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On 6/30/2016 at 03:27, Kingman said:

Would be interesting to know proven diets for running, All I've done is cut out 95% of the above crap along with bread, chips and daily packets of crisps. 

I've mainly replaced it with sweet potatoes, sea bass, chicken and salads but have to be honest it's pretty boring. 

All that combined with a 3m daily walk/jog (back to walking at mo as my knee is still to moody to run)

Saying that it seems to be working, On the 1/6/16 I was 100.4kg and as of this AM (30/6/16) I was 94.7kg.

I don't think diet is all that big of a deal. You seem to have made smart choices already and you're making measurable progress with your weight. I personally find beer/sugary-drink/desert of choice to be the worst things for making sure weight stays on or increases. Also, if you are not running a large volume each week then don't really expect massive changes. I eat loads of pasta etc. and this works for me, but then if you google about you'll see plenty of minimize carbs diets. My understanding is that there is no perfect diet as we all have individual metabolisms that mean what works for me could well suck for you.

At the end of the day a lot of it is simply calories in vs calories out, and I think one typically burns in the region of 600-1000/hr of running, i.e., not that much if you do 1hr per week, but if you do 3-6hrs, then that compares to 1-2days worth of standard 2500-3000/day calorie intake burned up. In this case eating normally and running will see some decline. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/06/2016 at 08:27, Kingman said:

Would be interesting to know proven diets for running, All I've done is cut out 95% of the above crap along with bread, chips and daily packets of crisps. 

I've mainly replaced it with sweet potatoes, sea bass, chicken and salads but have to be honest it's pretty boring. 

All that combined with a 3m daily walk/jog (back to walking at mo as my knee is still to moody to run)

Saying that it seems to be working, On the 1/6/16 I was 100.4kg and as of this AM (30/6/16) I was 94.7kg.

Just keep doing what you are doing now, if you have cut out the crap and are exercising more that will be fine. Obviously if you stop loosing weight then you need to revisit at some point.

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It's been a while since I've posted! Well 3 weeks ago I did my first trail marathon on the South Downs, finished in 4:46 a tough hilly course and I was actually 2nd out of 73 doing the marathon distance (well 26.6m!).

This weekend I did my first 50k ultra in the Chilterns, VERY hot which made it tough and struggled after 25 miles. Had a 10 minute rest at the 26 mile checkpoint then lots more walking in after that point, bit more running after 28 miles when I realised there was only a parkrun to go and finished in 5:59. Happy to go sub 6 as I did set out on the later start with the elite runners :-)

Tapering now until my 48 mile ultra in August. Enjoying the longer stuff and tempted by a full 50 miler next year (maybe even 100k), but also very tempted to focus on shorter races (5k, 10k and HM) to see if I can get faster.

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Finally getting back out there after my injury, fitness has dropped a little but I'm taking it easy and limiting myself to one run a week for now and it seems to be working as I'm getting less and less leg pain after every run. Until yesterday, when a friend text me asking if I fancied a run round the woods (having already done my one run a week the day before), and I couldn't resist. It was seriously hot, but I've missed being out on the trails. We got lucky half way through and stumbled upon a mini waterfall coming down from one of the hills and I don't think there's much more satisfying than bathing in a natural faucet during a hot run out in the woods, suffice to say we spent a few minutes there.

Suffering for it today though, plenty of pain back in the legs, but totally worth it. Think I needed a run like that to remind me why I enjoy it so much and why it's worth persevering through the injury and the boring getting-back-into-it road runs.


Edit: Congrats on the ultra Steve, serious props for even attempting that in this heat!

Edited by Delphouneso
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Yep certainly a warm one today, glad I'm having a few days off.

nice work on the ultra, very tough in this heat, undecided if I want to go that route, but the same as you I want to get quicker.

I know we don't talk about triathlon here :-) but i did run (plus lots of walking while taking drink down or over my head) a 3:36 marathon at the end of an ironman on a hot day in Bavaria on Sunday giving me a 10:25 for the full distance. Seriously impressive world record from Jan Frodeno at the same race.

