to get out the way though and sometimes cars get in my way.

Driving costs you money and makes you fat. Cycling saves you money and runs on fat.

I think a lot of problems in this country would be solved if we banned cars for private use.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta




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Also, banning cars for private use would make my commute to work about 3 and a half hours long using 2 buses and 2 trains, and maybe even a taxi.


I sympathise with cyclists, I used to be one. But a lot of them don't help themselves by the way they use the road.



Sent from my - nobody gives a shit where this is sent from.

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Until public transport is drastically improved in this country, cars as private transport units are essential. In fact, they would be essentail anyway, even with a better public transport system.


Bikes have their place, and are a great and healthy/green alternative, where that is suitable.


Sadly, many of our roards are not very suitable for cyclists, and it does cause problems.


There are arsehole cyclists and arsehole drivers alike - I've seen bad stuff from both groups.


Sent from my Work PC.

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Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.

You want to overtake a vehicle, you do it on the right hand side not the left!

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Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.



Though that's not quite as annoying as being stuck in moderate traffic, having to edge your way past a cyclist, only for him to undertake you 5 seconds later when you get stuck at the traffic lights, which he has chosen to ignore.


This happens to me most mornings.

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The lack of bike lanes in this country is f**king appalling.  Worst adjustment to make when we moved back here from Germany (that and the food).

Don't know about the whole of the country but here in Liverpool there are plenty of cycle lanes, some even go the wrong way up a one way street. And only last week I saw for the first time ever a cyclist in the box at traffic lights, the first time ever

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I actually don't know what those boxes are for.


Is it just to leave space so that if a cyclist wants to turn right at lights he has somewhere he can cross the road while the cars are waiting?


Because otherwise I don't have a clue!

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I actually don't know what those boxes are for.

Is it just to leave space so that if a cyclist wants to turn right at lights he has somewhere he can cross the road while the cars are waiting?

Because otherwise I don't have a clue!

They are for that reason but also it is much safer for a cyclist to be out in front of traffic where they can be seen when the lights change (presuming the cyclist obeys the lights :P) and everyone sets off rather than wobbling up to speed in the middle of traffic.

As a cycle commuter I massively prefer them to a junction without a cycle box.

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Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.

You want to overtake a vehicle, you do it on the right hand side not the left!



But as drivers and as someone else on the previous page said, they get upset when cyclists stray more than 0.000000000001 of a millimetre away from the kerb.

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Nothing more irritating than when a car gets stuck in traffic after passing you so pulls in close to the kerb to stop you getting past. I'm no saint when cycling to work and am probably guilty of a few of the things Bicks said at times, but motorists can be just as bad.

You want to overtake a vehicle, you do it on the right hand side not the left!

But as drivers and as someone else on the previous page said, they get upset when cyclists stray more than 0.000000000001 of a millimetre away from the kerb.

That was going to exactly what I said. Its swings and roundabouts cyclists should pass on the right as you say, but by the same token drivers should leave more than a few inches clearance when passing a cyclist, but many do not.

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More cycle lanes are popping up here. Not enough, mind. Traffic is too **** busy within the city centre, so I'm all for banning cars from within the centre and putting in more cycle & bus lanes.


Never happen though. This place is car **** mad. People get in their cars to go to the shop down the road, ffs.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I cycle 30 miles a day to work through London. As a proportion I think cyclists have become better behaved, but the numbers have increased so much since Boris upped transport fares it may not seem so to drivers. Amongst the worst offenders for ignoring road regs and general poor behaviour are the supposed professional road users, cabs (minicabs carry London Transport stickers so are easy to spot) and cycle couriers. Riders on fixies also seem to be adverse to both road laws and general common sense. The city bikes are often ridden by idiots, but if you allow all and sundry to just get on and cycle (on the unfamiliar side of the road for many), what do you expect?

As for cycle lanes, well sometimes they're great other times they're a box ticking exercise. The route Google maps threw up for my commute includes a hilariously dangerous four mile stretch over a path less than a meter wide in some places. It's meant to be footpath as well, add the front drives allowing zero visibility for both home occupant and the folks using the paths - Total abortion, the faster cyclists use the road. I scrapped the route in favour one that was slower, safer and a damn sight prettier.

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The cycle lanes around Redditch are a joke. They're just full of parked cars and motorists don't realise they're there and use them as part of the road.


I'm mainly a petrol-head motorist, 1 day a week a cyclist, and I can see that cyclists are far better mannered than motorists.


The only trouble I seem to have when cycling is old people and younger women and small cars. They think it's fine to pass leaving 30cm gap.

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Just popped out to do the shopping. Where the road to our village meets the dual carriageway it is a no right turn. There was a cyclist turning right across 4 lanes of 60mph road to get to the cycle path on the other side. (illegal) not only that but there was a perfectly good cycle path on this side of the road that actually extends further along the road than the one he used (idiotic). He also weaved in and out of the cars on the opposite side of the road queuing to turn right off the dual carriageway to get to our village (words fail me for that bit)

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The lack of bike lanes in this country is f**king appalling.  Worst adjustment to make when we moved back here from Germany (that and the food).



I absolutely love Germany as a country and as you know we were both based at the same camp there. But my one criticism of Germany is the food. German food is average at best, doesn't even make my my 10. Bratwurst, schnitzel are OK, but everything else is just bllleeuurggghhhh. Each to their own I guess

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