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Paul Lambert


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No matter what happens in the league?

What if we were then relegated?

Honestly i dont fear relegation. we.re woefully short of quality at times and i dont wholey blame Lambert for that. its a situation which has been created by a catalogue of mis management and he wasn.t gonna be able to fix us in one summer.

so yes. even if we do get relegated. i think another summer of disruption and a new managerial install could create far more trouble than relegation.

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I did say at the top of the last page that Hutton was a step too far, the guy is a liability.

I also think Warnock is not very good but at the same time the players we have had at left back have actually been worse so far. Bennett could go on the be great but whilst he is finding his feet we have had to carry him and we don't have the quality to do that in our back line.

Perhaps it is easy to say in retrospect but then I am down on record (in one of these threads :P) as saying our line up looked worse at the start of this season after Lamberts shake up than at the start of last season and it seems to have played out that way.

I'm sure most agree that our line up is worse now but looking at the bigger picture its obvious that this would be he case. In terms of quality i think we have just as much as last season, but lacking in experience. Sometimes experience can be a better asset than quality.

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In that case would you agree all of the last 3 Managers are to blame for this or who does the buck stop with?

KEA? who mentioned him? He cannot be compared to anyone since only being here a few months. - I think you mean N'Zogbia.

The difference is quality is it? And of the two players which one in your view has the most quality? For me they both have and it is an example of premier league experience you mention. N'Zogbia cost us 10m and he has simply not been the same player he was at Wigan and for me now one of the many reasons RL is no longer wanting to go down the route of buying PL Experience!

Yes your absolutely right I did say he got his fingers severely burned and yes we perhaps did put in a bid for Dempsey who is in the chamber of PL Experience.

But who is to say he knew fine well he would never come to us as we were only offering say 40k a week tops in wages knowing full well Spurs where/did offer double that amount.

He is not going to upsticks from London to midlands for 40k less a week when his new club is only round the corner.

For me It still shows us the fans that - atleast we tried and he has funds to use if needed. For me though I am glad he 'cough "turned us down". - Would we really need 6 strikers? No. This is how it is obvious it was a bluff bid.

Don't take to heart and believe everything that you read in the press mate as most of the time it's what is called a smoke screen from whats really going on.

As for the 20m or so budget I am not saying and have not said anyone has there hands tied. IIRC all 4 managers have been given about 20/25m to start off with in there first season but the last three of them did not really use there's to great effect.

MON spent about 25m on 4 players with high wages. (one had minor PL Experience and cost us 9.5m!!)

GH blew his budget of around 22m or so on 2 players (one had PL experience and cost us 17m..so far)

BFM wasted 18m on 3 players with ridiculous wages and contracts. (All three had PL experience)

PL wisely so far spent around 20m on 8 players with reasonable wages and contracts. (Not one of them has PL Experience)

You get more value for money when you stop wasting money on PL Experienced players and Randy has now realised this and it is about time you started paying attention and realised it too.

I don't need to enhance anything mate. You have showed on more than one occasion your capable of giving yourself enough rope to hang yourself with.

You are the one who wants the PL Experienced dream team with high costing over 27's and Harry Potter as manager which in my view I assume your thinking we would hit the land of milk and honey had your dream come true was my exact point.

And interestingly enough how do you know if your dream team of PL Experienced players had been signed we wouldn't be in the bottom 5?

I think you only need to look at QPR to realise your philosophy does not always work or was that what happened on your season on Football Manager?

You can't just click reset and start again when you have **** the whole lot up like Mark Hughes did and I bet while he stood on the touchline in some of his last QPR games I bet he was wishing he could just got back to his last save point in August and reload the game.

I have not excluded Diame but I did not see the need to comment on a player who signed for another club.

Yes he was a good buy on a free if that is what you want to hear but were we ever in for me? We will never know. Good luck to him and his new club.

The others might not have cost much but there wages and contracts would have and they are all players we would get no return from.

It is really simply to see Morph - RANDY HAS STOPPED PISSING MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN!

I think you answered your own question there but we cannot really judge players only being at the club 6 months so ask me again at the end of the season.

But I suppose it is easy to jump on fault and state the obvious. Everyone knows the defence is a shambles but PL had to spend wisely in ALL positions. Did you just want him to do what the last 3 managers have done and blow his budget on 2 expensive signings? Worrying if you did.

But again with Benteke and everyone else we shall see indeed!

Well done Columbo.


The blame lies with the person who hired those managers in the first place and i think the majority on here are in agreement with that.

No i didn't mean N'Zogbia. The comparison between KEA and Adam is a fair one in that both are midfielders and one could have been purchased for not much more than the other. Secondly, N'Zogbia wasn't purchased by Lambert so i do think thats an unfair comparison and the difference in quality between KEA and Adam is clear. One can affect games with his passing and dead ball deliveries and the other, well, hasn't amounted to anything yet.

