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Barry Bannan


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He'd be class at stoke. Pinging the ball anywhere and everywhere with his good technique which he has.

But we dont need him at all. We dont play hoof ball, and he's a very average CM who has no strength at all.

And the worse bit for me is the fact he has 1 good game for every 10 bad games. Most inconsistent player ive possibly ever seen in a claret and blue shirt.

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Walcott would walk into most teams in the premier league.

Bannan wouldn't get into any other team in the premier league - fact.

Walcott has always had ability and quality just not the consistency.

I've yet to see something "special" from Bannan after 50+ appearances for Villa.

I hope his contract is not renewed and we let him go on a free when his contract is up - he will most likely end up in the SPL.

A lot of Arsenal fans did not recognise what you saw in Walcott. He still has a group of bitching fans, now complaining at his £100k a week salary, saying he isn't worth it.

What one sees in Bannan depends on one's expectation.

Leon Britton at Swansea didn't have many - or any - highlight reel moments last season or this season, yet he is a regular in their side.

Bannan, being the best crosser in the Premier League, over half a season gone, is special.

You can't make it up.

Bannan is the best crosser in the Premier League.

He's won four games for us this year.

He can't get a start.

He's brought on as a sub when a defensive midfielder was needed.

He earns the lowest salary of all the Villa midfielders (c12k week)

He's the best we got.

Yet nobody respects him.

At this point I am tempted to quote Mark Twain.

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He's a fall guy for the school yard bullies. Take their anger out on the little man. I know he did have a hand in global warming and 9/11 but c'mon give the guy a break!

Lets not forget Ashley Young used to get loads of stick from people on here despite almost every goal we scored being created by him.

Edited by supernova26
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He's a fall guy for the school yard bullies. Take their anger out on the little man. I know he did have a hand in global warming and 9/11 but c'mon give the guy a break!

Lets not forget Ashley Young used to get loads of stick from people on here despite almost every goal we scored being created by him.

Of course its all down to his size that people feel he is a poor player

Call it apart-height - discrimination against small people

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Maybe if he actually played well he wouldn't get as much stick

I suppose he can't help being crap not his fault our squad is so shit

Lets face it he wouldn't be anywhere near the first team if we had better players

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Lets not forget Ashley Young used to get loads of stick from people on here despite almost every goal we scored being created by him.

Really, I wonder why that would be?

Couldn't be because he is small and slightly built.

Of course its all down to his size that people feel he is a poor player

Call it apart-height - discrimination against small people

I don't believe our fans only want to cheer on big muscularly men. We once had Gordon Cowans in the team. Swansea fans cheer on Leon Bitton. He is even smaller than Bannan.

No, I think people don't understand what his game is about, and playing in a relegation form team doesn't help (doesn't get assists).

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Maybe if he actually played well he wouldn't get as much stick

I suppose he can't help being crap not his fault our squad is so shit

Lets face it he wouldn't be anywhere near the first team if we had better players

When he does play well, people brand him as average or emphasise the one little irrelevant mistake he did.

Bannan can't win.

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Did I just see 'Bannan is the best crosser in the Premier League'?!

Click the link in my sig to visit the article. It is a statistical fact for the games of the PL season up until this point.

Now, I agree statistical facts aren't always all they're cracked up to be... human interpretation is also required when evaluating a player... but it is a statistical fact.

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I cannot believe what I am reading on here. Blaming the guy because his corners are shit. Jesus, it wasn't so long ago we went a whole season without scoring from a **** set piece! He is NOT a defensive midfielder and the manager brought him on to play there, in a position he shouldn't be occupying. Last week showed where he is better deployed!

He had no involvement in either goal conceded. Both were down to poor defending and the first was because the midfielder ran on to a lay back - unchallenged.

He is not the greatest player in the world but he is certainly not the worst. Lambert needs to give him a fair crack at playing where he doesn't have such defensive responsibilities.

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If you expect Bannan to do the job of a defensive midfielder he's going to fail because he's not a defensive midfielder.

Lambert set him up to fail by bringing him on.

You don't bring on Iniesta to do the job of Busquets. End of story.

Ridiculous substitution! Clark could have gone into DM.

WTF was that substitution all about.

It still remains true the only PL games we've won this season have been when Bannan has played. If he was that bad, that wouldn't be true.

So if Clark had gone to DM who would you have had at centre half?

He's not premier league standard i'm afraid, both him and Holman were poor today.

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