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3 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

You're talking about America and far bigger issues than the ones I'm alluding to.

That's exactly my point. Racism is much bigger and goes much deeper than some derogatory names.

Also when when it comes to the epithets, you're still making a false equivalence. The N word or the P word in the UK for example are tied to a history of hurt and unspeakable oppression compared to meaningless slurs like cracker or honky. 

Think about how you're drawing an equivalency there. 

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1 minute ago, Keyblade said:

That's exactly my point. Racism is much bigger and goes much deeper than some derogatory names.

Also when when it comes to the epithets, you're still making a false equivalence. The N word or the P word in the UK for example are tied to a history of hurt and unspeakable oppression compared to meaningless slurs like cracker or honky. 

Think about how you're drawing an equivalency there. 

I never said anything about honky or cracker. My examples were knowing about white British kids being taunted, beaten up, abused because of their colour.

Im talking about white British people being overlooked for jobs becuse of their colour. 

I have first hand experience of all of this. 

But as @VILLAMARV has mentioned countless times everybody is aware of all forms of racism including that towards white people so I'm just wrong. 

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7 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

No, I think your assumption that you speak for the majority is flawed. Along with statements like 'Racism should effect everybody' when I think you mean 'no one should suffer racism'. The concept you based some earlier points on that I think you've invented is the one where you're not allowed to say this or that, your opening statement of " What winds me up is how it's deemed only non white people can be victims of racism " and that sort of stuff that just isn't true.

That is what I meant. 

I didn't invent that statement. I honestly though that was the case with a lot of people. I guess I must be wrong and I apologise. 

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3 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Im talking about white British people being overlooked for jobs becuse of their colour

That is demonstrably false. It's been shown in study after study that white people are at least 50% more likely to land and interview that a non white person with the exact same qualifications.

Why would a white person be overlooked for being white? What kind of victim complex is this?

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26 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

That is demonstrably false. It's been shown in study after study that white people are at least 50% more likely to land and interview that a non white person with the exact same qualifications.

Why would a white person be overlooked for being white? What kind of victim complex is this?

Why would a non white person be overlooked for being non white? 

In one case I know of it was because the guy hiring didn't like white guys. 

In another case it was because the guy hiring was Asian so he chose an Asian guy over the white guy even thought the white guy was equally qualified.  I actually know two of these cases. 

You and your stats. I'm talking real life examples I know of. I'm not making them up. 

However I do agree there is clear racism towards non whites in senior management.   

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2 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Did the guy hiring openly come out and say this ? Or the person that didn’t get the job tell you this ? 

i mean I chatted this girl up in a bar the other week , gave her my best patter , showed off all my moves ... and she turned me down thus I concluded she must be a man hating lesbian , there could be no other explanation  

Or a left wing pinky commie ;)

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30 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I never said anything about honky or cracker. My examples were knowing about white British kids being taunted, beaten up, abused because of their colour.

Im talking about white British people being overlooked for jobs becuse of their colour. 

I have first hand experience of all of this. 

But as @VILLAMARV has mentioned countless times everybody is aware of all forms of racism including that towards white people so I'm just wrong. 

No I haven't. I've said no one thinks white people can't be victims of racism. And I feel it's a dangerous misconception to base an argument on.

26 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

That is what I meant. 

I didn't invent that statement. I honestly though that was the case with a lot of people. I guess I must be wrong and I apologise. 

Vive, if you said 'I think a lot of people's first thought if you mention racism would be to imagine white on black racism like slavery n that' I wouldn't be able to disagree much with that statement.

That is not what you've been saying though.

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22 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Did the guy hiring openly come out and say this ? Or the person that didn’t get the job tell you this ? 

i mean I chatted this girl up in a bar the other week , gave her my best patter , showed off all my moves ... and she turned me down thus I concluded she must be a man hating lesbian , there could be no other explanation  

I think I've met her :)

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2 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Watch the believer if you haven't already. Interesting film about a Jewish Nazi. 


1 hour ago, VILLAMARV said:

It will not be hard to convince MrsVM to watch a Ryan Gosling film I'm sure. This better be like Lars and the Real Girl all over again.......

It was not like Lars and the Real Girl at all :(

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5 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Did the guy hiring openly come out and say this ? Or the person that didn’t get the job tell you this ? 

i mean I chatted this girl up in a bar the other week , gave her my best patter , showed off all my moves ... and she turned me down thus I concluded she must be a man hating lesbian , there could be no other explanation  

It was the guy hiring of course. White guys cant play the racist card. Plus it was his taxi firm though so he can hire who he wants ;)

As for men hating lesbians. I always seem to meet them in bars. They must be everywhere! 

4 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Please read back these three sentences to yourself, and consider what the problem might be. 


