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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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42 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

How come you were on the Skype call? Genuine question. 

Another genuine question - why do Nas & Wes use Skype when 99% of the rest of the Western world use Zoom?

Some people do use Skype. My 78 year old mother in law loves it. 

Everyone else I know uses Teams. 

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1 hour ago, TheAuthority said:

Off Topic but I have never heard anyone says anything remotely like this - and after reading it about 8 times I have actually no idea what you're on about :D

I have been drinking though 

I think he’s trying to quote Shakespeare “the lady doth protest too much”… is the basic sentiment.

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30 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

I've sat next to Albrighton and his family during a game, they all went nuts when we scored, he was jumping up and down loving it

Not sure why if jack did the same the cynics would be out 

Depends on the context, if Jack is sitting in the Holte surrounded by 3 or 4 suits/minders it will look extremely fake. Also maybe I am wrong but even during his many absenxes I don't think he was ever seen sitting with the fans like others have done

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2 hours ago, villa4europe said:

I've sat next to Albrighton and his family during a game, they all went nuts when we scored, he was jumping up and down loving it

Not sure why if jack did the same the cynics would be out 

Is that the Villa fan Mark Albrighton who wanted to stay at Villa?

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2 hours ago, villa4europe said:

I've sat next to Albrighton and his family during a game, they all went nuts when we scored, he was jumping up and down loving it

Not sure why if jack did the same the cynics would be out 

Because Albrighton didn’t want to leave in the first place… He was made to go because Lambert and Lerner wouldn’t offer him a new contract…

Grealish engineered an exit strategy…

Thats why the cynics would be out of Grealish did the same… because his recent behaviour has proven how much of a snide character he is and how much preserving his image is more important to him than our club… so he is more likely to turn up to Villa matches “as a fan” just to win brownie points

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13 minutes ago, DJ_Villain said:

Because Albrighton didn’t want to leave in the first place… He was made to go because Lambert and Lerner wouldn’t offer him a new contract…

Grealish engineered an exit strategy…

Thats why the cynics would be out of Grealish did the same… because his recent behaviour has proven how much of a snide character he is and how much preserving his image is more important to him than our club… so he is more likely to turn up to Villa matches “as a fan” just to win brownie points

Exact terms used are “bad press is yesterday’s chip paper” and “fans forgive in time” or “they’re fickle they don’t care as long as they win” these are standard lines trotted out to Players across the game, not just Jack.

in my opinion and this is based purely off what I hear about him, I think Jack is delusional about how popular he is now so his arrogance is showing. His family are keen to keep the good ties with Villa and the  “one of our own” as they have to live in and around the city.

You can’t have it both ways though, they cashed in clauses etc inserted into contracts  was to maximise their earning potential off their son, they should have just been honest about it we’d have respected it a lot more. Instead they’ve tried to have it both ways and retain the bonds with Villa, they should not played to the “one of our own” mantra as now they only themselves to blame. 

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6 minutes ago, DJ_Villain said:

That’s exactly it… They wanted to have their cake and eat it…

He wanted the clause, he wanted to leave, his family obviously backed him - but they kept the whole “one of our own” cliche ticking over in order to keep us on side in the hopes that, somehow, we should be happy for him to ditch us for another club in the same league?

What? Are we supposed to smile and clap if Man City beat us now because that means Jack’s chances of trophies is 3 points closer because he is “one of our own”?

No chance… Not happening…

When Tammy scored against us and didn’t celebrate, I didn’t feel any ill will towards him and thought he was class personified… and he wasn’t even our player! We borrowed him!

When Albrighton won the league, I was proud of him… because he IS one of our own, and he won the top prize against all the odds…

But I can’t wish any level of success for HIM while he plays for THAT club

This song fits him perfectly, surely we could tweak it for him when we play them. That reptile with a grin gets me that’s his smirk in the city unveiling 



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8 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Right so grealish is never allowed to step foot in VP again because he's no longer a fan? 


Why would he want to?

Joining Man City is a “dream come true”… He is billy big balls now…

He engineered a means to leave us even when we was the darling of the club, the captain and apparently “one of our own”…

I don’t have issues with anyone on this forum, aside from the visiting supporters who post, I believe we are all Villa fans here and only want what’s best for the club…

While he was playing for us, I wanted the best for him because that was what was best for the club…

He did what was best for him - which is all well and good - but nobody can feed be dog shit and expect me to tell them it tastes nice

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24 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Right so grealish is never allowed to step foot in VP again because he's no longer a fan? 


Probably not officially in terms of hospitality. Club started the dislike towards Jack from Purslow speech. As long as he and NSWE are here then I cant see him welcomed back

Edited by Zatman
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Man City are becoming more hated than Liverplop for me, terrible club, which have literally bought there way to titles. I mean is Pep really such an amazing manager.

Back to JG though, I can hear him now if he could ever read this "I gave everything I had to help you to midtable back in the Premier League, an left you with 100m you ungrateful B******s"!

To be fair, the buy out clause could have been 60m, 80m, we all know he was not really 100m, just yet!


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2 minutes ago, CarryOnVilla said:

It all intrigues me, because I’m not there. I don’t care that much

No judgment honestly!

What do mean you aren’t there?

Not in Birmingham or UK?

Not going to Villa Park?

Not watching Villa games on tv?

Just interested…reminded me of a couple of posts from last season post matches where I was reading some fans commenting.  One said, I haven’t watched the game but (and then went on to give his opinion), I was taken back and then a different day another fan said I have watched them this season but (then gave his opinion about the state of affairs down Villa).

So I’m always interested where people’s perspectives come from.  This isn’t about one fan being better than another although the fans above surely can’t have reasonable thoughts on the game if they haven’t watched it.  I know my thoughts were just as valid when I watched Villa in Sydney when I lived there as they are now I’m back in Brum.

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