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How much does it cost you to go to work each month?


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£48 bus pass...which has never, ever been looked at by a bus driver in my three years of having one. I'm an honest guy, but I'm really tempted to stop paying it and just start drawing pictures of dinosaurs and things and holding that up. I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference.
You want to try living around here. I said in another thread that Leeds bus drivers are the most unpleasant, misanthropic bunch of bastards on the planet, and I stand by it. You wave any sort of ticket at them and they will inspect it in minute detail, while giving you a suspicious look that makes you feel like a serial killer. They seem genuinely disappointed if the ticket is valid.

On the other hand, they react with triumph if they can find some loophole to make you pay extra. For example, I went out for a beer with a mate, got a "day" ticket, and got pulled up on my way home because it was one minute past midnight when I got on the bus - had to pay again.

Are they on commission or something? Yeah, I suppose I'd rather have them the way they are compared to that. I just haven't seen a ticket inspector for years, it's a bit annoying knowing there's probably a fair few people getting free rides, I'm basically paying for them.
No, they are not on commission. I have no idea why they are like that, but I've lived in Leeds since 1972, and I noticed it from (literally) day one. After the relative pleasantness of Birmingham bus drivers, it was a real shock. It isn't just me, I know several people who have noticed it. I could give you a very long list of outrageous behaviour, but it would only make me seethe.

Having lived in Leeds for 3 yars whilst I was at Uni, I can confirm that this is true.

I got on a bus with my (black) mate once. Driver told him he couldn't get on because the £1 coin he was using was a fake. He didn't take any sort of close look at it, just decided.

I paid for him instead.

We compared the offending coin against one of my own closely. There was nothign about it that didn't look legitimate. Either this driver was a genius at spotting forged money, or he was a clearing in the woods.

I know which one I think is more likely.

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I usually get paid by the hour (oh yeah, I'm that kinda guy, minimum charge 2 hours, kissing is extra).

I've got Clients in Devon, Brum, South Wales, London and Kent.

So I'd guess I'm shelling out about £150 a week on fuel plus the similar on hotels. So I haven't had a month in the last year where the 'cost' of getting to work hasn't been under £1,000. It's often close to £1500.

Juggling tax benefits is mind boggling.

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Approx £40 to £50 a month on petrol, just for getting to work and back I'd say (about £10 more expensive than a bus pass cost me, before I got a car). I can't begin to be bothered to work out road tax, insurance, MOT, wear and tear on car etc. All in all I feel the convenience of my own transport, is worth the extra out lay of cash.

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Live in Four Oaks and work in Edgbaston. Spend around £200 per month on fuel and get about 22-23mpg. Been looking at new cars to see if I can double that and halve my fuel bill.

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£45 per month for a bus pass. Public transport is shit...

I've got a driver's license, yet buying a car (and having to pay insurance and petrol etc) makes no sense for me right now.

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I'm gonna sling bio fuel into my car, bought an old diesel VW that'll drink it quite happily.

Meh, get red diesel instead, or if you're really skint, central heating oil.

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The bike.

Unless it's pissing down to the point that my underwear gets wet on the way in.

Then it's £7 per day for the tube.

Underwear getting rain sodden on the way home isn't so much of an issue.

There's loads more cyclists again this year.

Transport's got rather expensive since fat tw@t Boris got in.

We are all, of course, overjoyed that the denizens of Kensington and Chelsea get to drive their enormous 4x4s around for nothing since he pulled the congestion charge there. Congestion up, pollution up and it's 70 million lost per annum to the public transport kitty.

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