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On the other hand it will kill a lot of the malicious and scam apps in the Play Store.   I presume you can use an office address or a PO box if you really want to?   If so then this is consumer friendly.

Edited by The_Rev
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PO Boxes are restricted.I guess you could use a work address, depends how they implement it (it's not clear if it needs to be your billing address for example, just that it has to be a geographic address).


It was only a month ago that some clearings in the woods on the internet found the address of a game streamer on Twitch, and had him raided by a SWAT team for a laugh. This loss of privacy is going to deter a lot of smaller devs from publishing to the official store, I would think.

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Google appear to be on the way to pretty much killing off independent devs. By the end of the month anyone publishing a paid app or app with purchases needs to put a physical address on the Play store which is displayed to everyone. No problem for businesses, not so good if it's a one-man dev team that works from home.


I thought it was bad enough having a real name requirement for store comments but this is awful, I can only imagine the fun trolls are going to have.


Their stance is that this is a legal requirement, because Google insists that app developers are the sellers, and therefore are the ones subject to any laws that sellers need to abide by. Apple, Microsoft and Amazon take the opposite stance by acting as the seller to protect devs.


That sounded a bit off to me so I've dug a bit further. It's basically just an announcement on the developer console, which is this:


Add a physical contact address Beginning September 30, 2014, you need to add a physical address to your Settings page. After you've added an address, it will be available on your app's detail page to all users on Google Play. If your physical address changes, make sure to update your information on your Settings page.

If you have paid apps or apps with in-app purchases, it's mandatory to provide a physical address where you can be contacted, as you are the seller of that content, to comply with consumer protection laws. If you don't provide a physical address on your account, it may result in your apps being removed from the Play Store.


A few things seem a bit odd. Firstly, they only say it's mandatory to add the physical address if you do IAPs or paid apps. That's probably a good move. They don't want bedroom devs selling stuff. Secondly, loads of other announcements which have similar requirements have come and gone without me doing anything and my app is still there. Finally, I can't find anywhere to put my address in, even if I wanted to. There's no form for it. So I doubt this will come to much outside of trying to tie some rogue IAP scammers down.


Slightly related - my app has 2561 active installs! And it's crap :) I lost the source code and never bothered to redo it. The audio controls are broke so you can only turn it up or down when it's actually making a sound. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reallyusefulapps.whataracquet

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I've been using the Moto G (2013) for a couple of months now since I had my Nexus 5 (brilliant) stolen and you can really tell it's a budget phone.

Don't get me wrong here, at £80 it does the job. Its a lovely little gateway phone for youngsters I'd imagine and will make an able back up, but my God it's slow. Not only that but it keeps dropping data connectivity which is incredibly annoying, I have to airplane mode more often than on iOS.

I'm not suggesting I expected more for my money, it was £80 after all and helped me out of a jam. For this I am grateful. What I'm not agreeing with are the rave reviews and the people who swear by them. I can't wait to get hold of a proper bit of tech again.

Oh, and hangouts is now botched. Sometimes I receive txts, sometimes I don't. I've not seen anything to suggest this is an android wide issue.

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Factory reset.

Yeah I know. Just going to suffer it for another few days rather than going through the anguish. I don't back *everything* up for security reasons and I'm not in the mood to spend a few hours faffing.

I was a bit harsh. It is OK for the price. But mainly because of that. It's a good 3/4 years behind in terms of ability.

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Thirded. It would have been high end in 2010/11 but it's just a very good budget to mid range phone now. I bought one for my mum and it's perfect for people like her who don't really give a shit about clock speeds, DPI and the like but do want something which works well and isn't a pain in the arse to use.  It's raised the bar for phones at that price point too because who would buy one of the competitors in the same price bracket if they are as crappy as they always had been before the Moto G was released?  

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I haven't had any issues at all with my G3 yet, I love it. The end.


What is the battery like in the real world? My iPhone 5 was terrible, done by 3pm. Nexus 5 not great either though it would stretch an extra hour or two. My Moto G is great to be fair, often goes all day until bed time. As it's for business use i'm a fairly heavy user, so it's relatively important to me that it's a good-un. 


That said, the LG battery is removable isn't it? Have you bought a case for it yet too?

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I haven't had any issues at all with my G3 yet, I love it. The end.

What is the battery like in the real world? My iPhone 5 was terrible, done by 3pm. Nexus 5 not great either though it would stretch an extra hour or two. My Moto G is great to be fair, often goes all day until bed time. As it's for business use i'm a fairly heavy user, so it's relatively important to me that it's a good-un.

That said, the LG battery is removable isn't it? Have you bought a case for it yet too?

Mine is very new...came off charge at 7.30 this morning,now at 48%. Screen is gorgeous UI seems good....it's magnificent. Feels great in hand, rear buttons are already natural. I'm a very happy cha4cba6fc9115899847da13f87f5d23615.jpgp so far. Edited by Eames
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I've decided against the iPhone, it seems a bit naff to me. Torn between the Z3 compact and the LG G3. Durability and battery vs performance and screen.

I know nobody will have played with the Z3 yet, but tell me more about the G3?

I've got a Z and Z1, absolutely love them. Come upgrade I'll get the Z3.

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