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Just had a hot towel shave just because its payday and I had a beard ......what in the hell is in that  bar of what looks like soap they apply after the shave ...facking sung the shit outta my face 



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I've been in London for a few days and saw The Book of Mormon last night. Absolutely superb, but then again I'm a South Park fan. The cast were absolutely brilliant and everyone was howling, I highly recommend it (even if musicals are a bit ghey).

Edited by Ginko
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I've been in London for a few days and saw The Book of Mormon last night. Absolutely superb, but then again I'm a South Park fan. The cast were absolutely brilliant and everyone was howling, I highly recommend it (even if musicals are a bit ghey).



But it plays on musicals being so totally ghey.  Agreed though I thought it was brilliant.

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I've been in London for a few days and saw The Book of Mormon last night. Absolutely superb, but then again I'm a South Park fan. The cast were absolutely brilliant and everyone was howling, I highly recommend it (even if musicals are a bit ghey).

Grade A poofery. We'll hear no more about it.
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I've been in London for a few days and saw The Book of Mormon last night. Absolutely superb, but then again I'm a South Park fan. The cast were absolutely brilliant and everyone was howling, I highly recommend it (even if musicals are a bit ghey).

Grade A poofery. We'll hear no more about it.



I lol'd at the word poofery :lol:

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It's not mothers day tomorrow over here, is it?


Yes it is. You did remember to send yer mam a card, didn't you? Big trouble if you didn't... 























































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thinking about giving up eating meat. various reasons for it and have been thinking about it for a while, also dont enjoy eating meat like i used too. anyone else non meat eaters?


I'd love to be able to, I really don't think I'd miss it too much.


The problem is it just seems like a massive hassle to avoid it, really. I'm far too lazy to be checking for gelatin and limiting myself on a menu.

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well firstly the way a lot of these animals are treated before being slaughtered is unacceptable but secondly im just not enjoying my meat anymore. it makes me feel like shit after and this is coming from someone who was a big meat eater. my conscience has been bothering me a bit lately over eating meat.

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thinking about giving up eating meat. various reasons for it and have been thinking about it for a while, also dont enjoy eating meat like i used too. anyone else non meat eaters?

I have started to eat meat again after two years of pescaterianism. I didn't notice any health benefits or real changes really. It's ever so slightly cheaper to eat quorn and what not but it's not a huge saving. My weight has pretty much stayed the same throughout.

The only benefit I found from it was that after about 3 months my meat cravings went and it allowed me to stick to a more rigid dietry intake, my will power was definitely strengthened. I ate very well for 12 months, stuck to my carbs, low sugars, low fat etc... and it did work to a degree

But I've just accepted that it's not the huge change I was expecting so have gone back to eating meat again. Will only have it now and again though as quorn stuff is actually rather nice and I'd like to keep it in my diet.

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