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4 hours ago, andyjsg said:

Yep certainly a warm one today, glad I'm having a few days off.

nice work on the ultra, very tough in this heat, undecided if I want to go that route, but the same as you I want to get quicker.

I know we don't talk about triathlon here :-) but i did run (plus lots of walking while taking drink down or over my head) a 3:36 marathon at the end of an ironman on a hot day in Bavaria on Sunday giving me a 10:25 for the full distance. Seriously impressive world record from Jan Frodeno at the same race.

Congrats... ironman seems mental to me right now, but then so did the marathon 10yrs back!

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It's same theory as an ultra to be honest, just drop everything down a bit. I cruised the run as really wasn't up for burying myself to knock another 10-15 mins off and previous races have gone awry that I was just happy to be doing just enough to get a sub 10:30.

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Have the London JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 5.6km on Thursday evening.

First race I've done since the same thing last year. I ran a pretty shoddy time (27.50) and was roundly ridiculed at work for it - trained really hard this year but unfortunately last Monday felt my achilles go about 15 mins in and as I was running a decent pace (by last year's standards anyway), was stupid enough to carry on through to the end and ended up with a 24.40.

The tendon has been very, very sore since then - my calf also tightened up to where I couldn't walk properly for a few days before easing off after plenty of alternating hot/cold therapy. Haven't ran since but managed to do an intense 15km on the bike yesterday without much trouble - I know I'm pretty much going to be done for a month or two after Thursday is out of the way, just hope I can put in a good effort and the pain isn't excruciating. 

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22 hours ago, andyjsg said:

Yep certainly a warm one today, glad I'm having a few days off.

nice work on the ultra, very tough in this heat, undecided if I want to go that route, but the same as you I want to get quicker.

I know we don't talk about triathlon here :-) but i did run (plus lots of walking while taking drink down or over my head) a 3:36 marathon at the end of an ironman on a hot day in Bavaria on Sunday giving me a 10:25 for the full distance. Seriously impressive world record from Jan Frodeno at the same race.

Thanks, if you can do an ironman, you'll defo be able to complete an ultra. Epic ironman result, no idea how you can run a 3:36 marathon at the end of the swimming and cycling!!

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  • 1 month later...

Just re started running, finding it easier to set my self a target of running for a certain amount of time rather than setting a distance at the moment. 

Cant play football at the moment due to when I kick a football getting shooting pains in my knee. Not sure if running is going to help or is doing more/different damage.

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8 hours ago, Nicho said:

Just re started running, finding it easier to set my self a target of running for a certain amount of time rather than setting a distance at the moment. 

Definitely the correct approach. 

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7 week till the dublin marathon, tweaked the hamstring and pulled the calf 3 months ago doing a 10k ......was up to 23k LSR ......been hitting the bike every other day putting in 40-50k stints ...managed to claw my way back to 10 mile running  ......its gonna be close ....

Edited by Meath_Villan
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Exercise (especially running I think) is a cure for so many ills. I think a lot of modern life's problems are down to lack of exercise. 

I'm glad to hear doctors are prescribing it to improve moods.

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Right then gentlemen, this bad boy is starting running again. To say I was a good runner is an understatement but that was years ago. I haven't properly ran for 16 years so I want to know what's not overdoing it and basically a few tips. How many times a week? How many miles? And any other stuff basically. got some decent running spots locally.

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It's been a while since I posted, so here goes! August was the big ultra I had been training for and I ran 46 miles around the coast of Jersey in 9 hours 23 minutes. I loved most of it, expect just before 40 miles when I had bad cramp in both of my legs :-( It was very hot, but I finished and was happy to do so under my 10 hour target.

Last weekend I ran at the Kenilworth HM, was hoping for a PB (1:29 at Stafford earlier this year), but wasn't sure what sort of shape I was in speed wise after the long distance runs I'd done this year. However it went VERY well and I came in under 1:27 for a 2 minute 40 second PB!! Which sets me up very nicely for a PB in Berlin.

This weekend I ran the Great North Run, was planning to run at marathon pace and get around in 1:37ish. But went too fast and finished just under 1:35 but it did feel easy apart from the heat!

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