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Lunar New Year: Chinese TV gala includes 'racist blackface' sketch

2 hours ago

Image captionBy some estimates, the show is the most watched entertainment programme on earth

A skit on China's biggest Lunar New Year TV show has sparked widespread criticism and accusations of racism.

In a comedy routine celebrating Chinese-African ties an Asian actress appears in blackface and with exaggerated buttocks.

Using make-up to lampoon black people - a practice known as blackface - is seen by many as deeply offensive.

The annual state media variety show is hugely popular, and has up to 800 million viewers.

Some observers have pointed out that this sketch would not have been intended as offensive to Africans.

However, this is not the first time Chinese entertainment shows have caused controversy with their portrayals of other ethnicities.

China 'racist' video on India sparks fury

The controversial sketch was part of the four-hour CCTV New Year Gala - also known as the Spring Festival Gala - which aired on Thursday night. By some estimates, the show is the most watched entertainment programme on earth.

The skit begins with a routine by a group of African dancers in "tribal" attire and people dressed up as zebras, giraffes, lions and antelopes. This is followed by a comedy skit where a young black woman asks a Chinese man to pose as her husband when meeting her mother.

While the young woman is played by a black actor, her mother appears to be an Asian actor in blackface make-up, donning a traditional outfit complete with huge fake buttocks.

Image copyrightYOUTUBE/CCTV

Image captionThe African mother is played by a Chinese lady with extra buttocks added on

She walks on stage carrying a fruit plate on her head and is accompanied by what is thought to be have been a black actor in a monkey suit, carrying a basket on his back.

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The skit praises Chinese-African cooperation, showing how much Africans benefit from Chinese investment and how grateful they are to Beijing. At one stage, the character of the African mother exclaims how much she loves China.

China has over the past years stepped up investment into many African countries. The sketch was set around people working on the Nairobi-Mombasa railway project.

China's soft-power a work in progress

by John Sudworth, BBC News, Beijing

China's TV gala has become as much a part of the spring festival tradition as dumplings and lanterns. The gaudy sets, highly choreographed dance troupes and sentimental ballads serve as the background noise to hundreds of millions of private family reunions and provide the mass media glue that binds them all into a genuine national moment.

In recent years though there have been grumblings that the gala is taking on a more political tone and this year was no exception - with the whole event a kind of pageant to China's rising power and national rejuvenation.

The Africa skit was clearly meant to be part of this same vision and is, if nothing else, proof that art is rarely improved by a large dollop of propaganda. But what's particularly striking about the whole toe-curling spectacle is that it is also strangely at odds with China's own message.

Chinese investment in Africa is one of the defining economic stories of our time and it has been accompanied by a massive publicity drive.

Bristling at any suggestion that it is involved in neo-colonialism, China insists that it comes not to exploit, but in partnership with and for the mutual benefit of its African partners.

The sight then, of a Chinese actress in blackface, leading an African man dressed as a monkey around a stage as a way of celebrating a vital trading relationship on prime-time national TV, seems particularly ill-judged.

Simply naive and clumsy? Or a sign of something deeper? Either way it suggests China's soft-power project is still a work in progress.

Europe's racist history

The notion of blackface being racist is linked to the history of minstrel shows in the US and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries where white actors would paint their skin black for condescending portrayals of black people.

In China, the vast majority of people have no experience of interacting with black people and are less aware of Europe's and the US' history of slavery and racism.

Image copyrightYOUTUBE/CCTV

Image captionCelebrating Chinese-African ties?

Nonetheless, Chinese users on the country's biggest social media website Weibo have condemned the programme.

Comments included "it's full of racism," that "it makes me feel like I'm living in the last century," and that "we are going to lose face internationally".

Putting it into a larger context beyond the specific history of blackface, one user asks "if an American white person painted yellow, says I love the USA and recites some Trump quotes while pulling his eyes, how would you feel?"

Some Chinese articles criticising the annual gala on the eve of Lunar New Year, China's biggest holiday, have been blocked overnight, as have some critical comments on Chinese social media sites.

In 2016, a TV advertisement for a laundry detergent had caused widespread outrage for being racist.

The ad featured a black man with paint stains on his face who gets put into a washing machine by a young Chinese woman to later re-emerge as a fair-skinned Chinese man.


The uproar continues

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25 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

Yeah, why all the uproar? Being mocked in blackface is obviously no big deal. Silly black people, always getting offended by things that remind them of oppression.

For goodness sake, slavery is funny. I mean, it's not really mocking slavery though. It's just a laugh, and if it happens to offend people then that's their problem. 

It's 'just banter'. 

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1 hour ago, Keyblade said:

Yeah, why all the uproar? Being mocked in blackface is obviously no big deal. Silly black people, always getting offended by things that remind them of oppression.

I think you've become my hero over the course of the last few pages.

Can we be mates?

(PS - I'm not basing this request on my impression of what your skin colour may be).

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