You describe Lambert's interest in Dempsey as a 'bluff bid.' Thats fair enough and you are entitled to your opinion but if it was a false bid what would have happened if Dempsey had said yes? Would Lambert have stated sorry Clint i didn't really mean it? It would have left such a stigma on Lambert's sort reign that he would have made both Lambert and the club a laughing stock and the media especially would have been all over it like a rash.

It isn't Ebay!

Additionally, Dempsey isn't a striker so where you have plucked the six strikers from?

You will, or should have noted by now that i don't advocate a team built from just experienced players. I have always stated balance between the two. What we have at the moment however is an imbalance of just youth. We desperately need one or two more experienced players in the team to get that balance. The players i have put forward would have given us that at the start of the season rather than contemplating doing it now when we're near the bottom of the table. Its a lot harder to bring in the type of quality we now need in the January window.

I see you mention QPR to substantiate your debate. Again thats fair comment but it does show what happens if you buy the wrong type of experience, journey men if you like after one last big pay day. I put forward Adam who could have stayed at plop and picked up a big cheque on the bench. Rather than doing that he moved to play football and the same could be said of Berbatov. Diame and Olsson speak for themselves. Those players were and still are hungry to play football and were exactly the type of experience we needed to balance our present inexperience!

You also mention getting no return from those players. You would have got it on the pitch as they are now demonstrating at their respective clubs.

Finally you say that Lambert has spent wisely. He may have done financially and in the case of Benteke absolutely, but we already had Bent so one has cancelled out the other. The rest of his signings haven't really addressed our weaknesses in midfield, or our defence and a case could be made that we are actually worse in those areas than we were while McDuff was here.

Edited by Morpheus
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Has to take some responsibility as to why both our Cm's stay in our half the whole time and never look forward for a pass. We play it back to a CB without even looking further up the pitch. After doing this for 5mins when we are put under pressure we just punt it up the pitch.

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Finally you say that Lambert has spent wisely. He may have done financially

A superb point. His transfers are used as a major defence of him but at the moment he's cut the wage bill and made us worse. How is that wise?

He bought 3 defenders and our defence is arguably the worst in the league.

We had no width in the team and he failed to do anything about that.

We have no strength in midfield so he bought a young kid and the weakest man living in holland.

We had one of the worst attacks in the league last year and although Benteke looks a good player our attack is now even worse.

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Lambert has dragged us down to levels we never thought we would hit. Record defeats, worst premiership starts, massive goals against and now this performance tonight.

All the time he sits there like a deluded idiot.

One of the worst managers we have ever had at VP

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Ive been a Lambert supporter from day one

But after this im afraid he has to go

Our full strength side taught a footballing lesson by Bradford City...

Words cannot describe how shit we were

The buck has to stop somewhere

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I'm at the point now that I'd rather have Mcleish.

At least we weren't getting smashed every game.

Lambert is a flash in the pan. Just like the team - we need experience, someone who has been there and done it to drag us out this mess we are in.

We also need someone before Lambert signs anymore inept shit players and makes us even worse still.

Gutted ain't the word at the moment.

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What a joke, this bloke has taken to all new lows. I've said it before, I want to like him, I like his supposed no nonsense style, I like his ethos of getting hungry players in. However, he and his team have embarassed me again tonight, let us all down and once again plumbed the depths of history and pulled out one of the worst results of our 139 year history, not a one off either, the second time in a few weeks.

It is not an overaction to wonder where he is taking us and how much more we are going to have to take and deal with. Sacking him takes us down a road looking for a new manager who will have no time to make transfers and have somebody elses team, so there is little point. But let it be remembered that Lambert has taken us down to our knees and he is going to have to do a **** good job to wipe away that memory.

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Lambert has dragged us down to levels we never thought we would hit. Record defeats, worst premiership starts, massive goals against and now this performance tonight.

All the time he sits there like a deluded idiot.

One of the worst managers we have ever had at VP


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We have no midfield. and a piss poor defence, I have defended PL but if he does not buy 2 decent defenders and a decent midfield then he should go. Any body who knows about football knows to beat a lower devision team you have to pass the ball quickly and play around them, drag them out of position and exploit the spaces, why do we keep lobbing the ball from defence to attack, easy to defend against at any level, You have to be strong against them but we have a team of girls who get knocked off the ball easily, Benteke does not know how to defend and I would blame him for 2 of the goals, can we turn it round - yes but will we -

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worryingly it looks as though he is a flash in the pan at this level, owen coyle mkII

we spent most of the game playing hoofball to benteke, and to be honest we have done the same plenty of times this season. i see little if any improvement in the style of play or in the passing and technical ability of our players. the odd game where it clicks yes, but that happened even a few times under mcleish.

the less said about the defence the better, he couldnt organise a defense at norwich and he hasnt been able to do it here. noone looks like they know what to do, who to mark etc.


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I just don't know how we can get out of this mess without spending a ton of money, it's quite clear 'our kids' aren't good enough for this level. Lambert didn't have a great deal of options and desperately needs to sign a centre midfielder this Jan, theres no way Stephen Ireland would have been anymore use than Delph or Bannan.

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