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Paul Lambert


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If I'm completely honest I felt very uninspired with the appointment of Lambert. He's had around 20mil to spend and we find ourselves supporting one of the worst Villa teams in decades. he's tactically inept, unable to organise or setup our team to at least avoid being defeated regularly (especially against a league 2 side) , something even mcduff managed. It's absolutely dreadful. Must go now!! And a lot of Villa fans need to buck up instead of continually excepting this shit and believing we will get out of this mess by leaving it in Lamberts incapable hands. Where is the **** pride? Tonights result was nothing short of a disgrace.

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Just a totally inept charlatan. Little boy lost tonight, against a League 2 team. He should have stayed at Norwich.

He'll end up on the scrapheap like Owen Coyle.

Still think he's "one the finest managers of his generation" Richard?

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When the opposing manager says " we knew they were vulnerable and went out to exploit it"

worrying when the whole (footballing) world can see it.

talk about "sitting ducks"

never in my dreams did i think these run of performances would happen.

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What concerns me most is that so many people are backing Lambert and Lerner because all that happened with MON spending so much and leaving us in such a mess with a load of youngsters and several overpaid wasters. As much as he left us in the shit, he never left us in such a bad position that we couldn't compete with a football club that nearly lost its league status last season. If people do think we are that bad we might as well get used to the idea of playing the likes of Rochdale and Chesterfield now!

If we play anything like tonight on Saturday we will definitely lose to Southampton. Then it's the baggies away and they'll be right up for us because we are like cannon fodder at the moment.

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He really hasn't. It's not like we have brought in Mourinho/Ferguson/Wenger and are just on a bad run waiting to turn it round.

He's just a rookie manager who had a good run with Norwich, much like Adkins has had with Southampton or Coyle with Burnley or Holloway with Blackpool.

If Aston Villa are ever going to get a Mourinho/Ferguson/Wenger we will first need to get a manager with talent who can prove his ability at the club and move things forward. Lambert has had one transfer window and did pretty well in that. Now he has another one. If he can't turn it around in the next three weeks maybe he should go, but I would genuinely be amazed if ANYONE could come in and turn this into a winning squad right now without making some signings.

You said he should have had Bent and Ireland on today. Bent came on, missed our easiest chance and then hurt himself. Ireland would have trotted around as he does, and for all his talent, that isn't what you want against a fired-up team on a cup run.

I'll give you that Bennet shouldn't have been on the pitch. Or near it. Antarctica would have been the best place for him today, but after the Ipswich game it looked like he might be getting his act together, and many of us said so.

I also doubt that he expected Richard Dunne to be out for so long. He has had bad luck with injuries. Does anyone really think he'd be playing Clark and Baker together if he had any choice? And please, please nobody come back with Collins and Cuellar being sold. I'd have kept Cuellar, but at some point Lambert does have to work on the wage bill.

Edited by CrackpotForeigner
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I honestly don't understand why he is getting so much support. HE brought in these inexperienced and frankly useless players at a time when we DESPERATELY just needed a bit more stability and a bit of experience. Now we have gone down this path of his 'project', which is failing miserably, and we are now the worst we have ever been. "Can't fault the effort", who gives a damn? I can put as much effort in as I want but I'm still shite. The players looked like they had NO direction at all.

To top it all, I watched the game with a housemate who has watched football about 2 times in her life and she said "they don't seem to know what they are doing. The other team passes it around and does stuff in your half but your team just panics and doesn't know what to do". Even she can see how god awful we are and how tactically USELESS Lambert is.

I stick by sacking McLeish because the football was dire. But this is just absolute SHITE. I don't know who we'd get in instead, which is why I just despair at this situation. Lerner, Lambert and the crock of shite that he has bought have just ruined our club. I just don't see where the next 'good times' are coming from

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Lambert and more importantly Lerner have 3 weeks to save our season.

I'm wondering exactly what Lerner can do to make things better.

