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The Nostalgia thread (aka the I miss thread..)


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I miss when football was a competition.

When I could look forward to a new Queen album.

And some other stuff. Being a kid and your only problems were what to do and who to do it with.

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Playing kirby with my mates for hours (days?) on end. The feeling when you bounced it from one side to the other was ace :D


We called it "gutters" and the points varied based on where you caught it and if it was a one handed catch or two . If I'd never found alcohol I could have reached the top of gutters I think .

We called it gutters too

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There is just too much (as you can probably imagine).

Rationing ? Powdered egg ? :winkold:

Rationing WAS still in force for the first six months of my life, as it happens.

Can't say as I remember (or miss) it, though!

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the smell of childhood innocence - that indescribable quality which seems to have ruined the excitement of seeing new places now I'm more grown up. Not worrying about the next day and lack of sleep and reading for 6 hours in bed at night, eventually succumbing at around 3 and then bouncing out of bed at 6am to see my father off to work etc.

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Office christmas parties when i was a junior....wide eyed & amazed at what went on.....even the previously aloof fittest bird in the office defrosted a bit & you thought you had a chance but all you got was a a peck on the cheek from her (still counted as a conquest when you were 17 !)

The buzz on the last office day before xmas....early evening in town, up n down new street or wherever.....everyone seemed to be in a good mood & a great atmosphere hung in the crisp night air !

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I miss when Gary Neville used to be a clearing in the woods. Now he is the best pundit on TV by a mile and an all round likeable bloke I feel oddly uncomfortable. :?

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Playing kirby with my mates for hours (days?) on end. The feeling when you bounced it from one side to the other was ace :D


We called it "gutters" and the points varied based on where you caught it and if it was a one handed catch or two . If I'd never found alcohol I could have reached the top of gutters I think .

"Gutters", I like that....we called it "Off the Steps"...not quite the same ring to it...

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Playing kirby with my mates for hours (days?) on end. The feeling when you bounced it from one side to the other was ace :D


We called it "gutters" and the points varied based on where you caught it and if it was a one handed catch or two . If I'd never found alcohol I could have reached the top of gutters I think .

"Gutters", I like that....we called it "Off the Steps"...not quite the same ring to it...

It was known as Kirby round my way.

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Playing kirby with my mates for hours (days?) on end. The feeling when you bounced it from one side to the other was ace :D


We called it "gutters" and the points varied based on where you caught it and if it was a one handed catch or two . If I'd never found alcohol I could have reached the top of gutters I think .

"Gutters", I like that....we called it "Off the Steps"...not quite the same ring to it...

It was known as Kirby round my way.

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Headers & Volleys



Yes, Yes, Yes!

We used to play a variant of headers and volleys in sixth form whereby the loser would be subjected to the ball being kicked at them from about 7 yards from every other member of the group. It was called "ass-blaster".

Though Wembley was known as "FA Singles/Doubles" around our way.

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Haha, Slams. What a ridiculous game!

I do miss all those games (although I still indulge in the odd game of Wembley singles and/or doubles with the football team.

I also miss the old cartoons (someone already mentioned)

I'm sure they used to be a lot better than the stuff on now!

I miss Nickelodeon finishing at 7pm and Paramount Comedy taking over.

I miss thinking the weekend was a long period of time.

I miss bieng excited about my birthday and knowing the present I get will genuinely make me incredibly happy.

I miss having enough time to spend hours and hours playing video games.

I miss thinking that I could one day be a professional footballer.

I miss having a full head of hair.

i could go on

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Raves, All nighters, Not going to bed on a Saturday night, Juddering chin :-), Clubs that only served Tea and soft drinks, going out at 1.00am, seeing double, seeing triple, using peoples head as a table, falling asleep standing up, sleeping on the beech.......

More to follow... I got loads.

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