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Stephen Ireland


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A five year deal at that age was crazy. If Faulkner is in charge of contracts he to should be given the boot. You get the feeling Levy could sell Hutton Warnock & Dunne and get decent money for them, could be very unfair, but Faulkner seems to appear as a bit of a cash cow to others. Akthough if Benteke's wages are true maybe he is learning.

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Fans player of the year means jack shit. Gabby and Bent and even Given played a bigger role IMO.

How can it mean jack shit? The most votes for any player were for Stephen Ireland? Why? Because he was a class above anyone else in that team, and also added hard work to his game.

Was he bollocks, and neither was Barry when he used to turn up to collect his annual award.

Seems to me that more people thought he was a class above anyone else in that team, than anyone else that was playing? Or am I missing a trick here? Considering August last year about 90% of Villa fans hated Stephen Ireland, I'd say he must have done something right to play half the season and win that?

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90% don't hate Ireland, I think a lot of people want him to do well. I think that's why he won. These awards in my memory rarely relate to on the pitch performances.

Did, Baz. Did. Last August nobody liked him. Are you suggesting he won Fans Player of the Year because the fans want him to do well? I don't understand that, I really don't.

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Maybe it boils down to what people want to watch in a Football team.

I personally love to see someone finding the gaps that Ireland does, with a lot of creativity. Merson used to be my favourite player for example. Ireland's new found graft has added to his game as well.

Some people however, love watching players like Chris Herd. I think he's useful but that's not the top of my list.

In all fairness, I'm probably spouting absolute sh*t as it is a Friday afternoon, but I'm hoping you can see what I'm getting at!!!!

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A lot of his vote came from the fans that do away games. He buttered them up by always making the effort to applaud them at the end of games or when warming up on the line.

This wins a lot of fan votes for sure.

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A lot of his vote came from the fans that do away games. He buttered them up by always making the effort to applaud them at the end of games or when warming up on the line.

This wins a lot of fan votes for sure.


It could be that he was our best player last season.


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1 goal 2 assists.

Better players last season - Given, Clark, Herd, Petrov, Keane, Gabby, Bent, Weimann


despite what people seem to think, ireland played as big a part of keeping us up in the league as anyone else, particularly down to his defensive work. and given the fact that we had mcleish as our manager, that's no mean feat for an attacking player

had petrov played the exact same as ireland last year people wouldve been raving about him

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He played a part, best player? nah.

My vote would go to Gabby. Best player is a bit of a misrepresentation though, I think least shit is probably more apt a description. Everybody had a shit season, Gabby wins it as he actually wasn't shit for a brief spell. His tally of assists/goals put him at the top of the pile in an attacking sense, helped by Bent's absence.

My least shit player of the season was Gabby.

Runner up Bent.

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1 goal 2 assists.

Better players last season - Given, Clark, Herd, Petrov, Keane, Gabby, Bent, Weimann

Shit I agree with CI.

I think he won it because a lot of people tool the piss with Voting as on the whole the players were shit...including Ireland. Given or Herd were the only ones who played well.

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