He backed McLeish with N'Zogbia, Hutton, Jenas, Holman but, imo, he did the right thing by NOT buying in the January window - possibly because he knew he would be sacking McLeish later.

So what does he do now? Does he back Lambert like he backed Houllier and bring in top quality during this window? Or does he close the purse strings with a view to sacking Lambert?

Neither is guaranteed to turn our season around. Damned if he does, damned if he don't.

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I don't want his head, we can't keep going on like this.

I want a tangible explaination from him as to whats gone wrong and how he intends to remedy it.If he can't give it it ....then it may be time up.

I'm tired of nebulous comments that amount to nothing.

If we are a work in progress club fine.... but we need to identify with this developing progress, not witness a complete collapse in basics like pressing, passing, defending set pieces and creative idea's not to mention moving intelligently off the ball.

Paul Lambert does not need to be sacked yet.... but he does need to abandone this secret agenda, that seems to be adopted by managers caught in the headlights.

Answers Mr Lambert...adult answers.

Edited by TRO
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1 point from the drop zone in Jan, 3-1 down after the 1st leg in cup semi- this is the time you expect a manager to accept what he has been doing has not worked out well so far and to change it up... i see no change in Lamberts attitude or game plan! He has the O'Neill stubbornness without the ability to get a team to over perform now and again!

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The other problem is there are too many untruths told.

There was no where near the effort that went in, in comparison to the Liverpool game ... some of the pressing towards the end of this game was lethargic and pitiful for "young hungry" players.

also,now there is a wage bill issue most of the experienced players are either injured or mentally thrown the towel in.

seems like a split camp.

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Sacking Lambert wouldn't achieve anything.

For one:

Who the **** would replace him? Who would WANT to take the job?

The curse of the Villa manager lives on. Only Taylor and Venglos managed to survive beyond us in my lifetime...

Well this is the question people need to ask? Do we leave things in the hope that someone who has proved completely inept up to now turns things around? or do you act before it's to late and we go down and possibly struggle to come straight back up?

I would rather see Cowans and McAndrew running things than Lambert the way things are. Week after week he gives the same shit excuses about "The Kids,the injuries". I truly believe the majority of fans could pick a better starting 11 and formation, such is my confidence in him.

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Frightening thing tonight is that we are that shite defensively that Bradford could have had another couple.

Lambert for me has to take a hell of a lot of responsibility for our defensive woes especially. He knew in August having let Collins go that we would be going with one experienced centre back for at least 3 months due to Dunnes injury. He also chose to sign Westwood and KEA when it was obvious to all that we needed a defensive centre midfielder someone who could really get stuck in and offer the centre backs some protection.

I don't think Lambert was given anywhere near enough in the summer and it certainly seems he had to balance the wage bill. However it most definitely seems he failed to spend the money he was given on the right areas and/or the right kind of players.

Chelsea, Spurs, Wigan battered us and lets not kid ourselves Swansea should have been 4 up with in 25 mins. I'd have hoped that after that 4 game run Lambert, Lerner/Faulkner would have had 2 or 3 players signed up with in the first few days of the window opening. Our need was that desperate. Now we have just been battered by a 4th division team and I fear we will see no new signings come Saturday such is the incompetence of Lambert and/or Lerner and Faulkner.

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A tough one, and it would be easy to say after that I want Lambert out. However, I don't think it would lead us to a better situation. I think at the moment we are shit with Lambert but even shitter without Lambert. Lets keep this in perspective, we are in the semi final, and faced potentially the biggest banana skin of this season. We win against Southampton this weekend and its a different situation and we all know it. The main aim is to stay in the premiership, I would hope for better season expectations, but that's the reality. If we sack Lambert now we will be relegated, if we keep him we increase our situation of survival IMO.

I hope we will build the squad in the transfer window and really push on. As for Lambert losing the dressing room, if those bunch of players, who half of them owe Lambert their boots for picking them or bringing them to a big premiership club, have lost faith in him then they can fxck off back to our reserves or the shxt club they came from!

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